maryland govenor signs bill that extends in-state tuition breaks to illegal immigrants

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Our own students deserve priority. The lower in state rates are to allow those who are legal state citizens to furthere their education at a lower cost. Why should we have to compete with outsiders who bring money out of the country and just come here for our schools. College seats are already competitive at record levels.

Then maryland students would just have to study harder? because that how college works. Plus you acting like they arent living in maryland, buying stuff in maryland, etc...

Again re-read

"In a compromise this year, sponsors rewrote the bill to initially direct undocumented students to community colleges. Those who receive an associate’s degree would then qualify for in-state tuition at four-year institutions. Students must have graduated from a Maryland high school, provide proof that their parents are state taxpayers and express their intent to become a citizen."
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Our own students deserve priority. The lower in state rates are to allow those who are legal state citizens to furthere their education at a lower cost. Why should we have to compete with outsiders who bring money out of the country and just come here for our schools. College seats are already competitive at record levels.

Then maryland students would just have to study harder? because that how college works. Plus you acting like they arent living in maryland, buying stuff in maryland, etc...

Again re-read

"In a compromise this year, sponsors rewrote the bill to initially direct undocumented students to community colleges. Those who receive an associate’s degree would then qualify for in-state tuition at four-year institutions. Students must have graduated from a Maryland high school, provide proof that their parents are state taxpayers and express their intent to become a citizen."
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

The fact that you can be illegal and instead of kicking you out we say "hey, pay your taxes and we really don't care if you broke the law to get here," is a travesty.

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

The fact that you can be illegal and instead of kicking you out we say "hey, pay your taxes and we really don't care if you broke the law to get here," is a travesty.

I'm a U.S. citizen that has lived in Maryland my whole life and I think this is great! What most people don't seem to understand is that often times the children did not have a choice in coming here. More importantly children that were brought here illegally usually have no connection to the country they are from, so why make it harder for them to better themselves? It isn't like they're going to get a degree in the U.S. and then go work back home. In fact, it is going to be the opposite because it is going to make our work force better educated, which is something that America obviously needs.
I'm a U.S. citizen that has lived in Maryland my whole life and I think this is great! What most people don't seem to understand is that often times the children did not have a choice in coming here. More importantly children that were brought here illegally usually have no connection to the country they are from, so why make it harder for them to better themselves? It isn't like they're going to get a degree in the U.S. and then go work back home. In fact, it is going to be the opposite because it is going to make our work force better educated, which is something that America obviously needs.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I'm a U.S. citizen that has lived in Maryland my whole life and I think this is great! What most people don't seem to understand is that often times the children did not have a choice in coming here. More importantly children that were brought here illegally usually have no connection to the country they are from, so why make it harder for them to better themselves? It isn't like they're going to get a degree in the U.S. and then go work back home. In fact, it is going to be the opposite because it is going to make our work force better educated, which is something that America obviously needs.
This is why border control should be paramount when dealing with illegal immigration. I am generally ok with the "if you're here now, luck you" mentality in giving existing illegals citizenship/work visas/paths to citizenship. The problem is, when signing bills like this without addressing the underlying cause of illegal immigration, you are simply perpetuating a failing model.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I'm a U.S. citizen that has lived in Maryland my whole life and I think this is great! What most people don't seem to understand is that often times the children did not have a choice in coming here. More importantly children that were brought here illegally usually have no connection to the country they are from, so why make it harder for them to better themselves? It isn't like they're going to get a degree in the U.S. and then go work back home. In fact, it is going to be the opposite because it is going to make our work force better educated, which is something that America obviously needs.
This is why border control should be paramount when dealing with illegal immigration. I am generally ok with the "if you're here now, luck you" mentality in giving existing illegals citizenship/work visas/paths to citizenship. The problem is, when signing bills like this without addressing the underlying cause of illegal immigration, you are simply perpetuating a failing model.
If they are illegal, why are they being rewarded for being illegal? 

I personally believe in open borders, but from a Rule of Law stand point, this makes no sense.
If they are illegal, why are they being rewarded for being illegal? 

I personally believe in open borders, but from a Rule of Law stand point, this makes no sense.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I'm a U.S. citizen that has lived in Maryland my whole life and I think this is great! What most people don't seem to understand is that often times the children did not have a choice in coming here. More importantly children that were brought here illegally usually have no connection to the country they are from, so why make it harder for them to better themselves? It isn't like they're going to get a degree in the U.S. and then go work back home. In fact, it is going to be the opposite because it is going to make our work force better educated, which is something that America obviously needs.
This is why border control should be paramount when dealing with illegal immigration. I am generally ok with the "if you're here now, luck you" mentality in giving existing illegals citizenship/work visas/paths to citizenship. The problem is, when signing bills like this without addressing the underlying cause of illegal immigration, you are simply perpetuating a failing model.

Last time I checked border control is a Federal issue and even if it weren't Maryland isn't a border state, so it isn't our responsibility to pay for or deal with border control. Therefore, Maryland isn't trying to deal with the problem we are just addressing the underlying issues that stem from it. Frankly, that's the way it should be because I would rather my tax money go to providing breaks for people who are trying to better themselves, than paying to secure a border that we aren't even near.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I'm a U.S. citizen that has lived in Maryland my whole life and I think this is great! What most people don't seem to understand is that often times the children did not have a choice in coming here. More importantly children that were brought here illegally usually have no connection to the country they are from, so why make it harder for them to better themselves? It isn't like they're going to get a degree in the U.S. and then go work back home. In fact, it is going to be the opposite because it is going to make our work force better educated, which is something that America obviously needs.
This is why border control should be paramount when dealing with illegal immigration. I am generally ok with the "if you're here now, luck you" mentality in giving existing illegals citizenship/work visas/paths to citizenship. The problem is, when signing bills like this without addressing the underlying cause of illegal immigration, you are simply perpetuating a failing model.

Last time I checked border control is a Federal issue and even if it weren't Maryland isn't a border state, so it isn't our responsibility to pay for or deal with border control. Therefore, Maryland isn't trying to deal with the problem we are just addressing the underlying issues that stem from it. Frankly, that's the way it should be because I would rather my tax money go to providing breaks for people who are trying to better themselves, than paying to secure a border that we aren't even near.
Imagine you run the state. Would you rather have illegal immigrants who are uneducated and on the brink of poverty or would you rather have illegal immigrants who are educated and can thus contribute to society in a more positive way? Whether or not they should be here or not is a non-issue at the state level. The fact is they are there. And I would rather have educated illegal immigrants in my state rather than ones who aren't. And not just illegal immigrants, citizens in general. I'd rather be around educated people. The people saying this is wrong aren't looking at it from that perspective and are very shortsighted.
Imagine you run the state. Would you rather have illegal immigrants who are uneducated and on the brink of poverty or would you rather have illegal immigrants who are educated and can thus contribute to society in a more positive way? Whether or not they should be here or not is a non-issue at the state level. The fact is they are there. And I would rather have educated illegal immigrants in my state rather than ones who aren't. And not just illegal immigrants, citizens in general. I'd rather be around educated people. The people saying this is wrong aren't looking at it from that perspective and are very shortsighted.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I'm a U.S. citizen that has lived in Maryland my whole life and I think this is great! What most people don't seem to understand is that often times the children did not have a choice in coming here. More importantly children that were brought here illegally usually have no connection to the country they are from, so why make it harder for them to better themselves? It isn't like they're going to get a degree in the U.S. and then go work back home. In fact, it is going to be the opposite because it is going to make our work force better educated, which is something that America obviously needs.
This is why border control should be paramount when dealing with illegal immigration. I am generally ok with the "if you're here now, luck you" mentality in giving existing illegals citizenship/work visas/paths to citizenship. The problem is, when signing bills like this without addressing the underlying cause of illegal immigration, you are simply perpetuating a failing model.

Last time I checked border control is a Federal issue and even if it weren't Maryland isn't a border state, so it isn't our responsibility to pay for or deal with border control. Therefore, Maryland isn't trying to deal with the problem we are just addressing the underlying issues that stem from it. Frankly, that's the way it should be because I would rather my tax money go to providing breaks for people who are trying to better themselves, than paying to secure a border that we aren't even near.
youre make too uch sense right now.....dont overwhelmed them w/ logic
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I'm a U.S. citizen that has lived in Maryland my whole life and I think this is great! What most people don't seem to understand is that often times the children did not have a choice in coming here. More importantly children that were brought here illegally usually have no connection to the country they are from, so why make it harder for them to better themselves? It isn't like they're going to get a degree in the U.S. and then go work back home. In fact, it is going to be the opposite because it is going to make our work force better educated, which is something that America obviously needs.
This is why border control should be paramount when dealing with illegal immigration. I am generally ok with the "if you're here now, luck you" mentality in giving existing illegals citizenship/work visas/paths to citizenship. The problem is, when signing bills like this without addressing the underlying cause of illegal immigration, you are simply perpetuating a failing model.

Last time I checked border control is a Federal issue and even if it weren't Maryland isn't a border state, so it isn't our responsibility to pay for or deal with border control. Therefore, Maryland isn't trying to deal with the problem we are just addressing the underlying issues that stem from it. Frankly, that's the way it should be because I would rather my tax money go to providing breaks for people who are trying to better themselves, than paying to secure a border that we aren't even near.
youre make too uch sense right now.....dont overwhelmed them w/ logic
Originally Posted by flores

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Our own students deserve priority. The lower in state rates are to allow those who are legal state citizens to furthere their education at a lower cost. Why should we have to compete with outsiders who bring money out of the country and just come here for our schools. College seats are already competitive at record levels.

70% of "our Students" dont even take advantage of the things that are provided for them so why not have someone use them that will put it to good use.

I work in the education field for a Non-Profit and we were talking about this the other day how you have American Citizens who are given opportunity after opportunity every day and they dont take advantage, they rather waste their life doing nothing and getting in trouble while you have others who come here craving that opportunity and they don't get a chance.. SO MUCH APPRECIATION FOR THAT BILL!! Thats why I sometimes can care less bout most of these kids who are born here and decide to be bums
Originally Posted by flores

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Our own students deserve priority. The lower in state rates are to allow those who are legal state citizens to furthere their education at a lower cost. Why should we have to compete with outsiders who bring money out of the country and just come here for our schools. College seats are already competitive at record levels.

70% of "our Students" dont even take advantage of the things that are provided for them so why not have someone use them that will put it to good use.

I work in the education field for a Non-Profit and we were talking about this the other day how you have American Citizens who are given opportunity after opportunity every day and they dont take advantage, they rather waste their life doing nothing and getting in trouble while you have others who come here craving that opportunity and they don't get a chance.. SO MUCH APPRECIATION FOR THAT BILL!! Thats why I sometimes can care less bout most of these kids who are born here and decide to be bums
Originally Posted by higherthanthemonument

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

This is why border control should be paramount when dealing with illegal immigration. I am generally ok with the "if you're here now, luck you" mentality in giving existing illegals citizenship/work visas/paths to citizenship. The problem is, when signing bills like this without addressing the underlying cause of illegal immigration, you are simply perpetuating a failing model.

Last time I checked border control is a Federal issue and even if it weren't Maryland isn't a border state, so it isn't our responsibility to pay for or deal with border control. Therefore, Maryland isn't trying to deal with the problem we are just addressing the underlying issues that stem from it. Frankly, that's the way it should be because I would rather my tax money go to providing breaks for people who are trying to better themselves, than paying to secure a border that we aren't even near.
youre make too uch sense right now.....dont overwhelmed them w/ logic
O I see, so you should only pay for things that directly effect you. Hmmm, in that case, why am I paying taxes on the majority of the things I pay taxes on?

The funny thing is, you made very little sense and then were co-signed
. Yes, let's not even discuss the border issues in Maryland when we are having to implement laws as a result of border issues.
Originally Posted by higherthanthemonument

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

This is why border control should be paramount when dealing with illegal immigration. I am generally ok with the "if you're here now, luck you" mentality in giving existing illegals citizenship/work visas/paths to citizenship. The problem is, when signing bills like this without addressing the underlying cause of illegal immigration, you are simply perpetuating a failing model.

Last time I checked border control is a Federal issue and even if it weren't Maryland isn't a border state, so it isn't our responsibility to pay for or deal with border control. Therefore, Maryland isn't trying to deal with the problem we are just addressing the underlying issues that stem from it. Frankly, that's the way it should be because I would rather my tax money go to providing breaks for people who are trying to better themselves, than paying to secure a border that we aren't even near.
youre make too uch sense right now.....dont overwhelmed them w/ logic
O I see, so you should only pay for things that directly effect you. Hmmm, in that case, why am I paying taxes on the majority of the things I pay taxes on?

The funny thing is, you made very little sense and then were co-signed
. Yes, let's not even discuss the border issues in Maryland when we are having to implement laws as a result of border issues.
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