Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

idk bro. die 10 times on a hard *** board and finally pass it on the 11th time and see the endorphins and serotonin your body releases in joy. The brain waves light up the same way. We wouldn't play games if they didnt make us feel good. And being that games are interactive and stimulate our brains wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than physical activities EVER could, I'd say it's much more of a stress reliever. It induces stress too of course lol.
Go outside bruh, get off the couch. :rofl:
This m!@$%^^&&* can't possibly be that dumb! But, this is america! They elected trump so anything is possible!
I can definitely see video games having negative effects on someone who already has mental issues... but it's not making a "sane" person do something crazy.

It's about to be 2020 and they're playing the same ol songs... not sure how they keep getting away with that.
Centuries of mental deprivation
oh, well, thats cool. All they needed was a civil officer and janitor to stop him.

The feeling of accomplishment and competition that you can get from a video game is closer to the feeling that you get from a competitive physical activity than it is to reading a book

If we're just talking about the mental aspect
NT hoop summit needs to go down. and ur not wrong. gaming definitely gives an endorphin rush. you just miss the benefits from physical activity.

facts and facts.

I definitely think kids need to hop off the sticks and be more active and social outside of the house, in that sense.

But it's a weird trade off. I think video games, specifically the puzzle, adventure, uncharted tomb raider types, help develop better thinking, more analytical brains in kids. Less plat-formers and sports games per se, but the dynamic problem solving aspect is for sure beneficial.

on the flip side, kids are learning to think better and also fat af. And antisocial. Yelling expletives and slurs through a headset aint the move Jason.
The feeling of accomplishment and competition that you can get from a video game is closer to the feeling that you get from a competitive physical activity than it is to reading a book

If we're just talking about the mental aspect
Not for me..
Not for me..

What sport do you like to play?

I agree. I love video games. But for me personally...putting a ball in a hoop and breaking the spirit of the other team, or catching a deep *** throw in the corner of the endzone with a toe down, gives me way more joy than video games.

I'm also obsessively competitive though, like, OBSESSIVELY, so I need to beat other people, not the computer. I'd give Watson buckets.
What sport do you like to play?

I agree. I love video games. But for me personally...putting a ball in a hoop and breaking the spirit of the other team, or catching a deep *** throw in the corner of the endzone with a toe down, gives me way more joy than video games.

I'm also obsessively competitive though, like, OBSESSIVELY, so I need to beat other people, not the computer. I'd give Watson buckets.
Bike riding and basketball are my go too's although I ride more often than I play ball these days. I read and play games too and for me they both provide enjoyment and stress relief in a different way.
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One of my cousins would get that crazy look in his eyes when he’d play video games...locked in, in a daze especially during gta. I could see games having an effect on him so that means it would for others. It was like he was on drugs when he’d play he’d get too much joy going on killing sprees in the game lol
One of my cousins would get that crazy look in his eyes when he’d play video games...locked in, in a daze especially during gta. I could them having an effect on him so that means it would for others. It was like he was on drugs when he’d play he’d get too much joy going on killing sprees in the game lol
everyone has different tendencies

people need to understand what they are personally capable of and what they are susceptible to

some people are more susceptible to influence and concepts

those people might also feel alienated in similar ways

then they create echo chambers online

kind of like drugs, ideally you could legalize all drugs, and people should haver responsibility of self control

some people don't understand how much they will be addicted to something

and become hardcore addicts

someone else might be able to smoke crack and never again
everyone has different tendencies

people need to understand what they are personally capable of and what they are susceptible to

some people are more susceptible to influence and concepts

those people might also feel alienated in similar ways

then they create echo chambers online

kind of like drugs, ideally you could legalize all drugs, and people should haver responsibility of self control

some people don't understand how much they will be addicted to something

and become hardcore addicts

someone else might be able to smoke crack and never again
so why only white folks doing the racially motivated mass shooting
so why only white folks doing the racially motivated mass shooting
im talking video games specifically as an influence POTENTIALLY as part of a larger discussion as to why these thigns occur, i do not personally feel videos games are responsible but coul d possibly lead an individual to behave differently

i am not directly comparing the two
im talking video games specifically as an influence POTENTIALLY as part of a larger discussion as to why these thigns occur, i do not personally feel videos games are responsible but coul d possibly lead an individual to behave differently

i am not directly comparing the two
but THATS exactly what it sounds like ur trying to do
like ur comparing the two
but THATS exactly what it sounds like ur trying to do
like ur comparing the two
he was talking about a specific person getting a "look in their eyes"

thats what i was talking about, theres some people that might do something more often than others when it comes to things like video games and drugs etc

like, i wont play games till i die

but some people in cafes have done that

there's some people that have issues related to specific things

im not saying those are the same people that are causing mass shootings

I do not thing video games lead to gun violence
I like how they have derailed the discussion from white supremacy being the problem, and white privilege being the tool used to treat these white shooters better than they would black suspects.

That was pretty smooth. They have some slick people here on niketalk.
Only white dudes seemingly getting possessed by video games though...
i did not compare people being obsessed with video games to "COMMIT MASS SHOOTINGS"

but some people have really addictive tendencies, thats what im talking about, dudes in china a korea play till they die in their seat
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