March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

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Pro Wrestling is everywhere

drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345
cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9
i think it may be bigger than some non-wrestling fans know but smaller than some wrestling fans think it is :lol:

this might be the vaguest absolutely correct answer I have ever seen.

yeah tho I guess my point is that none of the major promotions are reaching their full potential at the moment.

I sit corrected. still, the fact that it took that long shows the criteria are arbitrary at best, which is terrible practice for the de facto custodians of wrestling history.

...also, toward no point in particular, the current President of the United States is a WWE Hall of Famer.

Totally agree. As much as I roast BC/Dark Gap, it is exposing more and more people to it. Same with Austin 3:16 shirts in the 90s.

Puro is love, Puro is life. I wouldn't have inked my body with Puro stuff if I didn't love it so much and it did not have meaning to me.

Nosotros, Los Ingobernables. De. Nike. Talk!


I am just waiting on the mall to slow down so I can ******* leave lol. Need to get some vitamin B and soup to kill this hangover.

it really is...I wonder how many wrestling fans there actually are, it's woven into wider pop culture a lot more than one would expect given the official viewership levels.

This is too short a response, my man. Ima need at least well researched scholarly references.
What up Fly? You working today?

Nope off today. Re-started Skyrim for the first time in forever so I'm on that today lol

Nosotros, Los Ingobernables. De. Nike. Talk!


I am just waiting on the mall to slow down so I can ****ing leave lol. Need to get some vitamin B and soup to kill this hangover.

Next time, have a big breakfast. That's actually pretty good for a hangover
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