Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | A Hideo Kojima Game

MGS V is the sequel to Peace Walker, which takes place after the events you mentioned, but in PW he built Mother Base and not OH. I'm sure TPP will lead into the founding of Outer Heaven, and hopefully we might catch a glimpse of young solid and liquid snake.
Kojima said like 10 days after Peace Walker.
Good thing is they released it for both the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Should be around $40 by now. You get MGS2, MGS3, PW, and the original MSX Metal Gear games.

You still need a PSP/Vita for Portable Ops though.
That version is ehhh....

BTW, how do I post a gif?
I only played it for 30 min. :lol: Imma start playing it soon tho.
Posting gif-
gif link
Is there a way to play peace walker without owning a psp?
The MGS HD collection.
scuse' my ignorance

Are there two different HD collections? When I copped one for the 360, it only had 2 and 3 on it
There's 2,3,Peace Walker, and Metal Gear 1 and 2.The other 2 games(MG1&2) are in MGS 3.
Damnit. I just realized I just have the HD "edition" of MGS2 and 3 not "collection" 

I have this.


not this


Drag it over
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Drag it over?

What do you mean?

Feeling a little slow today
My bad

Drag n Drop it from one browser window to the other window you have NT up.

Click + Hold it from the window it's currently in and drop it into the reply box. That's the easiest way
So what's the order of the games? I could probably piece them together but I only played the ones on the main consoles.
So what's the order of the games? I could probably piece them together but I only played the ones on the main consoles.
The chronological order is:

1964 – Snake Eater
1970 – Portable Ops
1974 – Peace Walker
1974 – Ground Zeroes
1983 – The Phantom Pain
1995 – Metal Gear
1999 – Metal Gear 2
2005 – Metal Gear Solid
2007/9 – Sons of Liberty
2014 – Guns of the Patriots
2018 – Metal Gear Rising
Also, why do you think Snake when he first saw Solidus that he didn't mistake him for Big Boss?

They're an exact match genetically/physically, you would think he be shocked to see the man he burned to death popping up 10 years later.

Solidus was also the president during MGS1, but then again he (Solid) was in the Alaskan wilderness, holed up in that cabin. Drinking himself to death..

Yes he had both eyes but with the beard and the fact Solidus was old (physically anyways, think was like 32-35 but was bred to be aged faster) he looked just like Big Boss.

Still.. that's always bothered me.. and the fact he's (Solidus) the most forgotten one of the 4...
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If it wasn't for Solidus, Big Boss wouldn't have made an appearance in MGS4. So I'd like to think he was important for something. :lol:

Also, wasn't he the one that put the patriots in space?
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