Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

I didn’t say that it did.
What you said doesn’t take away from anything I’ve said in any of my posts in here. Everything I said is true.
Idc what race the dude is or what type of past or mental issues he has, it doesn't justify his actions.

I agree with the oppression Blacks have faced and still face, but if his mental health issues stemmed from mainly that, he would've shot up a MAGA rally. Not a bunch of innocent civilians in the most diverse city in this country.
I know. You've already stated that.. so where? Give us some options.
It’s up to each of us to at least have the understanding that we are programmed to not even want to explore. It’s up to each of us to research and come up with a list of options and then travel.

My options might be different than the next persons and that’s ok. All of us aren’t willing to learn various languages, cultures, etc. a lot of us are comfortable.

We also need to have an open mind and understand that we may not have the same things we have here outside of America. Etc. Etc.
So your recommending black people just get out of America for their own good.
If you feel how that guy felt why put the energy and resources into something negative when you can find a better quality of life elsewhere? Explore. There’s a whole planet.

Now son gotta be told when to eat and all that. Smh.
It's much easier said than done.

There are oppressed people all over the world living in fear daily way more than anyone in this country, who don't just get up and leave, even if they can.

People have families, children, careers, citizenship, etc. Look how many illegals and refugees come here. Trust me, the grass isnt always greener on the other side.

Also it takes actual money saved up to go and start a new life somewhere else. What you're saying is a bit unrealistic for most.
Black people have been oppressed so much in this country, but they have the luxury to just leave this country, pay for travel, living, food, citizenship applications, working visa, language classes perhaps, school registration for their children? When a good population of the oppressed can barely make rent? But for some reason you think they are "comfortable/asleep".
Most of these people dont even have a passport, and require government asisstance to just LIVE. How you expect them to just EXPORE THIS WORLD.

It's much easier said than done.

There are oppressed people all over the world living in fear daily way more than anyone in this country, who don't just get up and leave, even if they can.

People have families, children, careers, citizenship, etc. Look how many illegals and refugees come here. Trust me, the grass isnt always greener on the other side.

Also it takes actual money saved up to go and start a new life somewhere else. What you're saying is a bit unrealistic for most.

that’s why black people and other oppressed people still live in certain states

look at the states openly attacking the rights of women, women won’t be able to just pick up and leave
Idc what race the dude is or what type of past or mental issues he has, it doesn't justify his actions.

I agree with the oppression Blacks have faced and still face, but if his mental health issues stemmed from mainly that, he would've shot up a MAGA rally. Not a bunch of innocent civilians in the most diverse city in this country.

Enh, you can’t really decide how mental health issues manifest themselves. To definitively say he would’ve done XYZ if his issues stemmed from the oppression of black folks completely misses the point of mental health problems. Sure, what you said makes sense to us. But we’re not the ones shooting up folks in a NYC subway.
Black people have been oppressed so much in this country, but they have the luxury to just leave this country, pay for travel, living, food, citizenship applications, working visa, language classes perhaps, school registration for their children? When a good population of the oppressed can barely make rent? But for some reason you think they are "comfortable/asleep".
Most of these people dont even have a passport, and require government asisstance to just LIVE. How you expect them to just EXPORE THIS WORLD.

convert to Judaism. let's see how that goes.
This is a cliché. Been plenty of nonviolent revolutions all over the world throughout history.
What revolution in America has occurred without death? Without blood? What revolution for black ppl?

Why should black ppl be peaceful in the face of the theft of our culture, rewriting of history, forced religion, psychological warfare, etc?

I’m not even saying resort to violence fwiw. I’m just asking a valid question. Would we expect anyone else to turn the other cheek?

Ppl imply that I’m saying something that I’m not but won’t use a fourth of that energy to touch what I said about Zimmerman. Why?

Nobody wants to talk about philando castile. That girl in the backseat was like four years old and witnessed the whole thing. She even consoled her mother afterwards while they were both in the back of the police car after they murdered that man and ppl have the nerve to say that nothing justifies what that guy did.

As ppl continue to benefit off of the oppression and suppression of black ppl in this country.

As Members of Congress that aided and abetted ppl that committed treason, that almost killed the Vice President and the speaker of the house are still in office while our black asses can’t even walk around a store without getting followed.

as if **** like stop and frisk wasn’t a thing.

The issue outside of the root causes of all of this is that ppl would rather be comfortable than to attack the issue and genuinely attempt to solve the issues. That would require having the will. It would require changing the entire culture of America and there is no will to do that which is why I said what I said earlier. Why fight for this? Why do what that guy did when you can put your energy and resources into exploring areas outside of America to see if you as an individual would have a better quality of life elsewhere. At least have a peace of mind.
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Son literally mentioned Palestinians as if they haven’t shot missile after missile, as if the PLO and hamas don’t exist but nobody can understand what made that guy snap and do what he did.

Sadly this is America and it will always be this way until white ppl in positions of power want things to change. Ppl, regardless of race, don’t even want to have this conversation because we are comfortable in chaos but then wonder why there’s a 192 page thread on a sneaker forum that shows exactly how ****ed up America is.

Make THAT make sense.
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