Mass Shooting in Texas Church - Initial Reports 27 Dead/24 Injured

Unfortunately this is the new norm. we have become unsensitized to this type of violence.
The fact that there are still people who are complacent with the current state of firearm legislation and regularly-occurring mass shootings in this country is equal parts baffling and upsetting.

Rest in peace to those that lost their lives. Hoping that this is the last one we'll have to endure, but I'm definitely not optimistic.
This country should just legalize weed and prostitution. If a man can get blazed out of his mind then go smash the woman of his dreams, he won't have the pinned up anger to do a heinous act like this.
You lost me after the first sentence, and I don't think this is the place or time for that discussion.
Vicious cycle man. Feel like this will never stop

and a sunday afternoon/morning. america has become a nasty place to reside. i understand this happens more often in war torn countries, but man. i'm speechless
Can't wait for the usual suspects to claim "you're in our thoughts and prayers" come Monday.

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