March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

I'm assuming that Japanese booking being more long term ONLY applies to the Heavyweight and IC titles, correct?

All of the other belts get tossed around significantly more than anything in the WWE.
It will make it even sweeter when he gets it.


As wrestling fans, we have lost patience.

I trust this company to do the right thing. See where it goes before we bash

Okada chased Tanahashi for YEARS before he finally got the title from him

Just sayin

Japanese booking is more long term than American booking


There is a reason only 5 peple have held that belt in the last 7 years.

Slow. Slow. Slow.

But then again, people complained when Tanahashi beat Okada too

It isn't the same as when Okada was chasing Tanahashi though. Okada already had 2 title reigns, one of which was a 391 day title reign so Okada losing didn't matter here. Naito's only had one title reign that lasted for all of 2 months and only defended it one time. It just made sense to do the switch here bc of what had happened several years back when Naito lost the main event due to the fan vote. This was the culmination and it should have concluded here with him finally getting the main event at Tokyo Dome and him winning the title from Okada.
I'm assuming that Japanese booking being more long term ONLY applies to the Heavyweight and IC titles, correct?

For the most part yes. The neverweight usually falls to the wayside, the triple man belts are mostly a side attraction, the junior tags pretty sit around the ****s' waist's all the time, the Heavy tag gets booked only slightly better. The Juniors usually has decent burns for awhile, they rode Marty for a bit because he was hot fire.
It isn't the same as when Okada was chasing Tanahashi though. Okada already had 2 title reigns, one of which was a 391 day title reign so Okada losing didn't matter here. Naito's only had one title reign that lasted for all of 2 months and only defended it one time. It just made sense to do the switch here bc of what had happened several years back when Naito lost the main event due to the fan vote. This was the culmination and it should have concluded here with him finally getting the main event at Tokyo Dome and him winning the title from Okada.

tell'em why we mad, son!
For the most part yes. The neverweight usually falls to the wayside, the triple man belts are mostly a side attraction, the junior tags pretty sit around the ****s' waist's all the time, the Heavy tag gets booked only slightly better. The Juniors usually has decent burns for awhile, they rode Marty for a bit because he was hot fire.
Marty had the belt for just under 2 months :lol:
Naito will probably win at dominion.
Okada is the ace and that’s just the way it is. No one is knocking him off at the Dome.
You don't think Naito is on their level?

Come on fellas, those 4 have carried them for the past couple of years. Naito's year was one of the best aside from 2 of those 3 mentioned AND BJ.

He's definitely on their level as far as being a wrestler and having personality... But he'll only be booked to be A tier... Like I said, he's relatively old... They're not going to waste a clean loss from Okada on him...
You don't pull the trigger on Niato... He's 35 and Okada is 29...
Marty had the belt for just under 2 months :lol:

Like I said, usually lol. Marty's debut and him messing with the other juniors helped to build him as a legit heel to the Japanese audience who didn't know who he was outside of a Mary Poppins umbrella and plague doctor mask.

I enjoyed that match, but his in ring antics get stale super quick, like Case said when we were live posting. After a bit, the finger **** gets old and he seems like a real one trick pony. You give that gimmick to a guy like Bate or Dunn, then I am legit terrified because of what they can do in the ring.

EDIT: Also, Cran-Apple gonna need to do something else. I love flippy **** but my dude out here naruto running like he lives a goddamn anime. If I saw him in Akihabara I would trip his weeb ***.
He's definitely on their level as far as being a wrestler and having personality... But he'll only be booked to be A tier... Like I said, he's relatively old... They're not going to waste a clean loss from Okada on him...

Tanahashi is 41 tho so your logic is flawed.
Naito wanted the main event and he got it. The videos never really showed me that it was about Okada. It was about proving he was main event talent.
Absolutely sickeningly that Naito didn’t win last night. Don’t even know if I wanna watch the match anymore :smh:

Also, someone gotta go get Okada for those trousers he was wearing
you right lol

You late, breh. We tagged your *** a brillion times.
So Tanahashi winning is basically like Cena going over Rusev and Taker going over Bray.
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