March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Even tho I haven't been the biggest Jericho fan match wise in the last 5 years he will always get my respect for this NJPW deal.

Jericho has to be in the Top 5 all time for working the business to it's fullest..Dude has made one helluva career for himself and every current wrestler not named Cena should look at him on how to do things the right way..A true legend of the business..
I’ve always liked Cody and his character stuff and even thought he’d flourish in a featured role on SD before he left. That being said I always thought his ring work was boring af but they did put together a good one
Last year WWE uploaded the 2009 Royal Rumble which Orton won then he ended up winning the Rumble

This year they uploaded the 2008 and 2013 Rumbles which Cena won. Hope they're not telling us something...
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