Marijuana Dealer Donates Proceeds To Hurricane Sandy Victims

Jun 7, 2009
Marijuana doesn't help disaster victims.

Money and supplies do.

It's a simple connection made by a pot dealer in Brooklyn, N.Y., who donated half of his proceeds made over two days last week to victims of Hurricane Sandy. He spoke to HuffPost Crime on the condition of anonymity.

The dealer said he didn't care about the implications of turning drug money into supplies for victims in the Rockaways, N.Y., some of whom are still without power. He just wanted to help out, and raised $700 for the cause.

"Look, there are probably some people down there [in the Rockaways] who want some marijuana -- but that's not going to clothe and feed them," he said. "So in order for me to help, I needed to turn what I do into something concrete that I could give to them."

The college-educated weed dealer said he saw the devastation in Breezy Point -- where some 80 homes flooded and burned to the ground -- and decided it was time to make some green for the victims. He alerted his clientele last Monday that he would be donating, and the calls started coming in.

He's no Pablo Escobar, but the dealer claims he did make $1,400 in those two days, amounting to $700 that will go toward hot meals, diapers, formula, clean water and other supplies that people on the Rockaway Peninsula still desperately need. HuffPost crime confirmed that he bought 50 wool blankets that will likely go to residents who are still without power.

"Yes, I made a little extra money for myself those two days," he told HuffPost Crime. "But [my clients] are getting something they'd already get anyway. I was going to work regardless, and now I felt like I was doing it with purpose ... I'm not doing what I do in order to get rich or create some super marijuana empire. I'm trying to help, and this is my job."

When he's not operating Nuggets for the Needy, the Brooklyn dealer says he's been throwing on boots and helping to transport relief goods -- and not the THC kind -- around south Brooklyn and Queens.

Organizations such as Lava Girl Surf and Rockaway Beach Club have erected impromptu relief centers and are literally peddling much-needed items to affected areas. More than 1,000 volunteers helped clean out homes and deliver supplies over the weekend for those two organizations alone, according to Lava Girl Surf's Facebook page.

Meanwhile, residents of the Rockaway Peninsula are still suffering, some still without electricity and many looking for answers after Sandy and a subsequent Nor'easter destroyed their homes.

For those who'd like to help out in Sandy's aftermath, there are plenty of options. People across New York and New Jersey still need supplies, and The Huffington Post has compiled a list of drop-off centers and charities for anyone who wants to assist. Click here for a (legally sound) list of charity options.


peace to son for living that robin hood life, but where they do that at?
as the propaganda machine turns, we all of a sudden are getting all the good guy weed stories.
This is why there is no doubt weed will be completely legal throughout the country at some point.

This story alone shows the transition that is being made. Stories about appreciating weed dealers. That along with all the TV shows promoting it. 

As people continue to argue every single day the country becomes that much closer to legalization. Not even argue, the more its talked about period draws legalization closer by the day. What Washington and Colorado did blows my mind at how quickly its happening.

Although no matter how much its talked about the only thing that will change the law federally is by the older generations dying out. By the time those who are at least 60 right now have all died due to old age, weed will be completely legal for sure. 
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as the propaganda machine turns, we all of a sudden are getting all the good guy weed stories.
Basically. The machine is now trying to spin and undo the decades of propaganda, bad press, and controlled assumptions they've done to marijuana. Bet they even have it play a role for some disease/virus.
as the propaganda machine turns, we all of a sudden are getting all the good guy weed stories.
This is why there is no doubt weed will be completely legal throughout the country at some point.

This story alone shows the transition that is being made. Stories about appreciating weed dealers. That along with all the TV shows promoting it. 

As people continue to argue every single day the country becomes that much closer to legalization. Not even argue, the more its talked about period draws legalization closer by the day. What Washington and Colorado did blows my mind at how quickly its happening.

Although no matter how much its talked about the only thing that will change the law federally is by the older generations dying out. By the time those who are at least 60 right now have all died due to old age, weed will be completely legal for sure. 

This. Just waiting here on the reefer madness generation to kick the bucket
This is why there is no doubt weed will be completely legal throughout the country at some point.

This story alone shows the transition that is being made. Stories about appreciating weed dealers. That along with all the TV shows promoting it. 

As people continue to argue every single day the country becomes that much closer to legalization. Not even argue, the more its talked about period draws legalization closer by the day. What Washington and Colorado did blows my mind at how quickly its happening.

Although no matter how much its talked about the only thing that will change the law federally is by the older generations dying out. By the time those who are at least 60 right now have all died due to old age, weed will be completely legal for sure. 

At some point? How quickly it's happening?

Dude, people have been talking about legalization for decades. Nothing is going to change "quickly".
So how did this come about? Did they see his donation and ask what he did or did he make a donation and voluntarily stated his occupation? Sounds like he wanted to make the news. Also, I've got family locked up for dealing with "stuff", if you graduated college and is selling weed, you might as well rent out a corner store and only sell bubble gum. $1400 in 2 days in BK, just off bud? There is like 15 guys on each block who sells bud, all races and religion, no BS.
So how did this come about? Did they see his donation and ask what he did or did he make a donation and voluntarily stated his occupation? Sounds like he wanted to make the news. Also, I've got family locked up for dealing with "stuff", if you graduated college and is selling weed, you might as well rent out a corner store and only sell bubble gum. $1400 in 2 days in BK, just off bud? There is like 15 guys on each block who sells bud, all races and religion, no BS.

as far as I can see, it was anonymous and although huffpost stays on the pro-mj tip, the increasingly positive spotlight for cannabis cannot be denied as of late.
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