Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Japan had a mass arson attack last month killing 35 and injuring an additional 33. Which is more deaths than the El Paso and Dayton shootings combined. The point is not to compare tragedies. But while this particular thread is focused on mass deaths by shooting, there is an issue of people wanting to end the lives of other people.

do you believe that america has a pervasive problem with white supremacy?
When you read the responses coming from people like TEKtheMAESTRO, you'll realize that this white president is exactly who he is supposed to be. People like TEKtheMAESTRO are the reason that the Orange sphincter feels that he can get away with whatever he wants.
What does arson have to do with gun violence . Stay on topic numnuts

The other poster mentioned Japan. As I stated, there is an issue with people wanting to commit mass murder. And what causes it. If you want to be flippant about the lives lost in Japan last month, that is your prerogative.
do you believe that america has a pervasive problem with white supremacy?

Without doubt. And it isn't new. Indeed the country was built on it. It is weird that so many people are acting like white supremacy is some sort of news flash that no one knew about.

But, as you know, all mass shooters aren't white supremacists.
Well, PacMan got me onto pills. I blame Video Games!!
Ever since dokey kong I've been throwin' barrels nonstop

Japan had a mass arson attack last month killing 35 and injuring an additional 33. Which is more deaths than the El Paso and Dayton shootings combined. The point is not to compare tragedies. But while this particular thread is focused on mass deaths by shooting, there is an issue of people wanting to end the lives of other people.

In response to video games being the blame you bring up an irrelevant incident. Relax, you'll get a better opportunity to spit out those talkin' points in just a moment
Without doubt. And it isn't new. Indeed the country was built on it. It is weird that so many people are acting like white supremacy is some sort of news flash that no one knew about.

But, as you know, all mass shooters aren't white supremacists.
Should white men be considered THE major terrorist threat of this country now?
Ever since dokey kong I've been throwin' barrels nonstop

In response to video games being the blame you bring up an irrelevant incident. Relax, you'll get a better opportunity to spit out those talkin' points in just a moment

The other poster brought up Japan. And I responded. Perhaps you should discuss what you deem the irrelevancy of Japan with that poster.
Incidents of white supremacist terrorism have seen an increase in the US since Trump started his presidential campaign

Don't let these Trump cultists tell you otherwise

They're spineless sycophants who don't care about ANYTHING except defending their idol
Should white men be considered THE major terrorist threat of this country now?

You're using words like "now" and "THE" and "major." White supremacy has long been a threat to peace in America and elsewhere. But it isn't new to me. I don't feel any more threatened by cowards with sheets on their heads than anyone else. But I grew up in the south so white supremacy and racism generally isn't some shocking new revelation that has my jaw dropping now.
The other poster brought up Japan. And I responded. Perhaps you should discuss what you deem the irrelevancy of Japan with that poster.

The poster brought up Japan to show that video games don't directly correlate with gun violence. You brought up something completely irrelevant because it appears like you're trying to cape for any possible anti-video game legislation.

"Yeah but don't be fooled the Japanese are some savage mass murderers!"
Japan GUN VIOLENCE not just deaths in Japan.
Dude was comparing the video game purchases in japan + gun deaths to America's....

Right and my response was while they don't have the gun issue, they still have an issue with people intent on committing mass murder doing so.
When you read the responses coming from people like TEKtheMAESTRO, you'll realize that this white president is exactly who he is supposed to be. People like TEKtheMAESTRO are the reason that the Orange sphincter feels that he can get away with whatever he wants.

capitalizing my name wont make you any more correct. whenever you're wrong you just move goal posts or go to another thread spouting the same bs. i would feel bad for you if you werent such a ****. trump IS exactly who he is supposed to be, a wrecking ball of an idiot who finally got all the roaches to come out from their hiding places. as far as im concerned, he helped the final line be drawn in the sand. you're either with progress or against it, but at least he emboldened those against it to come out into the light.

but if me informing YOU that forcing sex on someone isnt necessarily a political statement makes trump feel like he can get away with things... then sure. lol you got it.

Right and my response was while they don't have the gun issue, they still have an issue with people intent on committing mass murder doing so.

this is false and you know it. they dont have an ISSUE because it happens once in 4 blue moons. we have an issue... cuz it happens every week, sometimes multiple times per week, and now apparently twice in a day.
Not going to do it, cause I know better. The post speaks directly about video games connection to gun violence/gun deaths in plain English.
We know your MO, we know who you are.
The poster brought up Japan to show that video games don't directly correlate with gun violence. You brought up something completely irrelevant because it appears like you're trying to cape for any possible anti-video game legislation.

"Yeah but don't be fooled the Japanese are some savage mass murderers!"

You're using quotation marks but that isn't a direct quote.

I don't care about video game legislation. I don't think video games are any more to blame than any number of factors. The development of the internet in general is probably the biggest issue. There are dark places on the web where people say/post whatever they like. Even here on niketalk, people spew a lot of rhetoric that could rile up younger people. And older sensitive folks who take it to heart.
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