MEN RAPING MEN...The Congo taking Ls

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The Congo has been a lawless nation years....hence the wanton violence and rape. Someone needs to do something about it.

Almost the whole damn continent is lawless.


So true. Go to any African country and you'll appreciate living here so much more.

There are places in Africa that will make you wonder how you could have lived in America for so long.
real talk, all the crazy %%@% goin down in the Congo is the reason I hate that place. The one time I went there, the military in the airport held us inquestioning for 10 hours cuz we werent black, theyre racists, and you cant change my mind on that.

The Congo is one of the few places in Africa I dont see myself going to again before Im very old. I love Africa though, I grew up there and even if I wasntborn there, I might as well have been. East Africa is my home, and when Im retired, Im just gonna sell all the cars and houses and move back, and Ill be happyif I die alone, as long as Im there, it really doesnt matter.

Im going to back to Ethiopia for a week around Thanksgiving, and I cant wait and I just hope all goes well this time.
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