Marvel Capcom 3 roster leaked???

Originally Posted by anthonyC

No Guile...smh

That's what I'm saying. How am I gonna flash kick someone's throat now?

I wish they kept the MvC2 roster & simply added on to it.
Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

Originally Posted by cornzilla

This is probably incomplete. Cause there is no way that Ken isn't in a Street Fighter game. It would be like making a Bond Movie without any hot girls.
ken was not in the original mvc.  but ryu could use his moves.
Dude just compared Ken to hot girls?
I highly doubt there will be a roster the size of MvC2.
And with a button layout similar to TvC, there's a good chance Marvel/Capcom will be losing a significant chunk of their fanbase.
I said it earlier, and I will say it again. Dante will be top-tier and Ryu will be bottom tier (again). I am calling it.

With that said, I will be maining Dante. I'm a top-tier @@#@!. Sue me.
Well let's see, first off I think this is a test to see the reaction from the community. (call me crazy)

I mean, the industry knows over zealous fans will do something desperate like read through the html code of the respective developers site, that tactic is old now.

As some of you have stated there are some inconsistencies on who is on that list an their missing counterparts.
Maybe they want to gauge the fans reception on how the react to certain people being on the list.

I remember for Smash Bros.they asked fans (in Japan) who they thought would be in the next game. Why didn't they just give them a poll of preselected characters? Because if the responses are open and not confined to a preset selection some of the answer can surprise the developers. "Hey, why didn't we think of that?"
Both franchise have a great deal of characters to choose from, if they get the community a little riled up and speaking about who they really want, there will be less of a backlash when the game releases. There no second chances or do overs like SF 4, you can bet you bottom dollar they gave Activision (the game company that currently holds the Marvel game rights) a nice deal in order to get permission to make this game, multiple iterations just won't happen. They already made the MvC2 remake, and I'm positive that was yet another test to see if a third game in the series was warranted: it was. Now they probably want to do it right the first time, less broken-ness and less characters, cause lets face it, only 12 or 15 characters AT MOST were really being used by the hardcore players at home and in tourneys, the rest were considered fan-service/filler. You don't want to look at you character selection screen an complain, "Aw they should have put this character instead of this bum!"

Please believe some rumors are started by the companies themselves, just to see the reaction; it costs them nothing but they have everything to gain:knowledge of the public's reaction to certain choices.
Looks promising...don't know what's going on with this new combo system...way too many loopholes for some unlimited
I am both ecstatic and disappointed in that list I mean I love the fact that deadpool, dante, viewtiful joe, taskmaster, and especially amaterasu is in this game...I mean just amaterasu would make me happy...but seriously why put in mr. fantastic, x-23, arthur, and shuma gorath instead of hayato, jin, and venom?

I know capcom is trying to add variety to the game from the look of it but there are seriously more worthy characters to put in this game....agent zero, nick fury(the white one, the original one...not the sam jackson version...although that would still be better than shuma gorath), sentry, carnage, sean, necro or some one else!?!?!??!
im more mad at da fact that they changed da button settup just to "accommodate scrubs"

they wouldn't of done that to street fighter, do why do it to such a loved game like marvel vs capcom?
I guess I'm the only one that's disappointed with the lack of top-tiers that were in MvC2 (Storm, Sentinel, Cable, Psylocke, Captain Commando, etc.)
Oh well, at least there's Magneto.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

im more mad at da fact that they changed da button settup just to "accommodate scrubs"

they wouldn't of done that to street fighter, do why do it to such a loved game like marvel vs capcom?

Well first, Street Fighter's been around for 13 years. You think they're really gonna suddenly change everything after having the exact control scheme since 1987?
Second, Marvel vs. Capcom's fanbase isn't NEARLY as big as Street Fighter's. If Street Fighter did this, the ENTIRE fighting game community would literally riot.
Third, Marvel vs. Capcom has been completely different every time. The change wouldn't nearly be as big of an impact as Street Fighter, which as said, has been the exact same since 1987.
who cares about the low character count
only 6 of them are going to be relevant when it comes to real competition

but zero is welcome
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