Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

SOME ppl always think its taboo to talk negative about someone if they die. But when they're alive and can see the negativity its coo.

And yall acting like dude was an angel and so nice and innocent. Yea the neighbors of the guy that murdered his fam thought he was the sweetest guy too

You gotta be willing to accept the bad with the good. That comes with any death. Nobody is perfect.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

ppl always think its taboo to talk negative about someone if they die. But when they're alive and can see the negativity its coo.

And yall acting like dude was an angel and so nice and innocent. Yea the neighbors of the guy that murdered his fam thought he was the sweetest guy too

wut? ......Dude was NOT meant for this world. Mental issues? Sure. Nobody is in denial here. I never bashed him in life, and won't in death. Iwatched, read up on all of his cases. Jackson did not touch those kids.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

ppl always think its taboo to talk negative about someone if they die. But when they're alive and can see the negativity its coo.

And yall acting like dude was an angel and so nice and innocent. Yea the neighbors of the guy that murdered his fam thought he was the sweetest guy too

wut? ......Dude was NOT meant for this world. Mental issues? Sure. Nobody is in denial here. I never bashed him in life, and won't in death. I watched, read up on all of his cases. Jackson did not touch those kids.

remember Gavin?
[h1]Emergency Workers Felt Jackson Dead at Scene[/h1]
Posted Jun 26th 2009 12:45PM by TMZ Staff

When EMTs arrived at Michael Jackson's home yesterday, the medics wanted to pronounce him dead on the scene -- but Michael's personal doctor refused to let them "call it" -- this according to sources close to the situation.

When EMTs arrived there was evidence someone had been performing CPR on Michael for "quite some time." There was evidence of Lidocaine -- an old-school drug that can be used to treat disturbances in the heart's rhythm. Medics took over performing CPR but determined Jackson was lifeless -- and wanted to call the coroner to pick up the body.

We're told Jackson was flat-lined when EMTs arrived.

But our sources say M.J.'s doc demanded EMTs continue performing CPR anyway, and demanded that they take Michael to the hospital.

Once they arrived at UCLA, we're told Jackson's doc continued to personally administer CPR -- even though it was clear Jackson was already gone.

Jesus christ..
Why is Bill Gates being mentioned in this thread? Seriously?

And Mike contributed to many charities, as well as the social commentary he made in his songs.

Funny how so many people "know" what Mike did. Sorry, but I'm more inclined to believe a judge and jury over yall muh @!$@%!@
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

[h1]Emergency Workers Felt Jackson Dead at Scene[/h1]
Posted Jun 26th 2009 12:45PM by TMZ Staff

When EMTs arrived at Michael Jackson's home yesterday, the medics wanted to pronounce him dead on the scene -- but Michael's personal doctor refused to let them "call it" -- this according to sources close to the situation.

When EMTs arrived there was evidence someone had been performing CPR on Michael for "quite some time." There was evidence of Lidocaine -- an old-school drug that can be used to treat disturbances in the heart's rhythm. Medics took over performing CPR but determined Jackson was lifeless -- and wanted to call the coroner to pick up the body.

We're told Jackson was flat-lined when EMTs arrived.

But our sources say M.J.'s doc demanded EMTs continue performing CPR anyway, and demanded that they take Michael to the hospital.

Once they arrived at UCLA, we're told Jackson's doc continued to personally administer CPR -- even though it was clear Jackson was already gone.

Jesus christ..

I can't really take anything TMZ says as news...they're in the business of making news, not reporting it
You never know that for sure. But you cant rule that out. He had major mental issues from completely covering his childrens faces in public, dangling babiesfrom balconies, skin bleaching, surgeries, his infatuation with lil children... And ur ruling out the possibility of him touchning kids?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

ppl always think its taboo to talk negative about someone if they die. But when they're alive and can see the negativity its coo.

And yall acting like dude was an angel and so nice and innocent. Yea the neighbors of the guy that murdered his fam thought he was the sweetest guy too

wut? ......Dude was NOT meant for this world. Mental issues? Sure. Nobody is in denial here. I never bashed him in life, and won't in death. I watched, read up on all of his cases. Jackson did not touch those kids.
i seriously can not bare to watch MTV right now.

They are showing damn near all his vids

This is really hard to watch
Originally Posted by NiPxD

i seriously can not bare to watch MTV right now.

They are showing damn near all his vids

This is really hard to watch

it should be a joy to watch my friend

again as Ive said before, there is no reason to harp on all the negative associations he has...we should celebrate what he gave to society creatively,artistically, emotionally. and thats a helluva lot
Originally Posted by vctry20

I can't really take anything TMZ says as news...they're in the business of making news, not reporting it

TMZ has broken news faster than a lot of major news outlets on multiple occasions. People continue to discredit them because yeah, after all they ARE the sameguys that said 2Pac was still alive. But for the most part, they report legitimate news first. They do a lot of tabloid nonsense a lot, but they can comethrough with real news when they really want to.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

[h1]Emergency Workers Felt Jackson Dead at Scene[/h1]
Posted Jun 26th 2009 12:45PM by TMZ Staff

When EMTs arrived at Michael Jackson's home yesterday, the medics wanted to pronounce him dead on the scene -- but Michael's personal doctor refused to let them "call it" -- this according to sources close to the situation.

When EMTs arrived there was evidence someone had been performing CPR on Michael for "quite some time." There was evidence of Lidocaine -- an old-school drug that can be used to treat disturbances in the heart's rhythm. Medics took over performing CPR but determined Jackson was lifeless -- and wanted to call the coroner to pick up the body.

We're told Jackson was flat-lined when EMTs arrived.

But our sources say M.J.'s doc demanded EMTs continue performing CPR anyway, and demanded that they take Michael to the hospital.

Once they arrived at UCLA, we're told Jackson's doc continued to personally administer CPR -- even though it was clear Jackson was already gone.

Jesus christ..

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

this thread should be locked

it turned into EXACTLY what I didn't want it to---and I'm sure fans of Mike agree with me

I disagree, the good outweighs the bad.

Besides all opinions are welcome to be posted, doesn't mean I am paying attention though
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

this thread should be locked

it turned into EXACTLY what I didn't want it to---and I'm sure fans of Mike agree with me

True that. NT is never a place for anything serious. Too many clowns, youngin, and uneducated unreasonable folk. <<< And those are the worst people toTRY and have a convo with.

I'm just gonna turn off the computer and go out with the shorty.
they are fixin to release the 911 tape to the public within the next hour
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

this thread should be locked

it turned into EXACTLY what I didn't want it to---and I'm sure fans of Mike agree with me
I just take it as most of these people are too young to have respect him as an artist.
Jackson did have a huge effect to those born in the early 1970s the 80s babies.

people die every day only on NT do people do this. its sad that he died but i dont see why so many people are mourning over him when all
they did was bash him the last 20 years. the human race is a weird one.
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