Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Ima go ahead and be that guy.

What does amerikkka expect with this white supremacist system? Given the history of this country? Given the oppression and suppression of black people? That black people will be docile forever? That black ppl won’t break?

For the umpteenth time, this is stolen land acquired from violence and we communicate in languages not native to our ppl and those of the diaspora that are here through the transatlantic slave trade did not ask to be here, we did not ask to be discriminated against, ****ted on, exploited and broken.

These laws were set up by the same ppl that raped and pillaged.

With all that said we are forced to accept this and deal with it like everything is ok. No other group of ppl on this planet are expected to deal with that and keep it moving.

And some of you have Stockholm syndrome. Sadly.
A lot of you are too comfortable.

Only difference for me is that I would rather put my energy towards saving and getting the **** out of a place that I’m not wanted than to end up in this white supremacist system under these white supremacist laws enforced by evil people.

But **** that sugarcoating ********.

Fortunately nobody was killed. Unfortunately for him he will now be in the very system he is against and he will never be able to leave this country which I’m sure will eat him until the end of his life.
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London leads the world in CCTV. They are quick to ID suspects and they don't have laws where citizens have the right to hold footage unless a warrant is procured. In this incident, the camera at the station is broken and probably has been for years.
I was just talking to my girl about this mentioning that they "could've" found this guy earlier unless the cameras weren't working.
Amazed (and relieved of course) no one died. Wild to think people die every year cause of strays from cloud shooters on NYE but people in point blank range all survived.
Ima go ahead and be that guy.

What does amerikkka expect with this white supremacist system? Given the history of this country? Given the oppression and suppression of black people? That black people will be docile forever? That black ppl won’t break?

For the umpteenth time, this is stolen land acquired from violence and we communicate in languages not native to our ppl and those of the diaspora that are here through the transatlantic slave trade did not ask to be here, we did not ask to be discriminated against, ****ted on, exploited and broken.

These laws were set up by the same ppl that raped and pillaged.

With all that said we are forced to accept this and deal with it like everything is ok. No other group of ppl on this planet are expected to deal with that and keep it moving.

And some of you have Stockholm syndrome. Sadly.
A lot of you are too comfortable.

Only difference for me is that I would rather put my energy towards saving and getting the **** out of a place that I’m not wanted than to end up in this white supremacist system under these white supremacist laws enforced by evil people.

But **** that sugarcoating bull****.

Fortunately nobody was killed. Unfortunately for him he will now be in the very system he is against and he will never be able to leave this country which I’m sure will eat him until the end of his life.
what you saying is true. but should people taking their fustration out on random people in a subway station? cuz thats what it sounds like you doing. Justifying this BS.

On the flip side, sounds like the type of reasoning those redneck Maga used for storming the capital.
Black people have a legitimate reason for eye for an eye yet we as a people choose peace and you have the nerve to compare our situation to maga ppl???

White people have slaughtered for far less. Far less. I’m not justifying a thing I’m saying that it is what it is and it will be what it’s going to be because the powers that be don’t want to acknowledge anything I posted and do something to fix it.
No other group of ppl on the planet are expected to deal with the things black ppl deal with and just take it. Why should we?

Serious question for anybody.
No one is asking black people to just take it. A lot of people of fighting for reforms peacefully on all sides for blacks and other minorities. They dont need to go shoot up a public area to get a point across. That goes for black people, white people, asians or any other race.

And Im not comparing black people's struggle in America with that of MAGA. I saying the same "enough is enough, lets there be violence" is the same thinking those Maga people had at the capitol. If that explanation is still to complicated for you, let me know.
no, everyone, black ppl included, are asking black ppl to just take it. We were put into a situation and exploited and we are still being exploited. While we suffer. For profit.

There is no revolution without bloodshed and white ppl in power are not giving that power up, power that was taken by force and by violence, without violence. Black ppl are expected to wait 373849474 years for something that will never be given to us.

One of us breaks and he’s crazy tho.

Keep it a buck.
Zimmerman killed a child after instigating a fight while he was armed and following a child that was walking on foot while he was in a vehicle. And he sold the murder weapon on a website for a lot of money. But that’s ok right?

It’s psychological warfare on black ppl but we are supposed to not break?

Did breonna Taylor get justice or..?

Wait let’s bring it back to nyc. Sean bell, Amadou diallo, Eric Garner, etc.
stop and frisk.
And we just took it. And were expected to.

Keep it a buck.
Soo.. you're standing with Frank James?

The list of injustices done to black people and minorities in this country is miles long. So it's cool to shoot up a subway because of it? keep it a buck.
I answered that already. Reread what I’ve said.
You gonna answer my questions now or are you going to imply something I didn’t say and something that I made clear?
No other group of ppl on the planet are expected to deal with the things black ppl deal with and just take it. Why should we?

Serious question for anybody.
I'm black but there are definitely currently comparably or more oppressed people than us including the Rohingyars, Uyghurs, Palestinians, Kurds, and even Native Americans. Not totally disagreeing with you, just wanted to show that there are others who are struggling with their host governments as well.
I'm black but there are definitely currently comparably or more oppressed people than us including the Rohingyars, Uyghurs, Palestinians, Kurds, and even Native Americans. Not totally disagreeing with you, just wanted to show that there are others who are struggling with their host governments as well.
bro why you coming in here with so much truth??
I'm black but there are definitely currently comparably or more oppressed people than us including the Rohingyars, Uyghurs, Palestinians, Kurds, and even Native Americans. Not totally disagreeing with you, just wanted to show that there are others who are struggling with their host governments as well.
Outside of native Americans, respectfully, what have those other groups done to try to bring awareness or to change their situation?

And if we look back far enough what did native Americans do to try to change the situation as it occurred?

As we look at what frank James did.
bro why you coming in here with so much truth??
Knowledge is power. >D

Also, debso debso failed to mention that this guy's fired indiscriminately into a crowd. I'm not for senseless violence, but if what he said were the shooter's mindset, you would think he'd be shooting up an establishment with a majority of white people. It just sounds like this guy had some personal issues and took it out on a regularly crowded area.
Knowledge is power. >D

Also, debso debso failed to mention that this guy's fired indiscriminately into a crowd. I'm not for senseless violence, but if what he said were the shooter's mindset, you would think he'd be shooting up an establishment with a majority of white people. It just sounds like this guy had some personal issues and took it out on a regularly crowded area.

If you're mad at the system, go fight the system. Don't kill Mary and Joe going to work cuz they are also probably held down by the same system.
Outside of native Americans, respectfully, what have those other groups done to try to bring awareness or to change their situation?

And if we look back far enough what did native Americans do to try to change the situation as it occurred?

As we look at what frank James did.
There were definitely alot of conflicts involving Native Americans and the American government. Conflicts took place for hundreds of years before the government pacified the native population. Similar stories go for the others that I've mention, hell Palestinians send rockets to Israel on a weekly/monthly basis.
There were definitely alot of conflicts involving Native Americans and the American government. Conflicts took place for hundreds of years before the government pacified the native population. Similar stories go for the others that I've mention, hell Palestinians send rockets to Israel on a weekly/monthly basis.
That’s my point.
Knowledge is power. >D

Also, debso debso failed to mention that this guy's fired indiscriminately into a crowd. I'm not for senseless violence, but if what he said were the shooter's mindset, you would think he'd be shooting up an establishment with a majority of white people. It just sounds like this guy had some personal issues and took it out on a regularly crowded area.
I didn’t fail to mention it. It’s common knowledge. I said he broke. He did.
I didn’t fail to mention it. It’s common knowledge. I said he broke. He did.
But what caused him to break? Systematic oppression or personal demons, that's where our positions differ. Judging from WHO he attacked, I think he just snapped indiscriminately, not with the intent to attack the powers that be/oppressors.
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If you're mad at the system, go fight the system. Don't kill Mary and Joe going to work cuz they are also probably held down by the same system.
Black people should put energy into exploring options outside of America. Why fight for our place on stolen land?

to answer your question above, systemic oppression probably caused his personal demons. He snapped, we won't be able to completely rationalize frank shooting indiscriminately after throwing two gas canisters.

I’m just saying America should expect more of this given America.
We were forced to build and die for it. It wasn’t a choice. Why stay where you aren’t wanted. Why fund this ********? Why not at least explore outside of America?
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