March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

which match did she get injured in? i thought she got stretchered out at a house event?

sasha kicked her in the neck/back from behind in the corner - paige went down and the match stopped

...this is what people were associating with her injury...



i mean when you think about it. The only other big name in the rumble is reigns

Kane Strowman Bork not eligible.

KO and sami busy

Time to build some mogs

Wow I thought this was Baron Corbin at first :rofl: :rofl:

vince about swerve ya dudes with the winner of the RR


sasha kicked her in the neck/back from behind in the corner - paige went down and the match stopped

...this is what people were associating with her injury...

doesnt she have history or neck/back problems. think it eventually would've happened, sucks that sasha is taking the heat
Even though Paige was cleared to compete, no one should have been giving her kicks like that to the upper back/neck area.

Maybe she would have been injured shortly down the road from something else but that corner kick was like the
exact wrong move for Paige to take.

unfortunately it seems like that injury was a ticking time's probably a good thing she didn't make it to the WRR.

...also, everyone knows that there is only one man with the regal bearing to stand as the winner of the Royal Rumble.

the Maharaja will enter at #13 and dispatch his unworthy opponents using his uncanny wit and guile.

there will be dancing in the streets of the capital and a sumptuous feast for the ages!

glory to the Great Lion! glory to Jinder Mahal!

I have now. That was so ******* awesome. Our wrestlers wouldn't do that ****. Bunch of punk *****es.

With it's close proximity to Mexico there is def a big latina population down here. Big asian population as well which surprised me when I first moved here. Lots of filipino girls drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 . And of course your white girl population is plentiful but you don't have a lot african american girls in this area.

My dude looking out for me.


I could probably count the number of black folks I saw on one hand when I was out in San Diego. Was also a bit surprised by the large Asian population.

Man, I'm feeling off today. Got a call today from my fiance this morning saying that somebody abandoned a dog in a carrier outside of a grooming salon next to the dance studio she works at. We don't know how long the dog had been outside, but it's like 15 degrees out today. I had to come pick up the dog from the studio after she had taken it in and brought it to the SPCA in Annapolis. Really sad. Some messed up people out there man.
Apparently Paddy Power is pretty reliable though...Who knows.

Paddy Power is a bookmakers here where you can place bets on sports and wwe. Favourites are normally conducted by who the people are putting the most money on.
Man, I'm feeling off today. Got a call today from my fiance this morning saying that somebody abandoned a dog in a carrier outside of a grooming salon next to the dance studio she works at. We don't know how long the dog had been outside, but it's like 15 degrees out today. I had to come pick up the dog from the studio after she had taken it in and brought it to the SPCA in Annapolis. Really sad. Some messed up people out there man.
Yea, if they didn't want the dog anymore, they could have easily done the same
Man, I'm feeling off today. Got a call today from my fiance this morning saying that somebody abandoned a dog in a carrier outside of a grooming salon next to the dance studio she works at. We don't know how long the dog had been outside, but it's like 15 degrees out today. I had to come pick up the dog from the studio after she had taken it in and brought it to the SPCA in Annapolis. Really sad. Some messed up people out there man.

A lot of people aren’t s***. Props for picking it up and taking it to the SPCA. Hopefully, it finds a good home soon.
Man, I'm feeling off today. Got a call today from my fiance this morning saying that somebody abandoned a dog in a carrier outside of a grooming salon next to the dance studio she works at. We don't know how long the dog had been outside, but it's like 15 degrees out today. I had to come pick up the dog from the studio after she had taken it in and brought it to the SPCA in Annapolis. Really sad. Some messed up people out there man.

You're a good dude for doing that. I have 2 rescue dogs.
Man, I'm feeling off today. Got a call today from my fiance this morning saying that somebody abandoned a dog in a carrier outside of a grooming salon next to the dance studio she works at. We don't know how long the dog had been outside, but it's like 15 degrees out today. I had to come pick up the dog from the studio after she had taken it in and brought it to the SPCA in Annapolis. Really sad. Some messed up people out there man.

Pets should never be allowed to be holiday gifts
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