March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Honestly, it was just right place, right time. Had to be there super early, and just bumped into her while I was walking around. I'm still floored by the whole thing. I had already had quick interactions with a few folks and when I saw her, at most, was just looking to say hi and tell her to keep grinding. I mentioned something about it had been fun to see how much she had progressed from her NXT debut, and she deadass plopped down on a production trunk and said "oh wow, thank you! Sit down here and talk with me." Basically just bs'ed til she had to go to makeup.
damn she musta like what she saw

You always hear me praising Mutoh's movement. His stop and go movement. His movement that has CLEARLY influenced Naito's new style (as of 2016). Here are two clips that basically sum up how cool it is to see this dude move.

drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345
Case Case
@King of Trash Style
JCMojica24 JCMojica24



drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345
Also notice in Clip #2, how he flops to his knees and forearms after the frankensteiner. (Naito does the same)

Mutoh is one of those once in a lifetime athletes/performers.

I think those of us that have followed Puro for long periods are always having these moments of "Deja vu" when we watch newer guys do things that Mutoh, Asai, and Inoki did that were so subtle yet extremely nuanced.

From the way Inoki shoots, to Mutoh's pacing, to the way Asai transitioned, it's those things that truly go under appreciated AND unlearned by a vast majority of current talent unless you are a student if the game so to speak.

I know I mentioned it before, but even Asai when he was younger could go much like Mutoh did, arguably slightly faster due to his smaller stature, but Mutoh is more impressive BECAUSE of his stature. I like it to the way Bron is able to do the things he does with his body type, it's just inhuman almost.

Naito is a dude that gets it. But his character is also deceptively subtle so it makes sense that the average viewer is not going to pick up on these types of things due to cultural difference (no DC lol), language barrier, and lack of exposure to non domestic product.
havent followed tna in months whats the best website to see all the spoilers and latest news?

alot of these wrestling sites be sending me that congrafulations u won an iphone site and never let me see the news

I don’t really follow Impact I just browse squared circle on Reddit and they had spoilers for the tapings.
You are skipping the main part of the story. How did you get access just to be backstage? lol

You didn't ask that lol. I won a charity auction and a backstage tour was part of it. We had a WWE assigned guide, but since we weren't acting a fool, they kinda gave us free reign to wander around wherever (within reason).
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He was really rude to a bunch of small kids..Came into the hotel after a ppv and there was a bunch of kids under age 10 asking for his autograph..Dude went to the front desk and had this poor front desk lady go tell the kids he doesn’t take autographs and to not harass the guests..Dude just stood there the whole time watching like a *****..

Bruh he just came outta work trying to lay his head down. I would a just ignored them and kept it moving
Can't wait to get in the groove of attending PPVs again after my wedding. I also need WM to stop playing and go to Minnesota so I can stay with my relatives for free.
Bruh he just came outta work trying to lay his head down. I would a just ignored them and kept it moving

**** that..You don’t have to be a douche to kids..Adults are perfectly fine, but acting that way to kids wearing your merch and having someone tell them to go away while you stand there and watch is a ***** move..
Can't wait to get in the groove of attending PPVs again after my wedding. I also need WM to stop playing and go to Minnesota so I can stay with my relatives for free.

A Minnesota WM would be great..I could drive to that..I heard that stadium is really nice..Don’t know how many people it holds..
**** that..You don’t have to be a douche to kids..Adults are perfectly fine, but acting that way to kids wearing your merch and having someone tell them to go away while you stand there and watch is a ***** move..

Kids are annoying too **** them. The adults are wrong for taking them to the hotel in the first place. Leave people alone.
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