March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I thought it was a great match... Why is Case salty...

Also, anyone that wants to **** on me for putting my family first and not spending on NT can go **** themselves with a rusty screwdriver...

was gonna make a #brokeboi joke, but ya know, I respect the **** out of you for saying that. Plus I am not as heartless as 22wpm.

That's not saying much..Everyone has a better dad bod than me..


Also, if you come into my store, you a dude, and ypu asking about a **** pillow that has an anime boy on it, we know you sleeping extra zesty.
was gonna make a #brokeboi joke, but ya know, I respect the **** out of you for saying that. Plus I am not as heartless as 22wpm.


Also, if you come into my store, you a dude, and ypu asking about a **** pillow that has an anime boy on it, we know you sleeping extra zesty.
Sleeping Zesty gives you the best night of sleep.
Just watched Jericho/Omega and Naito/Okada. Will watch the rest of the card in a bit.

I loved Jericho/Omega. Seems like some of you guys in here had some wild expectations for it going in, and were overly critical, considering Jericho is 47. It was a fun match. Like someone said, it kind of seemed like an ode to the Attitude Era. I was dying laughing when Jericho was on the top rope with the chair and yelled "KEN-NY". That OWA on the chair was vicious.

Absolute TRASH ending to the show. This would've been like Daniel Bryan not winning the triple threat at Mania after the huge build. Naito is as over as can possibly be and the buildup was all there. I'm not even a huge fan of either guy, but it seems brutally obvious as to what should've happened. Match itself was good, but I just can't believe they had Okada go over.


Nowhere near THAT level.

The company isn't holding Naito back. They haven't buried him. Nah man, extreme comparison
Anyone know where I can watch Wrestle Kingdom 12 :nerd: im tryin to check it out :nerd:

nvm I just found the website ya'll put me on to last time. Can't wait to watch it been lookin for to this show since I first started learning about NJPW last year
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