MEN RAPING MEN...The Congo taking Ls

Originally Posted by MECKS

Anton You go from posting dark black vs light black to this?

that's nasty but, i not the first time i heard of male rape. in arab countries they do this to christians and foreigners. i saw one where they kidnapped and raped a french kid (like 15) they ran a train on him....
it was on dateline 20/20

isn't the congo where they castrate babies too ?
Man...that had to suck.
Mangudai954 wrote:
^ Elaborate.

People in general act according to the laws of our society. Those laws force us to act a certain way a suppress urges that will otherwise get usexiled out of society.

Freud like psychologist explain how these urges manifest and why we choose to repress these urges because of rules set in place by society. To relate to thewhole rape thing men are always going to want more power. The quickest way to do take power from a man is to humiliate him(rape). This often happened in warworld I and II, china, rome blah blah blah but its not always mentioned. Even animals do this to acknowledge the alpha male. In Congo men have been stripped oftheir political power so they step out of their social boundaries that they were force into and rape other men re-gain their dominance over the country. Alotof the pillaging rape and murder has to do with regaining power and is being reinforced by the natural urges that people have

The best example that I remember reading from him is that a boy will have a natural urge to killing his father because of jealousy and wanting to gain power asthe alpha male of the household. then in his books(for about 300pgs) he goes into how this urge relates to men having a natural urge to gain power.

BTW I haven't been up on this stuff in years.
You can only put so much blame on the individuals. I'm a firm believer that people act a certain way based upon the system in which they are put. Rapehappens all over the world, even to men, but the occurrence rate is much much lower and the penal system would take care of the issue in developed nations.

The majority of countries in Africa will thrive only when their leaders and political/economic systems allow them to.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It is our natural propensity to rape, pillage and kill but we have found ways to keep those primal urges at bay for the greater good.



As much as it scares you, it's the truth.

Prove it.

go check out any country that takes over another one...what do you think happened to da original people?
Better rock that coat of urs if u plan
on goin down there. Word to Columbo.
Originally Posted by jose cansec0

i laughed so hard when i seen this ive never seen faces like that ever before in my life...especially the top two.

- Me, too

- It goes down, y'all. Gots to watch ya back
in the Congo
Originally Posted by Methedy24

Originally Posted by jose cansec0

i laughed so hard when i seen this ive never seen faces like that ever before in my life...especially the top two.

- Me, too

- It goes down, y'all. Gots to watch ya back
in the Congo

Nobody here is going to the Congo anytime soon, let's be real with ourselves. They put all kinda machetes where the sun don't shine.
When I read things like this, it always upsets me so much. There is so much misery, atrocities, chaos, and turmoil that happens on every corner of the world.

As for the Congo, it is also frustrating how it never makes headline news. There needs to be a lot more awareness on what is happening over there. There needsbe more media attention directed to the situation to raise awareness about the dire situation over there. The mass genocide happening in the Republic of Congois one of the most neglected atrocities in the world. There have been 4 million deaths due to this genocide since 1998, making it the most brutal conflictsince WWII. 4 million!!!! and nothing is being done about it.

It is also so depressing how there are thousands upon thousands of child soldiers involved in this violence by force. Throughout the country,
brutal attacks, rapes, mutilation, cannibalism, displacement, and death are all effects of this violence.As the article above indicates, brutal, mass rapes area common tactic, and the victims range from all ages from the very young to the very old. Not only do these victims have to deal with the brutal rapes theyhave endured, but then they are ostracized by society for being victims of rape. If only something can be done to better or ameliorate the situation overthere, but it looks like it just keeps getting worse.

The Congo is a beautiful country, very rich and fertile, but the violence overshadows the opportunities and gifts which this country can provide and offer tothe world. We can only hope for the country to overcome all this violence and horror one day.
Believe it or not this isn't even a homosexual thing. Its all about power. Power of the weak. In their opinion if you aren't strong, you are a woman,so you get @%%### in the !$$ like a woman.

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

yeah i was deciding between going to paris or the congo, thank god this thread came up.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

yeah i was deciding between going to paris or the congo, thank god this thread came up.

LOL. I'm surprised at the generally mature response to this.
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