Mega Churches.....?

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

I have never seen a mega church, but I'm assuming it's the type you see on TV that are huge and have the flamboyant pastors (i know a bit of a stereotype). If so I can't rock with or respect those people, plus I can't rock with the government not taxing them.

believe that the pastors don't even care about the religion, just want the money.
I'm almost sure of this part. They're smart men who become actors and the face of religion in order to make bank No offense to religion, but
I don't see how anyone can support that crap. I wish that one day instead of creating these magnificent million-dollar churches people would create simple structures and go outside when its sunny (a bit of a reach, I know).

Well remember the guy who created Scientology. In his book he wrote, "You want to become rich, then create your own religion." It's not theexact quote but it can be paraphrased as that.
Yeah it's crazy how some of these churches are, but I try not to judge. However, at times I do wonder why spend so much money in "mega churches"when you can be supporting missions overseas or even helping out those in need around the community?

I'm not against all "mega churches", but I can't really get down with most either.
I believe every pastor/preacher should be equally accessible by everyone in the congregation of the church. I just don't see how that's possible atsome these churches.

Like I said earlier, I'm not the type of person to question the intent of others but sometimes it's hard not to.
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Don't they have ATM machines in the lobby too?
Def NOT what Jesus would do.

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by BLinK

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Or you could just not go to a church period. You don't need a church to be a believer.
I like to compare church to class

You can learn Thermodynamics on your own, but for some people a lecture is beneficial to establish direction or clarify issues.
However, at the end of the day YOU must learn the material.

Same with church. The only way to heaven is through God/Jesus Christ and you (if you have the mental capacity to) must make that decision on your own. However, church is there to help you along the way if you need it. It's not necessary though.

That's my view on church.
Going to class IS necessary though.
It really is not. I've gotten A's in ENGINEERING classes without attending.

It depends on the material and how the professor teachers the class. I've had classes where the prof teaches straight from the book, or his exams are just material of lecture slides which are posted online.

If the professor is giving his exams based on material found only in class or gives random pop quizzes, then yes class attendance is important. If you don't understand whats going on, and the professor actually knows how to teach, then yeah you go. Just like church, if you don't understand whats going go.

can somebody school me real quick on tithe giving?

i always thought giving to the church is voluntary but if what throwedindagame said is right, it sounds like its mandatory. or is just depending on what church you belong to?

also, is there anything regulating what the money goes towards? i mean church goers do know that their money is going towards buying the pastor a new BMW right or is that they don't really care?
It's not mandatory.

It's only mandatory if your church membership requires it. If you don't tithe at Creflo Dollars church, won't be listed as an official member. You can still attend his church though.

To answer your final question, who is watching how the government spends your tax money? If you knew how wastefull some government agencies were
Congress is watching? This is like having a fox guard the hen house.

well i didn't mean it like some oversight committee or anything like that but i meant is there any religious laws regulating how the moneymust be spent?

for example, i'm Muslim and we are required (if we meet certain financial requirements) to pay 2.5% of our total, untouched savings (it cant be money usedfor necessities or family) as charity. we pay this money to various organizations and mosques but there are requirements on how the money is to spent. there 8things that the money is spent towards

1) the poor who don't have anything
2) the needy that need financial assistance
3) the wages of those people hired to collect the tax
4) the people who need to be won over
5) those who are in debt and need help paying off the debt
6) to free slaves and captives
7) in the cause of Allah - basically military operations (jihad)
8.) travelers

no one else or nothing else is entitled to receive the money if they/it don't fit in these categories. usually when i pay the money to the mosque, theyshow everyone proof exactly how the money was spent (usually spent on clothes, food, necessities sent to palestine, somalia, iraq, afghanistan,etc). myquestion was is there any regulation like this in tithe giving or is kind of solely up to the digression of the pastors/churches?
I gotta step my game up
these people are just giving out free money to here some spiritual nonsense
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

I have never seen a mega church, but I'm assuming it's the type you see on TV that are huge and have the flamboyant pastors (i know a bit of a stereotype). If so I can't rock with or respect those people, plus I can't rock with the government not taxing them.

believe that the pastors don't even care about the religion, just want the money.
I'm almost sure of this part. They're smart men who become actors and the face of religion in order to make bank No offense to religion, but
I don't see how anyone can support that crap. I wish that one day instead of creating these magnificent million-dollar churches people would create simple structures and go outside when its sunny (a bit of a reach, I know).

Well remember the guy who created Scientology. In his book he wrote, "You want to become rich, then create your own religion." It's not the exact quote but it can be paraphrased as that.

I might do that %%%+. Call it the religion of self. Forget a tithe, Im after them mega TV bucks. Matter of fact call it me payin the Romans back SMH

Side note : I know that %%%+ aint ever gone happen
Originally Posted by quiickz

My church isn't like this at all, thank God. Our pastor doesn't even drive a nice car, it's broken down on him so many times on his way to church

Yea mine is similar, however, my pastor's car nor his wife's ever broke down. They both have good jobs too so any nice material possession they getwithin a certain range could easily be justified. His wife works for USPS in the office and drives a '09 SUV, my pastor works for AMTRAK and drives a late90's Maxima.
Worship the Father NOT the Pastor or Idol such as a church...

So true, but that's how many lost sheep are. A lot of churches don't want their pastors working so they can be available to the congregation morereadily, so they support him/her through tithes and offering
been to the one in houston @ the old compaq center.
not for me.
main dude is on that ultimate hustle.
has people in a trance.
dare i say conman.. snakesoil salesman.
its a church without a church. you can say you go to church but without that committement. i dont get it.
The preacher was talking about this a couple of weeks ago at a church my mom goes to.

T.D. Jakes is his mentor or something like that and he was saying how one preacher flies to church in a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HELICOPTER[/color]
talkin' 'bout "it's a blessing from God."
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

The preacher was talking about this a couple of weeks ago at a church my mom goes to.

T.D. Jakes is his mentor or something like that and he was saying how one preacher flies to church in a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HELICOPTER[/color]
talkin' 'bout "it's a blessing from God."
That's how they justify expensive things, cuz I guess the figure "who in the church is gonna question God"
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

The preacher was talking about this a couple of weeks ago at a church my mom goes to.

T.D. Jakes is his mentor or something like that and he was saying how one preacher flies to church in a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HELICOPTER[/color]
talkin' 'bout "it's a blessing from God."
That's how they justify expensive things, cuz I guess the figure "who in the church is gonna question God"
Prosperity theology (also known as prosperity doctrine, health and wealth, prosperity gospel) is a religious belief centered around the notion that God provides material prosperity for those he favors.[sup][1][/sup] It implies both that people who are favored by God will be materially successful, and also that materially successful people are successful because God favored them. The prosperity gospel is often used by its promoters to elicit donations, on the premise that donations will be materially repaid and rewarded through divine intervention.

Prosperity theology has been the target of criticism. Within the Christian community, prosperity theology has been criticized as being antithetical to traditional biblical teaching.[sup][2][/sup] More generally, prosperity theology has been criticized as as being exploitative of its adherents, and for the financial excesses and lack of financial transparency of its leadership.

Prosperity theology is not the same as Word of Faith theology, though most, if not all, Word of Faith teachers hold to some level of prosperity theology.
  1. If X is prospering, then God made them prosper.
  2. X is prospering.
  3. Therefore, God gave them their prosperity.


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Making Bank off the fools who continuously give them money[/color]
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

The preacher was talking about this a couple of weeks ago at a church my mom goes to.

T.D. Jakes is his mentor or something like that and he was saying how one preacher flies to church in a [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]HELICOPTER[/color]
talkin' 'bout "it's a blessing from God."


Hahahahahahahahhahaha now THAT is funny. It is even sad ifthe members aren't challenging this.

I was suprised at the churches in Louisiana. Holy crap, those places look like compounds!
I have never been a big fan of the mega church type. Even some of the members seem like they are there for the wrong reasons. I know that it does say in theBible that the pastor should be able to devote their time to the ministry and that the congegration's offerings ( a portion) contribute to their needs. Idisagree with pastors such as Jeremiah Wright here in Chicago receiving million dollar homes and lavish vehicles. I am a member at a small church with about30+ members. I have been there all my life.
If you have noticed though... besides the pastors writing books, speaking engagements, etc.

Most of the mega-churches are usually in the south or a wealthy area..

So the property is relatively cheap and/or they have a good amount of $$ coming in through tithes.
If yall were in a position to Spread the word for a 6-figure salary, yall wouldnt do it?......Lets be serious, Look at it as a blessing from God
There are definitely people who get offered high dollar salaries at mega churches and they turn the offers down.

And not every good thing surrounding the church is a blessing from God. If the pastor of one of these churches is approached by his favorite actress for aweekend of hot fun in the Cayman, he should consider it a blessing from God and do it, right?
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

If yall were in a position to Spread the word for a 6-figure salary, yall wouldnt do it?......Lets be serious, Look at it as a blessing from God

but one of the main points of christianity is humility, and those pastors didnt earn that money

Originally Posted by R3tro 3

Worship the Father NOT the Pastor or Idol such as a church...


Not a religious person but is disgusting on how some churches take advantage of people.
i dont understand people complain about preachers having nice cars and things, but are fine w/ a rapper or dope boy driving a benz.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

If yall were in a position to Spread the word for a 6-figure salary, yall wouldnt do it?......Lets be serious, Look at it as a blessing from God
There are definitely people who get offered high dollar salaries at mega churches and they turn the offers down.

And not every good thing surrounding the church is a blessing from God. If the pastor of one of these churches is approached by his favorite actress for a weekend of hot fun in the Cayman, he should consider it a blessing from God and do it, right?

No, because its a sin....Simple

However receiving a high salary for spreading the word isnt...
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

i dont understand people complain about preachers having nice cars and things, but are fine w/ a rapper or dope boy driving a benz.


Its like yall are saying God and being financially well-off dont go hand and hand....Like every holy person is suppose to be dirt poor and happy
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

i dont understand people complain about preachers having nice cars and things, but are fine w/ a rapper or dope boy driving a benz.

How do you compare a preacher to a drug dealer/rapper???
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