Master's Degree and still no job....

That's why I will be getting a PhD
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

No lie, your degrees are pretty much useless. I'd look to take up a job anywhere doing anything...just don't let the loans pile up.


but yea
Originally Posted by oO ThE RoC Oo

I got a Masters in Architecture/Urban Design.....................and I'm still broke and unemployed.

Don't say that man, I'm graduating in May with a Masters in Architecture. I'm not looking forward to life after Graduation now.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

dont let the sheep come in and deter.  you good, just keep grinding.  your degree does not make you.  just gotta think outside of the box when it comes to getting that jo

Agreed. Its always the same 3,4 kids every damn job or college thread saying you must major in engineering or become a doctor. And if didnt then better off dead or something to that effect. I majored in one those 'well-to-do' majors and hated every minute of it. I hated the classes, the people, the industry, the internships. So I switched into something else and kinda liked it.

Bottom line is dont let others especially those on NT deter you. Also unemployment is affecting everyone. Keep in mind that there are 09 grads, as well as '99 grads and '89 grads out of work.
Co-sign everything you said. Dudes saying his degrees are worthless, but are totally off base. My Dad always preached that I should choose the career I want because doing a job you hate everyday will make your life miserable. I chose to major in Radio, TV, Film. Now, most people would on here would say my degree is "worthless" but I work in radio in a top 5 media market. It is what you make of your degree. I might not be making as much as my engineering friends right out of school, but I guarantee I enjoy my life alot more.
This is why i dont believe in school anymore. I just dont get it. You put yourself in debt just to try to better yourself but in actuality your not. I know people who have big degrees working at Home depot and some working at McDonalds and Wal-mart.
This is the reality you have to find a way to differentiate yourself. My management professor told us how when he got his master he was one of 3,500 in the U.S. to have a masters degree that year. Now Around 100,00 probably more people graduate with a masters degree.

So just having a master's degree isn't enough now. Find something differentiates you.

My suggestions find skills to acquire that others do not have.

1.) Employers love people with Project managing skills Big time! If you can project manage you can run a team, or a staff of employees.
2.) Work on technical skills
3.) Work on your people skills.

But Differentiate yourself !!
Originally Posted by youngcurse

This is why i dont believe in school anymore. I just dont get it. You put yourself in debt just to try to better yourself but in actuality your not. I know people who have big degrees working at Home depot and some working at McDonalds and Wal-mart.

Don't knock McDonalds around here Managers at McDonalds make around 100k per year.
That nice in all but it takes time to move up to a position where you can make that kind of money.
why do dudes act like engineering is a savior
i know a few engineers out of a job..i know ppl in EVERY field out of a job..except nursing..and i even know a ER physician making 90k at a city hospital and still trying to pay back med school yea nothing is really fail safe..grow up
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Only POS degrees allow you to take a 'masters' right then and there.

Whatever man, I got my masters right after undergrad and I'm doing straight. I know cats that did the same and came out making $85K or more. 

You just gotta hustle and know what company too holler at. You can't be too big to do some contract work to get in the game either.

What field/ I'm not saying that isn't true, but you know exactly what I mean.

What company?

Times have changed if you didn't notice. 
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by oO ThE RoC Oo

I got a Masters in Architecture/Urban Design.....................and I'm still broke and unemployed.

Don't say that man, I'm graduating in May with a Masters in Architecture. I'm not looking forward to life after Graduation now.

really? I still love the profession tho
Originally Posted by SupremeApe


some of you are posting that he should of got a MBA, but i know people with MBA that cant get a job either

keep trying you will find something
Only dudes with MBA that are jobless didn't graduate from a top 20 program or didn't network enough.

I go to UCLA business school and my classmates and I are being spoonfed with internships/offers
Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

Originally Posted by oO ThE RoC Oo

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by oO ThE RoC Oo

I got a Masters in Architecture/Urban Design.....................and I'm still broke and unemployed.
What kind of potential career should an education like that lead to?
An Architect or an Urban Planner.  I did both so I would be a bit more marketable out of school.

U should definately look into some government jobs... There's a lot of agencies out there that need architects, the ones that deal with construction...

Also, look into some construction companies that may need architects, etc...

But hang in there in good luck in the meanwhile...

ninjallamafromhell wrote:
This is one of the reasons I picked Electrical Engineering.


Thanks for the motivational words.  I believe that things will turn around.
Originally Posted by kicksNbeats

Originally Posted by SupremeApe


some of you are posting that he should of got a MBA, but i know people with MBA that cant get a job either

keep trying you will find something
Only dudes with MBA that are jobless didn't graduate from a top 20 program or didn't network enough.

I go to UCLA business school and my classmates and I are being spoonfed with internships/offers
good for you
I know people that went to UofT's and York's business school both ranked 1 and 2 world wide with no jobs

MBAs are a dime a dozen, u will see once u finish school
If it is what you like to do then I say have no regrets at all. I'm doing Accounting myself because in my opinion its one of the better business majors to get and I actually like it. It's a hard subject and if you 4.0 all your accounting classes then I will praise you lol. I guess where you get your degree matters as well but in the end of the day its what you make of it!
I think the most important factor of college is GPA. Majors do not matter as much as the grades. Am i wrong?

4.0 in philosophy is bound to impress somebody. A 4.0 philosophy is going to a good Ph. D program.
The most important thing is your school. Employers will be more impressed with a 4.0 in philosophy from Princeton than a 3.0 in accounting from a state school.  They'll also be more impressed with a 3.0 in Electrical Engineering from Berkeley or MIT than a 4.0 in Electrical Engineering at a school they've never heard of. Also, MBA's do equal success...if they're from Harvard or Stanford. You're set for life with one of those. MBA's from random schools, not so much. I know from experience that many big-time employers in business/law only interview people from certain schools. It's not an elitist thing, it's an information asymmetry problem. Way more often than not, people from top schools are better employees. How else do you think people who major in Asian Studies at Harvard land elite venture capital or investment banking jobs? Get an Ivy League on your resume and you'll get to cut in line. You will get an interview even if you don't have the connections. So go get that 800 GMAT or 180 LSAT and start over. And high school kids, take that SAT and those extra-curriculars very seriously.
Those who are talking about the prestige of a school...who here actually has a job?

I know a quite a few people who graduated from a state school, not even UC's, but rather Cal States, who have people under them from more recognized campuses, ie USC.

Network is KEY.

Of course graduating from an ivy league school says a lot, but some of you guys are making it sound like you're never going to hit 6 figure if you don't/didn't attend one.
read the whole thread.

I think we just graduated at the wrong time. I mean we graduated in one of the worst economic times EVER. So we have an excuse, its just too bad that that excuse doesnt pay the bills.

I only have my BA, and currently only has gotten me job offers in the 30's...not one im lookin for, but all we can do, is keep pushin Na mean?

good luck to everyone.
Internships, how you excel at your job, and the things you do outside of class time, are very very important.  It's key to learn more than the book/classroom material and study your butt off while networking and getting the upper edge in internships. Also, the type of job of course.
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by kicksNbeats

Originally Posted by SupremeApe


some of you are posting that he should of got a MBA, but i know people with MBA that cant get a job either

keep trying you will find something
Only dudes with MBA that are jobless didn't graduate from a top 20 program or didn't network enough.

I go to UCLA business school and my classmates and I are being spoonfed with internships/offers
good for you
I know people that went to UofT's and York's business school both ranked 1 and 2 world wide with no jobs

MBAs are a dime a dozen, u will see once u finish school

UofT and York ranked #1 and 2 in the world? 
  Anyone who has worked in the business world knows Wharton, Harvard, and Stanford make up the top 3. 

Also, MBAs from top 20 schools are NOT a dime a dozen.  You almost never see anyone walking out of those schools unemployed.
You failed @ life for trying, next time CHECK THE JOB MARKET BEFORE CHOOSING A MAJOR. Just because you have alot of knowledge about something doesn't me your cut out 4 it.
That's why coaches coach and players play. How often do you see a demand for the dumb major you got a masters in? If you went to school 8 years and haven't found a decent job all that time shouldn't that have tell you something.

Go get a trade in Welding or Truck Driving and call it a lifetime
Originally Posted by JediMaster23

You failed @ life for trying, next time CHECK THE JOB MARKET BEFORE CHOOSING A MAJOR. Just because you have alot of knowledge about something doesn't me your cut out 4 it.
That's why coaches coach and players play. How often do you see a demand for the dumb major you got a masters in? If you went to school 8 years and haven't found a decent job all that time shouldn't that have tell you something.

Go get a trade in Welding or Truck Driving and call it a lifetime
I certainly have no say in telling a person what they can't or cannot do, but you definitely do not strike at a man's decision for further education on something he loves. As I skimmed through his job experience, I would say he's trying to put himself out there, but things might not be panning out at the moment. If things are going well for you, good for you, and if you have nothing good to say then stay out of this thread. The OP started this thread just to get a different perspective and hear about other experiences.
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