McDonald's Website for Black People

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Black people dont liek taking a drive/walk to the nearest McDonalds anymore?!

What do you mean?
I got a 365 Black T-Shirt from the Essence Festival in New Orleans a couple years ago. It's actually a quality tee shirt too. Black with Gold lettering

and no, I don't eat or support McD's food.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why not make a site for White people and Asians as well? This is %#@#+** retarted[/color]

cause yall don't have a history of being slaves in america.....
you sure? i think we built rail road tracks as indentured servants.
Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why not make a site for White people and Asians as well? This is %#@#+** retarted[/color]

cause yall don't have a history of being slaves in america.....
you sure? i think we built rail road tracks as indentured servants.

indentured servitude =/= slavery.
imma have to make a trip to mcdonalds in a second, like right now. Does anybody know when breakfast starts. Like how early?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko


It's even worse for the people who dont see what REAL the problem is. All this does is endorses more health problems for blacks. It's like a wolf in sheeps clothing. Doesnt matter how much money they're 'putting into the black community' or how 'positive' it is for blacks (at least that's how they try to make it on their site)... They could care less if they're "giving off the stereotypical image of black people." They just want you dead and out of the way. Word to AIDS.
Red is absolutely true
Green is eh but I see what you are getting at
Purple you are way way way too over analyzing.

If you believe the red part is true, why would the purple be any harder to believe? You can add crack to that list with AIDS.
Nash basically had what I was going for but didn't read his post until after I posted

because it is idiotic. McDonald's is a corporation so they want to market to a certain group of people to get them to eat at McDonald's so they canmake money and they want to kill them????????????? It is the most ridiculous notion.. Aids and Crack epidemic would be government grown so it is of a differentnature... By the way the U.S. government didn't create AIDS at all.

The reason the red part is true, is because it would be true with any race. It doesn't necessarily endorse what black people have in terms of healthproblems. Saying hey we want blacks to have heart disease.... It is not helping it.. Just as if McDonald's sponsored a Nascar event they aren't sayingwe want people to have heart disease we just want them to eat our food...

But since your red and purple argument are going at the same thing as McDonald's wants to kill black people it is all wrong. Now if they are two differentarguments then you have something with 1 argument.. But if not it is pretty much backwards.

edit: Saw you created Illuminati thread so really now I am not surprised this is your thinking..
Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why not make a site for White people and Asians as well? This is %#@#+** retarted[/color]

cause yall don't have a history of being slaves in america.....
you sure? i think we built rail road tracks as indentured servants.

indentured servitude =/= slavery.

thank you
....god they're reaching like no other....damn do yall really want our history that bad?
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Why not make a site for White people and Asians as well? This is %#@#+** retarted

This guy is serious when it come to his kangaroo McDonalds.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Black people dont liek taking a drive/walk to the nearest McDonalds anymore?!

What do you mean?

That Mcdonalds site is to deliver McDonalds to african-Americans
come on man for real?


duke saw '365black' and immediately assumed Mickey Ds would deliver to black folk year-round

I swear, Niketalkers are some of the DUMBEST creatures on the planet
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why not make a site for White people and Asians as well? This is %#@#+** retarted[/color]

cause yall don't have a history of being slaves in america.....
your so wrong.
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why not make a site for White people and Asians as well? This is %#@#+** retarted[/color]

cause yall don't have a history of being slaves in america.....
your so wrong.

when were white people slaves in the united states???? and asians were indentured servants and not slaves....hell blacks some blks who were freed from slaveryended up becoming indentured that should tell you something
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by HighRep87

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why not make a site for White people and Asians as well? This is %#@#+** retarted[/color]

cause yall don't have a history of being slaves in america.....
your so wrong.

when were white people slaves in the united states???? and asians were indentured servants and not slaves....hell blacks some blks who were freed from slavery ended up becoming indentured that should tell you something


Dudes are trying to rewrite history to prove a point.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Why not make a site for White people and Asians as well? This is %#@#+** retarted

cause yall don't have a history of being slaves in america.....


Real talk, I have no reaction to this.. I don't know whether to applaud McDonald's for reaching out or shake my head .. whatever floats their boat.
@ people arguing about history when they're ignorant of the facts

ps. why does everyone want to win the "the who had it worst?" contest? THAT's something you want to win?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

@ people arguing about history when they're ignorant of the facts

ps. why does everyone want to win the "the who had it worst?" contest? THAT's something you want to win?

no but at the end of the day Im not going to sit here and let people downplay our history in America....slavery and the civils rights movements are majorhistory points in American history...and dude trying to downplay it and compare it to some indentured servants
.....where they do that at?
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

@ people arguing about history when they're ignorant of the facts

ps. why does everyone want to win the "the who had it worst?" contest? THAT's something you want to win?
no but at the end of the day Im not going to sit here and let people downplay our history in America...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Who's downplaying your history? From what I see in this threadit's the other way around [/color]
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