Met This Chick.....*Pics* Another Pic Added Pg. 3 * Another Update Pg. 11*

Originally Posted by JayHood23

She served him with divorce papers and he shredded em.
you know that you're flirting with disaster... this man seems insane... but the way i look at it, she has already cheated, so you may as welljust smash and then dash before she cracks and tells her man.
This will not end well
Originally Posted by Yeezy St Laurent

Originally Posted by y0ung j33zy

Originally Posted by JayHood23

To whoever it was that asked how long I've known her, its been about a week.


But anyway, I went to her spot and I asked where her husband was and she said he's outta town in SC for the weekend and left her home alone. I saw a smashed laptop by the chair she was sitting in and I asked her what happened to it and she told me he smashed it and he's violent and dramatic. She wanted to pop a pill and we went to my house to get them and then got a bottle of moscato. Went back to her place and got a little tipsy but nothing too crazy. She came and laid down on the couch I was sitting on kept falling asleep
. So I woke her and we kissed for a little while and I got my feel on. I spent the night over there and just got home at 6:25. I asked if she wanted me to swing through later and she says sure. This time I'm gonna put in work and say eff all the conservative BS

Watch ya back homie


Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

U're messing with an immature 19 year old married don't think this is gonna get back to her man?

the juice ain't worth the squeeze bro. With all the women out there, there's really nothing good that can come from messing with a married girl.

ha... good note on the age...

she's a young'n... prolly married for wrong reasons.... listen to DoubleJS... son got knowledge...
dude, either you are going to get hurt physically or she is going to get hurt physically. either way it is going to affect you.
To keep it real with you my dude I fear for your safety It's easy to see that son is crazy, and she will @!#* up and tell him.
you are done she knows where you live

I'd be breaking my damn lease if I was you

her husband sounds like he will think things out and do nothing drastic (but after he kills you)
I say DON'T do it.

She would've let you smash the first time IF she really wants it.. don't set your self up for a big @@@ drama..

PLUS you already know how her husband is, right?
Originally Posted by JayHood23

To whoever it was that asked how long I've known her, its been about a week.


But anyway, I went to her spot and I asked where her husband was and she said he's outta town in SC for the weekend and left her home alone. I saw a smashed laptop by the chair she was sitting in and I asked her what happened to it and she told me he smashed it and he's violent and dramatic. She wanted to pop a pill and we went to my house to get them and then got a bottle of moscato. Went back to her place and got a little tipsy but nothing too crazy. She came and laid down on the couch I was sitting on kept falling asleep
. So I woke her and we kissed for a little while and I got my feel on. I spent the night over there and just got home at 6:25. I asked if she wanted me to swing through later and she says sure. This time I'm gonna put in work and say eff all the conservative BS

Well since u already went there & kissed/felt on her & *!*@
then +*+% it. just smash her .. even tho i personally wouldnt have gone there in the first place...
but just the fact that u already been there and stuff .. just f it.. u might as well smash her.
& no matter wat ur already f'd if her husband finds out. so might as well finish wat u started...

but if he does find out.. RIP
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