met a 24 y/o virgin NEED ADVICE

Yes its That Dude wrote:
been messing with POF and i met this chick the other day we immediately clicked talked for hours watching the world series at this sports bar.  last night we met up again went to the drive in talked during the whole movie. we started making out and i was feeling her legs and lil booty. then the movie was over we parked in front of my house made out some more. we talked and she came out and asked how many girls i been with ( i lied of course said 7) she said shes a virgin we talked about religion and she is waiting for marriage. she's done everything but sex, (and no butt sex) says she doesn't masturbate. i continued kissing her and feeling her up and i whipped it out and put her hand on my woodrowskie and she gave a good tug for a little didn't finish the job

i like this girl a lot not trying to marry her. i need to smash unless she has that super head kat stacks skills and will do it on demand.


what should i do? what would you do?

Originally Posted by Yes its That Dude

She said she's a virgin. We talked about religion and she is waiting for marriage. She's done everything but sex, (and no butt sex). What should i do? what would you do? 

I know that feel bro. She's scamming you. You're just occupying time till the dude that she desires comes along and pays that ransom for the box. Best bet? Friendzone her. It's the only way to throw her game off. Use and abuse her for everything you can. Maximum jobbage. Mouthal's and handy's to the MAX. Btw. This just goes to show you how stupid and illogical women can be. Vaginal intercourse is off limits until marriage because the bible says so but feel free to stick penis in any other warm and wet crevice you can coax her into on her body.
I'm convinced that they're just after marital status, diamonds and houses. F logic. But back to the topic at hand. While you're friendzoning her you have to make sure that you're making moves to put yourself in a position to give her everything she'd want out of a potential marriage. This ensures that you're using the illusion of marriage to get what you want out of her instead of her using the illusion of box to get a ring out of you. That's your only shot. Either that or drop her. Good luck.
her brother's on NT? Oh?
Spoiler [+]
End well this will not. Just know from jump that she will catch extreme feelings as soon as you exit her lady parts.

Stage 5 clinger steez.
Originally Posted by Yes its That Dude

been messing with POF and i met this chick the other day we immediately clicked talked for hours watching the world series at this sports bar.  last night we met up again went to the drive in talked during the whole movie. we started making out and i was feeling her legs and lil booty. then the movie was over we parked in front of my house made out some more. we talked and she came out and asked how many girls i been with ( i lied of course said 7) she said shes a virgin we talked about religion and she is waiting for marriage. she's done everything but sex, (and no butt sex) says she doesn't masturbate. i continued kissing her and feeling her up and i whipped it out and put her hand on my woodrowskie and she gave a good tug for a little didn't finish the job

i like this girl a lot not trying to marry her. i need to smash unless she has that super head kat stacks skills and will do it on demand.


what should i do? what would you do?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Yes its That Dude wrote:
been messing with POF and i met this chick the other day we immediately clicked talked for hours watching the world series at this sports bar.  last night we met up again went to the drive in talked during the whole movie. we started making out and i was feeling her legs and lil booty. then the movie was over we parked in front of my house made out some more. we talked and she came out and asked how many girls i been with ( i lied of course said 7) she said shes a virgin we talked about religion and she is waiting for marriage. she's done everything but sex, (and no butt sex) says she doesn't masturbate. i continued kissing her and feeling her up and i whipped it out and put her hand on my woodrowskie and she gave a good tug for a little didn't finish the job

i like this girl a lot not trying to marry her. i need to smash unless she has that super head kat stacks skills and will do it on demand.


what should i do? what would you do?

At what point in the conversion did you feel it was the right time to give her your online affiliations? How did that even beginning? O I don't have a facebook but i do have a profile on NKETALK..
Originally Posted by Yes its That Dude

been messing with POF and i met this chick the other day we immediately clicked talked for hours watching the world series at this sports bar.  last night we met up again went to the drive in talked during the whole movie. we started making out and i was feeling her legs and lil booty. then the movie was over we parked in front of my house made out some more. we talked and she came out and asked how many girls i been with ( i lied of course said 7) she said shes a virgin we talked about religion and she is waiting for marriage. she's done everything but sex, (and no butt sex) says she doesn't masturbate. i continued kissing her and feeling her up and i whipped it out and put her hand on my woodrowskie and she gave a good tug for a little didn't finish the job

i like this girl a lot not trying to marry her. i need to smash unless she has that super head kat stacks skills and will do it on demand.


what should i do? what would you do?

So, she just said my brother is on NT outta nowhere huh? Who are you trying to play....
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

Virgin on POF? She must be ugly then.

so the *+$%! on plenty of whales arent ugly?

not sure where you clowns get the idea of virgins/girls with a low # of partners being ugly. if anything its more likely to be the opposite. ugly chicks can easily get laid, just look at how 99% of NTers would "smash" the most grotesque females just to smash.

wish i could find a 24 yr old virgin who was waiting for marriage, but she's probably lying.
%+%+ i know a 26 year old virgin. but she aint all that and shes shy. im pretty sure there are plenty of virgins for everyone!!
Even though the OP is lying, i'll throw in my two cents on the matter.

For girls who stand firm to their decision of saving themselves until marriage, it's all about them - not you. There really is nothing a man can do in the short term to make a girl like that give up her beliefs. The girl needs to convince herself that a) you are the right guy to lose her virginity to and that b) she's willing to turn her back on her beliefs. It's tough. Even when she's ready, the sex will be doubly bad because she straight up doesn't know how to pleasure herself.

I don't know about the crop of women on POF or online dating sites, but there are plenty of attractive (i'm talking 7s and up) women that are virgins (and it's no coincidence that they're all religious folk). I've been in the same position as the OP (well, not really, because the OP is making this up). I dated a girl I met at a local bar, and by the third date, we were back at my place and getting hot and heavy on the couch. She pulls back, says "I'm a virgin" which I said I was okay with. Then she said "well, it has to do with my religion - i'm a JW". Right then and there, I went flaccid. We talked for a little bit, and I already knew that her giving it up to me (or anyone) would be a life-changing decision for her due to her devotion to her beliefs, and I wasn't willing to put up with that. I don't share her beliefs, I don't plan on sharing her beliefs, and I don't want her to denounce her own.
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