Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Social media made the world a difference place these days. And not in a good way either.

12 years old. Lol.
If there is a known or discovered mental health issue, I want to know how they got access to guns and what is being done to prevent other people with potential issues from getting access to guns

what check points are being put in place to prevent future situations of this nature

You can buy guns off the streets. Just have to ask the right people.

Some news sources are reporting that Apparantly out on $25,000 bond with house arrest?
Wtf? Don’t know if true though
edit it’s true
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it's really tiring to hear this stupid argument go unchallenged. Machetes don't kill people either; they don't operate themselves.

Every single bullet in a magazine gives a shooter the potential to take out just as many people. The same can't be said for a hatchet, sword, knife, or a machete.

How often do we hear about mass stabbings compared to mass shootings? Guns make killing easier and faster. That's why we fight wars with them.
Idc what race the dude is or what type of past or mental issues he has, it doesn't justify his actions.

I agree with the oppression Blacks have faced and still face, but if his mental health issues stemmed from mainly that, he would've shot up a MAGA rally. Not a bunch of innocent civilians in the most diverse city in this country.
This isn’t true.
How many mass shootings from white supremacists have happened over the years in America at various locations that have involved innocent ppl that were killed that were not poc?

How many white supremacists have went to black areas and killed groups of black ppl in comparison to shooting up schools, Walmarts, etc?

Also I’m from nyc and while we have diversity on a level that’s different than other parts of this country we def still have racism both subtle and overt.
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Some people really want to mae Frank James a martyr for the cause huh?
You don’t have to say some people. Say it with your chest.

Ppl like you are the exact reason why the status quo won’t change. I’m literally breaking **** down and you’re (and others) getting something from it that I never said based off of how you feel.

Also it seems like you and a few other ppl didn’t watch any video he made before his page got taken down. He literally explains a lot of **** and a lot of what he says is no different than what a lot of black ppl say behind closed doors based off of the things we experience being in this society in this system. As usual rather than listen and try to fix **** ppl do **** like you did and then wonder why we’ve had a bunch of mass shootings since then.

This whole country needs a reset button.

The maga ppl feel how they feel
The left feels how it feels
The middle/ppl on the sideline/ppl that don’t care one way or the other feel how they feel
And it all stems from the same system.
But nobody is trying to hear that. Sad.
Why does this country choose to sit on their hands when it comes to doing something about mental health? Poverty? Education? Race relations? Access to guns? Etc.
Who benefits from the status quo? How high up does this go..?

After sandy hook and the response or lack of a response, that should have been enough for anybody of any race to question this system IMO.

Money, guns and ignorance are this country’s God. The country was “founded” off of rape, killing, etc.

FL out here banning math books over critical race theory but I’m crazy for pointing all of this out. As if that type of **** won’t lead to more white supremacists and more fed up poc which will lead to more violence.


A whole group of ppl are too soft to push for a more realistic, inclusive curriculum that paints a more accurate picture of American history because they are ashamed (?), scared (?), who knows what and it will lead to more of the same **** we see today. Watch.
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You’re really wasting your energy man. The ultra right will continue to raise their kids on their principles so this will never change. Same with the left.

I guess you can vote for some kind of change or the right people in office. But then again our government is mostly left now and ain’t **** changed. Or if this really affects you the way it looks like, then maybe it’s best to move to Canada or somewhere overseas.
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That’s why I said what I said about energy. The difference between that guy and some of us with similar feelings based off of our own experiences here is that we would rather pour our energy into something constructive like bringing awareness of the situation in America so that ppl wake up and question things but also exploring options outside of America for a (potentially) better quality of life.

It doesn’t make sense to feel so strongly about the injustices that exist here only for a person to lash out and end up in the same system they are against when we have enough resources (in comparison to other parts of the world) to get out unless a person is directly provoked and has to defend themselves.

Someone said that wasn’t realistic earlier but I challenge that. We are in a unique position but I’ll save that for the black culture thread like I said before. We have options and we don’t have to live like this.
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