March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

@22stylez won the survey 80 out of 90
NTWT Shield Runs this yard


Of course, guess who PM'ed him the answers.
  • There’s talk that the WWE title match at Royal Rumble will be the start of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn turning on each other.
  • There’s talk that the WWE title match at Royal Rumble will be the start of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn turning on each other.

Sami needs to stay a heel. Those two at Mania is going to be good. I can’t even think what those two are going to feel being best friends in a match at Mania. That’s gotta be cool. I would hope the WWE Championship would be involved in a future story of these two.
What time does New Year's Dash start?

Edit: Scrap that, Watching now..
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I thought Jericho was only doing one match in NJPW. Him vs Naito should be cool

Idk bout Sanada vs Okada tho. That seems a bit random lol. Might watch later
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