MEN RAPING MEN...The Congo taking Ls

It is our natural propensity to rape, pillage and kill but we have found ways to keep those primal urges at bay for the greater good.

"Then they raped me," he said. "It was horrible, physically. I was dizzy. My thoughts just left me."

that made me laugh really hard for some reason
at me
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by CjGenius368

It is our natural propensity to rape, pillage and kill but we have found ways to keep those primal urges at bay for the greater good.


I think seeking power might be a natural urge, but this is an extreme manifestation of that desire.
Basically what I'm tryna say is the worst comes out in people when things are going badly. You' be surprised what people are capable of during bad times, such as war and famine.

when the chips are down these "civilized people" theyll eat ach other
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The Congo has been a lawless nation years....hence the wanton violence and rape. Someone needs to do something about it.

Almost the whole damn continent is lawless.

%#%$@ your ignorance is the only thing you should be shaking your head at.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

AntonLaVey wrote:

The Congo has been a lawless nation years....hence the wanton violence and rape. Someone needs to do something about it.

Almost the whole damn continent is lawless.

#$%$* your ignorance is the only thing you should be shaking your head at.

Exactly. We got dudes who probably never even been in Africa talking about almost the whole thing being "lawless"
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It is our natural propensity to rape, pillage and kill but we have found ways to keep those primal urges at bay for the greater good.



As much as it scares you, it's the truth.

Prove it.

It's easy for you to say cause you're living a relatively comfortable life here in America but if you grew up in those conditions around so muchviolence and suffering you would be a completely different person. Like I said before, take away everything (food, security etc) and put human beings in asituation where there is no law or government, you'd be surprised what we would do to one another. In these conditions the strong (usually) men enforcetheir power and dominance on the weak (children, women) with little or no repercussions. These killers and rapists usually overthrow the government and operateunder the guise of a rebellion against an evil regime.

"Every revolution ends by becomingeither an oppressor or a heretic"-Albert Camus
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

"I'm laughed at," Mr. Mukuli said. "The people in my village say: 'You're no longer a man. Those men in the bush made you their
wife.' "
I lol'd at that

@ me
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by Angryostrich

"I'm laughed at," Mr. Mukuli said. "The people in my village say: 'You're no longer a man. Those men in the bush made you their
wife.' "
I lol'd at that

@ me
Your not the only one.
@ us.
take away everything (food, security etc) and put human beings in a situation where there is no law or government, you'd be surprised what we would do to one another.

I'm not arguing that. You stated the we(humans) are predisposed to being savages, rapists, and murderers which is what I disagreed with.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

take away everything (food, security etc) and put human beings in a situation where there is no law or government, you'd be surprised what we would do to one another.

I'm not arguing that. You stated the we(humans) are predisposed to being savages, rapists, and murderers which is what I disagreed with.

Let's just agree to disagree, I've seen enough proof of this throughout history to come to the conclusion that we are the worst of theworst. Animals treat each other better than we do.
no jokes, that is DISGUSTING. Modern day sodom and gomorah (spellcheck). Another place I will not visit.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

take away everything (food, security etc) and put human beings in a situation where there is no law or government, you'd be surprised what we would do to one another.

I'm not arguing that. You stated the we(humans) are predisposed to being savages, rapists, and murderers which is what I disagreed with.
Let's just agree to disagree, I've seen enough proof of this throughout history to come to the conclusion that we are the worst of the worst. Animals treat each other better than we do.

AntonLaVey is speaking a unfortunate truth.

Reading enough Freud and things of that nature explains it in detail
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