Michael Jackson and his affinity towards children...Mature Discussion PLEASE...

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by AirThompson

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by AirThompson

Michael grew up different he didnt have a childhood. He was trying to experince what he missed out on. If you went through it you'd understand. MJ always preached about making the world better and practiced what he said by helping, volunteering, and donated over 300million. If MJ was snobby like nowadays celebs he would've kept every penny, but he cared about the world and shared his fortune. MJ's only mistake was being too nice, if he never cared he would've never been in the mess and got falsely accused. Shame on people believing what the media says. People just like negativity so they believe the media.

Look at the video he made in '93 and tell me he's not being 100% sincere. R.I.P. MJ I believe in your innocence and shame on people being ignorant.
No one is questioning his charitable donations etc....even with all of his philanthropic efforts, I still view him as a predator.

AirThompson...let me ask you...

if what we're talking about wasn't involving MJ and just a regular "Joe Schmoe" as HEH put it, would you be so forgiving and understanding?

You missed my point. He preached about making the world better, and practiced what he preached by being/doing everything to help. I was trying to get across that a man of his character would do that.

If it was a regular person there would be no need to forgive because he didnt do nothing.

Lastly, I have nothing to prove to you, what I say won't change your opinion (hopefully it can change others). With that said I have my beliefs your have your own. You dont have to like mines, cuz I dont like yours

Doing everything to help others is no rationale for what went on behind closed doors.

If it was a regular person there would be no need to forgive because he didnt do nothing.

You can apply the same hypothetical to anyone NOT named MJ in this situation....so where's your response? How would you view a single man sleeping in the same room of children who are not of his own blood? Would you be forgiving of the "act" or because they had a bad childhood or upbringing? You're making it seem like Jackon's rep wasn't well deserved.

It looks wrong I know, but dont the parents know of this? After MJ was accused once why would they leeave their kid? Doesnt this smell like a money scheme,riddle me that.

All seriousness your mind is made, I wont change it. Believe what you want I respect that.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

I didn't mean bogus like that. I meant the kid was FOS and the 2nd case was lies. 1st case was real though, hence the "stay out of courtroom or I'm going to go to jail" settlement.

Michael settled because he was advised to, if you have ever been accused of anything the prosecutors would go to all lengths, including lying in front of thestand, making up fake voice recordings, etc to make you look guilty. Michael's lawyers couldn't guarantee his acquittal because of that reason, andthey had no control of what 12 jurors would decide based on the prosecution's case. The case would of went to 5, 7, 10 years and costed way more than thereported 20 million they settled for in lawyers fees alone not to mention possible jai-time if he were wrongly convicted. So the lawyers from the 2 sides satdown and settled, this is where the kid's family said "Hell yeah!" Instead of seeking justice and trying to send the message out to otherfamilies that MJ was a pedophile. Because if I was a parent and my kid told me he was sexual abused, I would go thru all lengths for that person to seejustice.
Originally Posted by AirThompson

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by AirThompson

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by AirThompson

Michael grew up different he didnt have a childhood. He was trying to experince what he missed out on. If you went through it you'd understand. MJ always preached about making the world better and practiced what he said by helping, volunteering, and donated over 300million. If MJ was snobby like nowadays celebs he would've kept every penny, but he cared about the world and shared his fortune. MJ's only mistake was being too nice, if he never cared he would've never been in the mess and got falsely accused. Shame on people believing what the media says. People just like negativity so they believe the media.

Look at the video he made in '93 and tell me he's not being 100% sincere. R.I.P. MJ I believe in your innocence and shame on people being ignorant.
No one is questioning his charitable donations etc....even with all of his philanthropic efforts, I still view him as a predator.

AirThompson...let me ask you...

if what we're talking about wasn't involving MJ and just a regular "Joe Schmoe" as HEH put it, would you be so forgiving and understanding?

You missed my point. He preached about making the world better, and practiced what he preached by being/doing everything to help. I was trying to get across that a man of his character would do that.

If it was a regular person there would be no need to forgive because he didnt do nothing.

Lastly, I have nothing to prove to you, what I say won't change your opinion (hopefully it can change others). With that said I have my beliefs your have your own. You dont have to like mines, cuz I dont like yours

Doing everything to help others is no rationale for what went on behind closed doors.

If it was a regular person there would be no need to forgive because he didnt do nothing.

You can apply the same hypothetical to anyone NOT named MJ in this situation....so where's your response? How would you view a single man sleeping in the same room of children who are not of his own blood? Would you be forgiving of the "act" or because they had a bad childhood or upbringing? You're making it seem like Jackon's rep wasn't well deserved.

It looks wrong I know, but dont the parents know of this? After MJ was accused once why would they leeave their kid? Doesnt this smell like a money scheme, riddle me that.

All seriousness your mind is made, I wont change it. Believe what you want I respect that.

Just like Nawth said, if I'm a parent who is cool with my kid sleeping in the same bed/room as a guy like Michael Jackson, then I can probably be persuadedwith $ to forget everything that ever happened.
All y'all can speak go ahead say what you believe. I wont change your opinion and you wont change my opinion.
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Just like Nawth said, if I'm a parent who is cool with my kid sleeping in the same bed/room as a guy like Michael Jackson, then I can probably be persuaded with $ to forget everything that ever happened.

But you're not a parent, you would never understand it. I'm not even a father, just a step-dad and if anyone tries to hurt him, no matter how rich youare, I'm making sure you're behind bars cuz if not I would be.
NO ONE here is justifying saying that it is right what MJ was doing with sleepovers. They are just saying they understand why he turned out that way. It doesnot mean they justify it. Basically, this man was a child in a grown man's body. He was not normal in the head and quite unstable, so of course we wouldnot view things the same way he did. What if in HIS mind, he saw sleepovers as innocent just as in when we all had sleepovers and slept in each other'sbeds as children? He saw himself as a child , so to him it was innocent, but obviously it is abnormal and innapropriate behaviour for an adult to do that. So,as fully mature adults we can see the wrong in it, but he did not because of what he went through due to abuse since childhood by the hands of hisfather,leechers,handlers,users, and the media. If Michael was not robbed of his childhood, he would mostly have been different. It is the experiences andatmosphere that you grow up in that shapes you as a human being. He went through a traumatic and sad childhood and he sacrificed his childhood and life to makemusic for people.

Some go through traumatic experiences in their lives and as different individuals we all deal with it differently. I do not get the logic of saying, well manypeople went through traumatic experiences and turned out fine. But then again, we are all different individuals and deal with situations differently, don'twe? Some will turn out sane and fine, and some will become completely self-destructive. How is it logical to measure everyone the same and expecting them toact the same in dealing with certain experiences?

And yes, if a regular Joe Schmoe went through the same as Michael in the sense of being robbed of his childhood, and slept amongst children, I would find itweird and creepy as hell and completely innapropriate. However, I would understand WHY he turned out that way by having a Peter Pan complex, as well as actinglike a child himself. When you understand the root causes of a certain issue, by no means does it mean you justify it.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

NO ONE here is justifying saying that it is right what MJ was doing with sleepovers. They are just saying they understand why he turned out that way. It does not mean they justify it. Basically, this man was a child in a grown man's body. He was not normal in the head and quite unstable, so of course we would not view things the same way he did. What if in HIS mind, he saw sleepovers as innocent just as in when we all had sleepovers and slept in each other's beds as children? He saw himself as a child , so to him it was innocent, but obviously it is abnormal and innapropriate behaviour for an adult to do that. So, as fully mature adults we can see the wrong in it, but he did not because of what he went through due to abuse since childhood by the hands of his father,leechers,handlers,users, and the media. If Michael was not robbed of his childhood, he would mostly have been different. It is the experiences and atmosphere that you grow up in that shapes you as a human being. He went through a traumatic and sad childhood and he sacrificed his childhood and life to make music for people.

Some go through traumatic experiences in their lives and as different individuals we all deal with it differently. I do not get the logic of saying, well many people went through traumatic experiences and turned out fine. But then again, we are all different individuals and deal with situations differently, don't we? Some will turn out sane and fine, and some will become completely self-destructive. How is it logical to measure everyone the same and expecting them to act the same in dealing with certain experiences?

And yes, if a regular Joe Schmoe went through the same as Michael in the sense of being robbed of his childhood, and slept amongst children, I would find it weird and creepy as hell and completely innapropriate. However, I would understand WHY he turned out that way by having a Peter Pan complex, as well as acting like a child himself. When you understand the root causes of a certain issue, by no means does it mean you justify it.

Thank you.
in my opinion which many others have stated also, which i also believe is the truth, MJ didn't do anything wrong TO those children.

maybe the sleeping in the same quarters thing was unjust. and obviously, in the eye of the public, not normal.
and it isn't. BUT aside from that weirdness, I honestly do NOT believe he did anything inappropriate to those kids.

He may have done weird things but I honestly dont think he was capable of doing anything harmful to the children.
For argument sake what if he didnt even sleep in the same room as the kids but like somewhere else and a kid beat uo another kid would that have been aproblem. I mean dud was man child he NEVER got love during and post lif from is daddy . VH1 had a great doc about dudes growing up and Joe Jackson was grimeyas HELL to him. He did have a Girlfriend back in the day but daddy nix that #%$ pronto. It like this also people grow up and get come into better situation andtry to get back what they didnt have when they waschildren. IE Jordans, TMNT toys, .....MJ didnt have a child hood or control on his lifeso when he got outtathe home he took back or tried to get what he never had.....( Erbody no it like freshman year in college away from home
all this garbage about Michael Jackson fans saying he's innocent is because you are a FAN of his.

Heck, I dont WANT to believe that Michael Jordan cheated on his wife, because I want him to be perfect because he was a basketball hero of mine. It doesntchange the FACT that he did, indeed cheat on his wife
Originally Posted by manamazing55

all this garbage about Michael Jackson fans saying he's innocent is because you are a FAN of his.

Heck, I dont WANT to believe that Michael Jordan cheated on his wife, because I want him to be perfect because he was a basketball hero of mine. It doesnt change the FACT that he did, indeed cheat on his wife
Who are you to say that and that is why some have come to their conclusions? So then that means that everyone who thinks he is guilty is becausethey are not fans of his? That is just so ludicrous.

Actually, when it came to the first case, I thought maybe he was guilty. However, a couple of years ago, I did research into the cases and came up with my ownconclusions. Did you not read the past couple of pages where those who believe he is innocent also provide their points of why they think he is from anobjective point of view?

It seems to be the ones who argue that he is guilty that cannot back up their claims of evidence that he is guilty.
^ ^ ^ Everybody has their own opinions and conclusions, when it comes to these personal issues.. At this point, all of this doesn't really matter. Stoptrying to convince each other, nobody is right or wrong, only the people who have been personally in contact with M.J knows what went down. If you're a fanthen be a fan, you're a hater then be a hater...But don't try to make a fan become a hater or vice-versa because it's not going to work. Enjoywhatever the man has left for us to listen to... All I know is that my parents listened to him and enjoyed his music and I was too young to even know Thrillerand BAD, but I still appreciate the MAN for what he did in music but outside of it doesn't concern me...
I just read at the associated press that the kids brother from the 1993 trial admitted to lying about Michael molestation. That same family also haveunsuccesfully tried to get money from various lawsuits against other people including JC Penny where the mother said she was sexually harrased by the storesecurity guards
What he did was wierd, Yes. But his intentions i beleive weren't directed that way.
He had a messed up child hood and he wanted to make children to be happy. He just didnt want kids to have the child hood he had.

He just doesnt realize the way he does things are looked down upon in society. Cuz well the stuff he did do was weird.
At this point, I feel like even if there was undeniable truth (i.e. a written confession), MJ fans would justify it one way or the other.
Does it really matter?

The man has passed. His sins whatever they were have been forgiven by a higher power. It's time for us to move on, stop being so judgmental and give hima little respect for providing us all this entertainment through out the years.

Thanks MJ.

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by renkxedik

^^there's was a girl that looked exactly like the second pic in my old neighborhood .... I always thought it was from her being in a fire

The feminine voice helps with singing in the range he does ..... well at least it did for me ... also it helps convey a less threatening persona

you tellin me you go around talking with a soft %%@ voice? what part of the game is that my dude?
damn I completely forgot about this post ........... nah Iused to use that on teachers back in hs to get away with stuff ..... but i usually don't talk with my full voice deep voice and that just happened out ofhabit ..... but like I was saying it's easier to sing in that range and stay on key by talking in a similar range ...... more than like out of habit MJdid that and not on purpose ...... the only singer that sorta defies this is Prince ...... and even so when he usually has to perform he rarely talks using hisfull deep voice
i just rewatched that documentary MJ did with Bashir a couple years back (it was on Dateline NBC just now), and i'm sorry but MJ was clearly not right inthe head.

he said he never had surgery on his face other than 2 nose jobs.. okay MJ, we can clearly see that you changed the structure of your face multiple times.
he claimed that his kids were from his own sperm and that one of the mothers was black.. so 2 black parents = blond-hair blue-eyed baby? for real Mike?

i don't believe he touched the kids, but it's easy to see that he was off his rocker and didn't really know what he was doing.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

i just rewatched that documentary MJ did with Bashir a couple years back (it was on Dateline NBC just now), and i'm sorry but MJ was clearly not right in the head.

he said he never had surgery on his face other than 2 nose jobs.. okay MJ, we can clearly see that you changed the structure of your face multiple times.
he claimed that his kids were from his own sperm and that one of the mothers was black.. so 2 black parents = blond-hair blue-eyed baby? for real Mike?

i don't believe he touched the kids, but it's easy to see that he was off his rocker and didn't really know what he was doing.
as far as genetic engineering goes i believe that there has been the technology available for a couple years where you can choose yourchildren's features such as eye color, height etc if you wanted to ..... maybe later tonight or tomorrow I'll see if I can dig up an article on it
There are so many double standards in this thread it's ridiculous.

In a legal sense, his childhood had nothing to do with whatever happened with those children, acts speak for themselves, regardless of an upbringing. Murder ismurder, rape is rape, etc.

If a man is accused of molesting children, then in response turns and pays the accusing $20 million to shut up, something's wrong, it doesn't matterwho you are. He said he did it because he didn't wanna have a media circus and draw it out. I guess by drawing it out he didn't consider he'd beaccused of the same thing and actually tried again in 10 years.

The guy was messed. And #@$@ went down. To believe otherwise is foolish.
Let's see, 1 scumbag of a family accused him of molesting = +20million.
Easy money for the next family? Don't you think?

He was accused, never found guilty, of anything. You said his childhood had nothing to do with whatever happened with those children, what happened with thosechildren? All hundreds of thousands of them that went to his ranch and thousands that stayed in his house? I know what 1 of the childs is up to now, hes livinga millionaire life with no remorse.
What I'm saying, is that a guy of his stature at the time, to simply shrug off allegations of that magnitude raises incredible suspicion. If he would havebeen found guilty it would have destroyed everything, so why not get rid of it the easy way.

You're telling me that a man with that much influence, instead of fighting the charges head on to rightfully prove his innocence, pays off the family tomake it go away. Money was nothing to him, so why not break the bank on a trial to prove yourself, rather than cast a shadow of doubt that will forever remain.Too many things are fishy, you can't be blind to this.
as a father myself, if someone sexually molested my child, i would NEVER settle for any amount of money. i would want that person locked away for as long aspossible. so with that, i do not think he did anything sexual to the kids and those parents were just after the money. why didn't none of the"rich" kids accused him of anything? however, i would never let my kids anywhere near the man if i knew they were going to be sleeping in the sameroom, even if he was sleeping on the floor.
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