Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

What revolution in America has occurred without death? Without blood? What revolution for black ppl?

Why should black ppl be peaceful in the face of the theft of our culture, rewriting of history, forced religion, psychological warfare, etc?

I’m not even saying resort to violence fwiw. I’m just asking a valid question. Would we expect anyone else to turn the other cheek?

Ppl imply that I’m saying something that I’m not but won’t use a fourth of that energy to touch what I said about Zimmerman. Why?

Nobody wants to talk about philando castile. That girl in the backseat was like four years old and witnessed the whole thing. She even consoled her mother afterwards while they were both in the back of the police car after they murdered that man and ppl have the nerve to say that nothing justifies what that guy did.

As ppl continue to benefit off of the oppression and suppression of black ppl in this country.

As Members of Congress that aided and abetted ppl that committed treason, that almost killed the Vice President and the speaker of the house are still in office while our black asses can’t even walk around a store without getting followed.

as if **** like stop and frisk wasn’t a thing.

The issue outside of the root causes of all of this is that ppl would rather be comfortable than to attack the issue and genuinely attempt to solve the issues. That would require having the will. It would require changing the entire culture of America and there is no will to do that which is why I said what I said earlier. Why fight for this? Why do what that guy did when you can put your energy and resources into exploring areas outside of America to see if you as an individual would have a better quality of life elsewhere. At least have a peace of mind.

I agree in principle with a lot of what you say, but you're kind of all over the place man. It could be a better discussion if you'd reel it in a little.

But to answer your question, American Independence was gained nonviolently prior to the actual war. There was a decade plus of nonviolent resistance. Protests, marches, petitions, boycotts, etc. They even created a parallel government and rejected British law and courts.

You just said "revolution can't occur without bloodshed." You didn't really use criteria in your statement it came off more like a blanket comment.
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It’s not that I’m all over the place, it’s that there’s a lot of **** black ppl go through daily and I’m covering small bits. Everything from dealing with the bull**** of corporate America to not having peace within the house because our (generalization) family structure is ****ed up. To a lot of other **** I don’t feel like typing.

That’s exactly why that guy sounds crazy/all over the place in his videos. He’s going over a lot of topics that stem from a common thing.

And ppl don’t think that’s on purpose. I don’t know how else to tell ppl that white supremacy is white supremacy. It’s a system put in place to maintain a certain quality of life for a specific group of ppl at the expense of literally everyone else and a lot of us regardless of race are pawns in this system, a system that has many tentacles.

Bottom line, America should be concerned with the root causes of its issues or these things will continue to repeat themselves as they always have.
It’s not that I’m all over the place, it’s that there’s a lot of **** black ppl go through daily and I’m covering small bits. Everything from dealing with the bull**** of corporate America to not having peace within the house because our (generalization) family structure is ****ed up. To a lot of other **** I don’t feel like typing.

That’s exactly why that guy sounds crazy/all over the place in his videos. He’s going over a lot of topics that stem from a common thing.

And ppl don’t think that’s on purpose. I don’t know how else to tell ppl that white supremacy is white supremacy. It’s a system put in place to maintain a certain quality of life for a specific group of ppl at the expense of literally everyone else and a lot of us regardless of race are pawns in this system, a system that has many tentacles.

Bottom line, America should be concerned with the root causes of its issues or these things will continue to repeat themselves as they always have.

I think everyone (or most people in here) understand the concept of white supremacy and are familiar with all of the incidents you've mentioned.
I don’t. Most ppl regardless of race, on or offline, would not make the correlation of the state of the mental health of black ppl in this country in general and white supremacy contributing to a lot it.
Amazed (and relieved of course) no one died. Wild to think people die every year cause of strays from cloud shooters on NYE but people in point blank range all survived.

He set off the smoke bomb first and I guess he thought he would be able to see with a gas mask on.

Good thing he didn't have a clue what he was doing. Left plenty of evidence at the scene too.
Sadly this is America and it will always be this way until white ppl in positions of power want things to change. Ppl, regardless of race, don’t even want to have this conversation because we are comfortable in chaos but then wonder why there’s a 192 page thread on a sneaker forum that shows exactly how ****ed up America is.

Make THAT make sense.
it has become worse due to trumpism. if there should be needed changes, it needs a revolution. whether we like it or not, such system of government needed to be turned by force and not thru democracy. crook politicians in power will always be an obstacle to such changes. I mean the appointment of a black woman supreme court justice was hard enough to deal with stupid arguments from the former republicans (trumpists). that is the only way as such political change has always been done thru military or people intervention. you cannot make changes thru politicians as there are some that would be against the idea due to personal interests and the ruling has always been difficult considering the needed votes have been 2/3.
White supremacy is an old, old, big problem. From imperialism to colonialism. It created the white influence that affects almost everyone. The exact language we speak. America as it is. Sadly, yes, it has influenced many other cultures and their perceptions.

James unfortunately took out his frustration on the riders, some of whom who were minorities. It's not to say he should have targeted white folk, but rather seek therapy. These type of guys who rant, rant, and rant have that built up frustration and rage. Like they keep taking the pain and problems and one day they have to unleash it upon anyone they look to as a scapegoat.

The enemy is the negative, bad, and wrong mind here. It always has been and always will be.

The negative bad mind of racism and superiority above others and the negative bad thoughts of releasing the rage through violence towards people you don't know.

The negative bad thoughts of harming Asians because it's an assumption they are absolutely responsible for Covid-19.

The negative bad erroneous judgment of some pigs 👮‍♀️ who irresponsibly shoot or harm innocent people or attempt to arrest people without sufficient evidence. The pigs who fail to understand your case because you lack good enough proof and arrest you. The ones who disbelieve you and make wrong assumptions more than good ones. The ones who are corrupt and protect their own.

I don't know if there's any parallels or similarity but I like to use India as an example. The British colonized India for more than 80 years. The British were responsible for splitting India and Pakistan. Both countries were once one big country. They exploited religious differences between the two groups, Indian Muslims and Indian Hindus. Eventually Indians drove out the British. But Indians tried to retain their culture, their language Hindi, their respective religions. There is though, the strong influence of the West there.

Some of them go to the U.K. to create a successful life where they send back their money to their families. They use the British to their advantage the way the British used Indians for their benefit. I think what I was trying to say was the best revenge would be to be quite successful against the oppressors.

And what the difference here is the challenges the black community faces in America, basically from all races. So there's a lot of factors that makes one in a better position than the other. Money, iq, skill, ability, beauty, connections, whatever. So what happened was all the other racial groups were climbing up the ladder, but the black community was constantly misunderstood, mistreated and left below.

And that idea can stem from the negative mind, negative perception that is a big plague which needs to be treated. There should be better treatment, better understanding, more aid, opportunities given. Just realize it's not easy to change lives in a short amount of time. Like I said this is an old, old problem, probably made from the negative discriminatory minds from the oppressors, like white supremacy.
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nah he's just WOKE. Open your third eye.
You’re laughing and we’ll all be back in this thread again and again because ppl like you laugh and don’t listen. Don’t care to have those conversations. Watch. 193 pages and counting on a sneaker forum because ppl would rather be “comfortable.”

What’s crazy is repeating the same negative **** over and over with the same outcome and not want to do anything about it as a nation.
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Nah man. I aint laughing. This is serious business. 10 people got shot because this guy is not like these other sheeps that are comfortable and sleeping. He sees the full picture while everyone else is just going about their day trying to make ends meet to provide for their families.
you're being obtuse on purpose and that’s fine. See you on page 352 next year.

The thread is literally called *mass shooting thread: waiting for the next one* but I’m crazy for wanting to focus on the root of this mass shooting as well as others. Smhhhhh.

What I’m saying doesn’t make sense but mass shooting after mass shooting does and is the norm. Got it.

Every single day (no, really) there’s another shooting or stabbing in nyc but what I’m saying is a reach. Got it.

That’s exactly why the **** we have a 100+ page thread on mass shootings on a sneaker forum that’s literally titled in a way where the OP is anticipating the next one.

Mental health conversations are taboo and so are conversations involving the system of white supremacy.

I don’t understand why it’s so hard to understand how white supremacy plays a major role in the mental health of black and white ppl in this country.
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Could it be that mental health is enough reason? Why does it have to be linked to white supremacy. So what are people's excuse in countries that do not have white supremacy?
Agreed. White supremacy is a negatively affecting mental, emotional and physical health issue. It's probably a financial issue too. Many minorities especially the black community do not get paid equally as others.
let's not get derailed to the idea that the person committed a crime regardless of the reasoning behind it. other people got hurt and got affected from their daily lives. besides, we have enough of this mental health issue being used as an excuse card for committing a crime. the person is not a victim but a perpetrator. that's that.
If there is a known or discovered mental health issue, I want to know how they got access to guns and what is being done to prevent other people with potential issues from getting access to guns

what check points are being put in place to prevent future situations of this nature
If there is a known or discovered mental health issue, I want to know how they got access to guns and what is being done to prevent other people with potential issues from getting access to guns

what check points are being put in place to prevent future situations of this nature

America? Do something to prevent unnecessary gun violence? That's not how it works over here sir.

We send "thoughts, and prayers" and keep it pushing.
America? Do something to prevent unnecessary gun violence? That's not how it works over here sir.

We send "thoughts, and prayers" and keep it pushing.

shh is weird.. read this morning 1 transgender kid tries to play sports in Kentucky and laws get changed real quick

they don’t even teach critical race theory in primary, middle or high school.. but they changing laws with that shh and restricting books in school and public libraries

white kid shoots up a school and not a damn thing.. shh ain’t even in the news for a full week anymore
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