Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

How many people did he kill?

They're gonna have to make whites only games then. With less stimulus and violence. Don't wanna tempt them to rampage.
I knew that this site had white supremacists and their supporters in the lurch, but this was actually funny!

Also, all white law enforcement officers need to have background checks, just to see if they have white supremacist leanings.
Centuries of mental deprivation

Only white dudes seemingly getting possessed by video games though...

i did not compare people being obsessed with video games to "COMMIT MASS SHOOTINGS"

but some people have really addictive tendencies, thats what im talking about, dudes in china a korea play till they die in their seat

Look lets leave video games out of this...
More like centuries of white folks living in caves and having a diet of raw meat.

They always been ****** up mentally and just all around vile murderous perverted people.

Lets not sugarcoat any longer and just call a spade a spade at this point.

We are just different people mentally and spiritually.
bottom line.... everyone with common sense knows video games arent to blame. this man trump on live tv saying games reinforce violence which is bad, while he stands at the same podium saying back in his day hecklers wouldve gotten punched in the face. or that people should assault their opposition and he'll pay for em to get out of jail. but yes.... the video games are reinforcing violence trump. ok.

Look lets leave video games out of this...
More like centuries of white folks living in caves and having a diet of raw meat.

They always been ****ed up mentally and just all around vile murderous perverted people.

Lets not sugarcoat any longer and just call a spade a spade at this point.

We are just different people mentally and spiritually.
I mean this country was founded on Manifest Destiny

A group of white individuals that believed it was their God given duty to take over this land

And we have a president that represents that
The feeling of accomplishment and competition that you can get from a video game is closer to the feeling that you get from a competitive physical activity than it is to reading a book

If we're just talking about the mental aspect
I think videogames like Dark Souls, Sekiro, ... are good examples of this point. They are pretty brutally difficult but once you do get past that area or boss that has been mercilessly crushing you again and again and again, you get a huge adrenaline rush. It's nothing like a book.

Those two examples are mostly singeplayer games so I'll use a personal example from Halo 3, where I regularly played its multiplayer at a competitive level.
A lot of the acquaintances and online friends (including one who later introduced me to NT) I met throughout playing, Halo-related forums, ... were much better than me and would somtimes include me in highly competitive matches with and against some of the best non-pro players. My focus had to be on point, my opponent callouts had to be on point, I had to focus on my surroundings at the same time to make sure I could alert my teammates of enemy movement, I had to remember special weapon spawn times for each map and make sure to call them out if tthey're close to spawning and do the same for powerup items, ...
It was definitely not something I would describe as closer to reading a book than a sports activity
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the one thing that stood out there to me is the random search for registered gun owners. cuz in america.... we all know who would get randomly searched. but good on those other countries. i always thought it was stupid you gotta be 21 to get a handgun but 18 for shotguns and rifles...
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