Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.


H headdetective this where you get your conspiracy theory news from?

Such an intellectually lazy argument.

Does Maher know that most of the world consumes American movies just as much as we do? They play GTA, COD, and Resident Evil too. And yet, they don't have all these mass shootings. Somebody explain why.

And then, there's this idea that producing content about vigilante fantasies is promoting gun violence and consitutes an example of Hollywood hypocrisy. It's because of people like Maher that more and more movies include the "this is a work of fiction" disclaimer at the beginning; the kind of cat who get their history lessons from movie theaters.

Hollywood isn't meant to reflect reality. When was the last we saw a real street fight where the bad guys waited for their turn to get beat up/shot by the main character?
surprise / not surprised that this thread didnt get bumped up for last night's shootings
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