March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Tiger Mask 4

Not sayama


...with that wwf belt :nthat: circa 1982
I've been up since 10 am yesterday..I have no clue how the hell I'm even conscious..It was totally worth it for that caliber of a wrestling show..

Agreed. I napped during the rumble, neverweight, and young duds, I am rewatching the key matches now at work since it is ******* dead.

I sort of want to sleep but I have enough coffee in me to keep going through at least my shift I think.

If not I will just do some bumps in the bathroom.
Case probably the only person in the world with that much irrational hate for the Omega/Jericho match :rofl:

Never once said I hated it..Actually said several times that it was enjoyable or fun or slightly above average..Which is a pretty dam good compliment in this day in age of awful WWE wrestling (and Jericho is still a WWE guy)..There were glaring holes in the match and I guess I'm the only one honest enough to not be a prisoner of the moment and point out the flaws..
Just finished the JR Heavyweight match. I really enjoyed it despite it having a couple of botches. Wanted Marty or Hiromu, but not surprised that they finally let Ospreay go over Marty.
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