MEN: Do you keep exes as friends?

Jan 4, 2008
I'm in this predicament. I have one who thinks I still want her, so tries to avoid me. I have another who I've wronged but we still talk on the phoneinto the wee hours.

The problem isn't the friend part--it's all the lingering emotions/feelings tied to the failed relationship.

Have any of you got back together with your exes after a long, extended period of being platonic?

No ulterior motives here. I'm just wondering if this ex as friends thing ever works.
For me it doesnt, but I am sure there are others that are cool with it...

Actually the last girl I dated I could be friends with, but her insecure boyfriend wants to kick my #$+ so it's best I stay away, cant afford to getarrested again for kicking some short dudes #$+....
I'm doing what your doing with #2...Its hard...I'm on the road to trying to make it work with my can't fight the feelings so foolishly wetry to make things work...

Good luck...
Not really, I'll talk with them once in a while, but my ex-gfs seem to have a tendency to get pregnant after I leave them.
Ive had 0 success in that department
. I wish I was still cool with one of them
yeah and they are mad close to me...i guess because i have never broken up with someone on bad terms
i still go out for lunch or dinner with the exes whenever i'm back home. never talk to them on the phone or online or anything throughout the year though.

i think there comes a point where you're just sorta past everything and just know you're friends, or just good acquaintances.
The rule is to never burn bridges but personally I can't do anything but that.

My thing is that if i was in a relationship with you then I see you only as a mate not a friend or anything like that. Don't get me wrong I share some ofthe same kind of actions you would find in a friendship which is normal for a healthy relationship like joking around, playfulness, advice. But the bottom lineis that your my girlfriend not my best friend or even a friend.

Once we end it, it's done...if I see you in the streets i'll say whats up but nothing more.

I don't understand how guys can say that their girlfriend is their best-friend other than if they grew up with their g/f, like why would you put all yourapples in one basket. When you end a relationship like that not only are you losing your girl but your best-friend as well.
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