Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

There was this white kid that was in my class growing up. He was super corny and nerdy, pocket protector, glasses with the cord on the tips to keep them from falling, tight button up always tucked in. didn't really 'recess'

randomly started slicking back his hair, dropped the glasses, chilled on doing the extra credit, dead *** asked for a leather jacket for christmas :lol:

At the psa meeting, his moms spoke on him and blamed it on the South Park movie...and said they need to do something.

capitalizing my name wont make you any more correct. whenever you're wrong you just move goal posts or go to another thread spouting the same bs. i would feel bad for you if you werent such a ****. trump IS exactly who he is supposed to be, a wrecking ball of an idiot who finally got all the roaches to come out from their hiding places. as far as im concerned, he helped the final line be drawn in the sand. you're either with progress or against it, but at least he emboldened those against it to come out into the light.

but if me informing YOU that forcing sex on someone isnt necessarily a political statement makes trump feel like he can get away with things... then sure. lol you got it.
No goal posts moved by me! Being a woman with very little rights in America is political. For a man to think that he could simply do what he wishes to a woman, then to any other minority, speaks to his political leanings and beliefs. Your problem is very clear. You do not have the ability to use reason, logic, as critical thinking is foreign to you. You are a product of this country, and you embrace all that is wrong with this country. You are the reason Trump does as he does, because you cannot think. Willful ignorance is your comfort zone. You cannot see past the flag, and for some strange reason, you think that being an american means more than being Black.

Good. I am happy for you.
I will NEVER defend Clarence Thomas!
I'm not talking about 2 specific people, I'm speaking generally. Y'all really expect white men to publicly say that 'white men have some type of problem.' As obvious as it is, it ain't gonna happen.
It is concerning knowing that mentally weak dudes play some of these first person shooters and have access to purchase weapons.

This scene was not necessary at all
No goal posts moved by me! Being a woman with very little rights in America is political. For a man to think that he could simply do what he wishes to a woman, then to any other minority, speaks to his political leanings and beliefs. Your problem is very clear. You do not have the ability to use reason, logic, as critical thinking is foreign to you. You are a product of this country, and you embrace all that is wrong with this country. You are the reason Trump does as he does, because you cannot think. Willful ignorance is your comfort zone. You cannot see past the flag, and for some strange reason, you think that being an american means more than being Black.

Good. I am happy for you.

goal posts moved again. now instead of talking about how the definitions of what u said dont line up, now ur talking about womens rights in america and connecting it to rape. womens rights in society.... to RAPE. as if rape doesnt violate any right that person has.... lets ignore that men can be raped as well just to give you SOME ground to stand on. a man thinking he can rape a woman shows his political leanings? what does that mean? if that was even true... which side endorses rape? republicans? if u rape, does that mean u have right-leaning political views? democrats are rape free? believe it or not, some dudes see a hot girl they cant get and figure...nah, im taking it. without ANY thought to their societal views at all.

you assume i care about the flag, "embrace" what is wrong in the country, and value being american more than black. the irony of it is just last month you were convinced i wasnt black. and u were too stupid to just look up my social media account underneath every post i make. again, hotep.... ur nowhere near as smart as u think u are. at all. u damn near dont know **** but you know how to dress up your ignorance and make it sound like you said something profound.
It is concerning knowing that mentally weak dudes play some of these first person shooters and have access to purchase weapons.

This scene was not necessary at all

whoa...that **** was brutal af. I'm not feeling that.

But you can look at it two ways. There are people that are messed up in the head..and angry...and use video games to exorcise their demons, safely from the comfort of their homes. How many times have you heard people say 'Ahhh it's been a rough week, I need to go unwind and f some s up in gta.


You can look at it like...this game is like a field study. And they're practicing and learning tactics or running different plays to test out in real life.
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whoa...that **** was brutal af. I'm not feeling that.

But you can look at it too ways. There are people that are messed up in the head..and angry...and use video games to exorcise their demons, safely from the comfort of their homes. How many times have you heard people say 'Ahhh it's been a rough week, I need to go unwind and f some s up in gta.


You can look at it like...this game is like a field study. And they're practicing and learning tactics or running different plays to test out in real life.
serious man

games are a great way to blow off steam

like punching a bag

or shooting hoops
serious man

games are a great way to blow off steam

like punching a bag

or shooting hoops
Not really the same imo. Punching a bag or shooting hoops involve physical activity that produces certain endorphins that playing video games do not. Now they both may provide stress relief but certainly not in the same way.
Not really the same imo. Punching a bag or shooting hoops involve physical activity that produces certain endorphins that playing video games do not. Now they both may provide stress relief but certainly not in the same way.

Of course it's different but there's a lot of mental energy being used in video games
it's physical vs mental exercise, both are fully capable of relief
If you wanna turn it up a notch, gon head and hop onto some Dance Dance Revolution
goal posts moved again. now instead of talking about how the definitions of what u said dont line up, now ur talking about womens rights in america and connecting it to rape. womens rights in society.... to RAPE. lets ignore that men can be raped as well just to give you SOME ground to stand on. a man thinking he can rape a woman shows his political leanings? what does that mean? if that was even true... which side endorses rape? republicans? if u rape, does that mean u have right-leaning political views? democrats are rape free? believe it or not, some dudes see a hot girl they cant get and figure...nah, im taking it. without ANY thought to their societal views at all.

you assume i care about the flag, "embrace" what is wrong in the country, and value being american more than black. the irony of it is just last month you were convinced i wasnt black. and u were too stupid to just look up my social media account underneath every post i make. again, hotep.... ur nowhere near as smart as u think u are. at all.
Of course it's different but there's a lot of mental energy being used in video games
it's physical vs mental exercise, both are fully capable of relief
That's what I just said lol. They both provide relief but differently. I would say video games are more akin to reading a book than it is to playing basketball or boxing.
Not really the same imo. Punching a bag or shooting hoops involve physical activity that produces certain endorphins that playing video games do not. Now they both may provide stress relief but certainly not in the same way.
idk bro. die 10 times on a hard *** board and finally pass it on the 11th time and see the endorphins and serotonin your body releases in joy. The brain waves light up the same way. We wouldn't play games if they didnt make us feel good. And being that games are interactive and stimulate our brains wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than physical activities EVER could, I'd say it's much more of a stress reliever. It induces stress too of course lol.
serious man

games are a great way to blow off steam

like punching a bag

or shooting hoops

hoops the goat. but this made me think of something. has a study been done on any of these young killers about what theyre into socially? do ANY of them play any kind of team sport? do they have active social lives at all? did they belong to any clubs in school? or were they all some go home and lock themselves in their rooms type of people? i wonder if they had been a part of a team sport or some sort of social club would they still not value life or recognize whatever they think is so bad... isnt.
He said it's "like" it though. In that you can blow off steam. Man didn't say it was apples to apples.

Some people can blow off steam by sleeping.

NT gotta argue about everything :lol:

feels that way across all of society now right?

aziz brought it up in his recent standup, made up a fake story and asked audience for both sides of the story

some people chimed in

they felt dumb after he told them
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