Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

So the Madden shooter bought 2 guns from Maryland where he resided and took em to Jacksonville. FYI Maryland has tough gun laws including training/testing to obtain a gun license, background checks, and providing fingerprints to the FFL dealer. The guy was hospitalized twice in psychiatric facilities and had various police reports on him, and had been on prescription psychiatric medications. Obviously not the ideal candidate to own gun so the question is how many other David Katz's are out there with these same issues whom already purchased their guns? Obviously Maryland gun regulations didn't work.. so now what?
All thats a front, guns can be obtained without going through all that

he had the one attribute that matters - white skin

and they never think theyll go shoot up their own, probably thinking he would go shoot black people so let him have the guns
Does the government that monitors gun licenses not have access to mental health records?

It should be like car licenses, get a DUI? They take your licence away.

Too many speeding tickets? They take your license away.

Border control
Flight risk? They take your passport away.
Terror risk? They take your passport away.

Deemed mentally unfit? Yeah buddy, here's a deadly weapon.

no because HIPPA and the NRA

the fight the give access is always knocked down by the NRA
Ya the government should tell the NRA to **** all the way off.

This is the problem with corporate lobbying and special interest groups. They serve their own interests for self preservation and not those of the majority, the American people.

Until there is some kind of reform in that aspect the American people will continue to suffer and corporations will continue to prosper with their special exemptions.
no because HIPPA and the NRA

the fight the give access is always knocked down by the NRA

if you're gonna speak on it, use facts. hippa is a factor definitely, but what does the nra (who i hate btw) have to do with what laws pass. yall gotta stop talking about the NRA like theyre boogeymen or like they control gun laws. at the end of the day, the NRA is a fan club with a lot of money. the laws for better stuff aren't passing because of govt on a state and federal level, not the fan club. does that fan club grease these sleazy politicians pockets? OF COURSE! but u cant get mad at someone for bribing an official, be mad at the official for taking the bribe.

and despite all the fearmongering around the nra.... they actually are advocates of gun SAFETY, and mass shootings aren't on the list of things they want to happen.
Defending the NRA :stoneface:

no. get out of your feelings. me stating that the nra arent actually in control of gun laws is not defending them. im just not gonna sit here and treat the nra like boogeymen as most of you do. when i got my guns the nra had letters in my mailbox within the next week. its frickin creepy how EVERYONE is in bed with them cuz the only way they know i purchased a gun is because that info was sold to them. so i get it. and i hate em, cuz at the end of the day most of their members hate me too. im a young educated black male, i have no place in the nra even if i wanted to be there.

but if u want to actually solve problems u have to stop using talking points you hear from the uneducated. if i bribe a cop to let me off without a ticket, dont hate me.... hate the cop who took the bribe. nra bribes politicians... but thats the politicians fault. of course a huge entity will throw money around to get their way. but an officer of the law, or a governor, or a president, or whoever... is held to a higher standard and shouldnt fall to such crap.

so no. its not mental gymnastics. no. its not defending em cuz if they went belly up tomorrow i wouldnt bat an eyelash. **** them. im simply saying stop acting like theyre the ones to blame for these terrible laws we have in place when none of them are in charge of what laws do and dont get passed. blame your crooked officials with the greased pockets instead who value dollars over lives.

and finally... nra is a huge proponent of gun safety. theyre downright nazis towards each other when they see unsafe weapon handling or someone not respecting the weapon by playing around with it. and in that case.... its a good thing.
Dude letting his love for guns blind him once again.

Look into all the crap NRA has been doing for years. They definitely don't care about what is happening.

It's all about money for them just like the politicians taking their donations.
Dude letting his love for guns blind him once again.

Look into all the crap NRA has been doing for years. They definitely don't care about what is happening.

It's all about money for them just like the politicians taking their donations.
The NRA is not the government. Our government and voters are allowing all of this. If it's that easy for a club to control our laws there's a fundamental flaw in our legal institution.

The government has had no problem shutting down businesses in the past, they want this to continue.
how old are you?
you cant be serious...

gun lobbys exist
or is that fake news to you?
It’s time to bow out if that was a legit question my dudes. What does the NRA have to do....? Homie really thinks they’re just a golf club type deal?
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how old are you?
you cant be serious...

gun lobbys exist
or is that fake news to you?

so what laws have the gun lobbys passed? what laws have the nra passed? ill wait.....

like i said.... if the cop takes the bribe... thats the cops fault. you saying fake news like im some sort of republican cuz i own guns :lol: all of you are skating around the idea that the nra has literally no power over law. they just give money to people who do... and THOSE individuals are responsible.

as for hippa, it values privacy over safety. always has. always will. it is what it is until the laws change.

It’s tine to bow out if that was a legit question my dudes. What does the NRA have to do....? Homie really thinks they’re just a good club type deal?
try to keep up. i dont support the nra as a whole. but... them advocating for gun SAFETY is a good thing. or are you disagreeing with that?

Dude letting his love for guns blind him once again.

Look into all the crap NRA has been doing for years. They definitely don't care about what is happening.

It's all about money for them just like the politicians taking their donations.
what love for guns? again... more talking points taken from the ignorant. a gun is a tool. i dont love my gun anymore than i love a cutco knife, or an andis t-outliner. saying they dont care is stupid because theyre NOT a monolith. there actually are good people in the nra. i think those people are either ignorant or blinded, but theyre good nonetheless. and whenever you see someone so much as take a picture with their finger on the trigger, gun safety advocates are all over it chastising them for irresponsibility. you saying nra doesnt care is generalizing people of all kinds of backgrounds simply cuz they like guns and you dont. call a spade a spade.

Is Trump not a supporter of the NRA who funded his campaign? Why would he pass laws that work against them?

now who is at fault, nra for giving money... or trump for taking it? trump is the president... not the nra. why would he pass laws that work against them? if he wasn't a crooked SOB who only cared about making his rich friends richer and gaining more power.....he would pass laws that help the people. but you know... thats not who he is.
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