Michael Jackson and his affinity towards children...Mature Discussion PLEASE...

Seeing that u are a doctor, dr spaceman, u would know that people have the capability yo remember things from silat threads. I know I did, Whig wad the reasonI made such a post. If I am able to remember duh useless information, then others should as well. I know for a fact people have been jumping around thesethreads. I think one person acually caugt whY I was doing, which proves I am right. Back to medical school...
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Why are ya'll nitpicking at the man right now?
Exactly .

There's no logical reason at all ...

umm how about he died and now everything about him is being analyzed whether its good or bad.
Meaning what ? That's logical ?
@ acting like duke is free of critical eyes...of courseits logical its called tellin his story...da good, bad, and ugly.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

his mindset wasn't about anything sexual with children, i hear a naive man who is not apart of the ills of society but taking a rap for it for the changing times and other peoples crimes.

he just wants to care for kids as weird as that might sound.

this situation equates to how two boys cant shower together anymore at younger ages tho I know more than enough that did at a point.

or it even reminds me of a personal situation of me sticking my middle finger up and people getting up in arms when i had no meaning behind it, more than sticking your pinky finger up.

he's innocent and naive and if people aren't going to try to understand him you wont, you'll just sit there and judge.
yeah I agree with everything you said.

culture norms were def changing (at least in America). Many people today find it weird even when children sleep in the same bed, or change in the same room etc.

Many people find it weird that a 40 year old single man is sleeping in the same room as children who aren't his own. I still fail to see how anyone canjustify this behavior at all. Honestly...for those of you defending MJ, how would you feel if you let your kids sleep over at someone's (who didn'thave kids, and was of no relation) house and found out that the adult was sharing the same bedroom as your child? I have a hard time believing that ANY of youwould allow this sleepover to happen in the first place. You all are making it seem like society is at fault for how they are viewing MJ and his relationshipw. children.

*and for anyone who is having a hard time with this thread, there is no one holding a gun to your temple and telling you to post. There is great discussiongoing on, and if it's too much to handle, then pay your respects in the other thread.
you are a certifiable lunatic if you dont know that sleeping with young boys in the same bed is wrong, a lunatic.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

this thread should really be locked. He's gone, let him rest in peace.

why? Those kid dont get to live their lives in peace. Im sure many of them are struggling with their own interpersonal relationships because of thwa this grownadult did to them when they were kids.
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Many people find it weird that a 40 year old single man is sleeping in the same room as children who aren't his own. I still fail to see how anyone can justify this behavior at all. Honestly...for those of you defending MJ, how would you feel if you let your kids sleep over at someone's (who didn't have kids, and was of no relation) house and found out that the adult was sharing the same bedroom as your child? I have a hard time believing that ANY of you would allow this sleepover to happen in the first place. You all are making it seem like society is at fault for how they are viewing MJ and his relationship w. children.

*and for anyone who is having a hard time with this thread, there is no one holding a gun to your temple and telling you to post. There is great discussion going on, and if it's too much to handle, then pay your respects in the other thread.
Not one person here claimed that it was justifiable to do that. It is completely innapropriate. If it was Joe Schmoe doing that, people wouldstill think it is creepy as hell.

The bottom line is that in the end, each person will think differently about these cases. For every sort of claim saying that Michael is guilty, there is justeven more evidence pointing he is not.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Many people find it weird that a 40 year old single man is sleeping in the same room as children who aren't his own. I still fail to see how anyone can justify this behavior at all. Honestly...for those of you defending MJ, how would you feel if you let your kids sleep over at someone's (who didn't have kids, and was of no relation) house and found out that the adult was sharing the same bedroom as your child? I have a hard time believing that ANY of you would allow this sleepover to happen in the first place. You all are making it seem like society is at fault for how they are viewing MJ and his relationship w. children.

*and for anyone who is having a hard time with this thread, there is no one holding a gun to your temple and telling you to post. There is great discussion going on, and if it's too much to handle, then pay your respects in the other thread.
Not one person here claimed that it was justifiable to do that. It is completely innapropriate. If it was Joe Schmoe doing that, people would still think it is creepy as hell.

The bottom line is that in the end, each person will think differently about these cases. For every sort of claim saying that Michael is guilty, there is just even more evidence pointing he is not.

Go back a few pages....there are more than a few people who have been defending his actions w. children as if they see nothing wrong w. what he was doing. This is the bottom line which people are CLEARLY having a double-standard when looking at MJ and "Joe Schmoe."

If it was Joe Schmoe doing that, people would still think it is creepy as hell.

It's looked at at innocent intentions by MJ because he had a terrible upbringing. He was a modern day Peter Pan who saw himself in each child he playedwith.

However...it all goes back to Joe Schmoe....if the shoe was on his foot, I full believe that NO ONE would be backing him up in the same way they are defendingMJ for what he has been accused of.
i don't think he molested those kids. but if some sort of proof came out that he did i wouldn't be surprised.
RIP Mike these people here just don't understand the heart you had and how you wanted to change the world for better giving kids what you did not have. Forthat I respect you and can not wait to meet you in heaven.
It wouldn't surprise me if he was innocent, but it also wouldn't surprise me if he was guilty. Personally, I think he was a pedophile.

What kills me is MJ fans say they are 100% sure that he didn't do it. How are you 100% sure? You cannot be 100% sure if he was innocent or guilty unlessyou were him or one of those kids. Saying that you are POSITIVE he didn't do it is complete denial.

There was no solid evidence of him being innocent. He didn't even go through court, he settled for 20 Million. But at the same time, there was tons ofstuff against him in court, hence why he settled. His lawyer knew he was caught and told him to settle. He had a high price lawyer who KNEWwhat was about to go down. Settle if you want to stay free, MJ. Only way out.

MJ had problems. Mental problems. He was sick and having all the money you could ever want did not help him. I knew that as soon as I watched that hour longinterview years back where he was claiming he was peter pan. Tons of cash gave him everything he needed to make him sicker. It gave him the ability to turn anybuilding into an arcade for kids to swarm, it gave the the ability to build a circus in his back yard, it gave him the ability to make those same kids parentstrust him. Sadly, it also gave him the ability to make himself look innocent.

I don't think we will ever know if he did it or not. Hell, if they found child porn in his house today, it wouldn't see the light of day due to hisdeath. Even if that did happen and it did come out, you guys would still say it was planted and/or not his. The denial is unbelievable.

As far as I'm concerned, as soon as his lawyer told him he was done and he settled out of court, that proved to me he was indeed guilty.

I can't change your denial and you can't change my mind on the subject, therefor this this is a back and forth argument and should be locked. Itwon't get anywhere.

Jackson said that even if he could, he would never settle this case as he did when similar charges were made in 1993.

ED BRADLEY: So - if you were innocent, why would you pay, I mean, to keep you quiet? I mean, why not go into court, and fight for your goodname? I mean -

MICHAEL JACKSON: I'm not allowed to talk on that -
40yr old sleeping with kids is Creepy I don't care what people say(even if he didn't touch them) If you found your kids in a 40yr neighbors bed youwould call the cops Asap. Seems like fame gives Artist a free pass to do weird stuff.
You're making it all wrong, firstly, Michael wasn't a Joe Schmoe. I'll get to that later. Many of these kid's whole family stayed with him atthe Ranch and got to know Michael personally, it wasn't like they blindly sent the kids to the ranch like it was camp. It might be totally creepy for a JoeSchmoe to do it, but for families who knew Michael, trusted he would never do such a thing to hurt their child, and you are not the kid's parent to sayotherwise. Michael basically grew up with no childhood, none whatsoever, I know you hear that over and over again and can't justify why he shared a bedroomwith kids, but keep in mind that wasn't the ONLY relationship he has with kids........Michael donated millions upon millions to charity involving kids,invited god knows how many kids into his Neverland ranch to have a good time and "escape reality" of being sick, poor, from the inner city (hood) andjust be children, something he never experienced until he was a grown man, as well as visiting hundreds of hospitals to give out toys while on tour, giving outconcert tickets, donating to hospitals that cared for kids, etc, etc. All he wanted to do is make a difference and care for the children of the world so THEYhave childhoods.

The only thing that might be creepy is how much he cared when he didn't have to, because we as a society believe in "no mercy, every man on hisown" and failed to realize that there are other people that's living a %@%$ life and need help, Michael made that his duty, because in his words"That's what god would want him to do, to care for the future of the children." He just took it to an extreme mother theresa-like level. Butthat's what made him Michael Jackson, and that's what seperated him from a Joe Schmoe.

And for the people that's saying it's a dead issue, why are you coming into this thread? Just let it ride. We're having a discussion here. Thepeople that believe he did it are trying to convince people like me that he did, and people like me that believes he didn't do anything are trying toconvince otherwise. It's an open discussion.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Mike never bleached his skin, he had a skin disorder that turned spots of his body and pigmentation white, and bright white, not white man white.

I'm not completely denying this, I just find it weird that no other black celebrity, singer, actor, athlete or any black person I know has this disorder. I know that there are albinos who are born without the pigment that makes their skin black/brown, but they are born that way. Michael did a 180 when you look at his Thriller cover and then compare it to his Bad cover. And it certainly doesn't help that his skin color changed during all those nose surgeries..
It's called vitiligo and it's a very real disease. I went to school with two people who had it. Bot where white, but it was still very noticeable. The spots where it occurs are absolutely WHITE, no pigment whatsoever- exactly how MJ's skin looked. It can even, as in the case od one of the kids I mentioned, make parts of your hair completely white. It's said to affect 1-2% of the population.

It's crazy how most people completely write his explanation off as nonsense- it's a disease that affects thousands and thousands of people, not some crazy excude MJ made up. He was dagnosed with it in 1986.

Hell, it can even happen to some breeds of horses and dogs.

He was diagnosed after Thriller.....its real....leave the man alone....pictures for proof

Check out the depigmentation on his cheek......makeup was covering it up at the time.....over time he had no choice but to even out the skin..
And also the vitilago is the MAIN reason he became the GLOVED one.....he wore it to cover up the dipigmentation in his hand!!
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

There was no solid evidence of him being innocent.

There was no solid evidence of him being guilty.

Settling a case doesn't make him guilty. Thousands of cases are settled everyday by complete innocent people. Like I said before they gladly took the moneyinstead of seeking justice. How come you can't say that they're guilty of extortion?
Dude wat just a tortured person in every way, obviously a closet homosexual but I still don't think he ever crossed the line "sexually" with thekids
manamazing55 wrote:
thytkerjobs wrote:
this thread should really be locked. He's gone, let him rest in peace.

why? Those kid dont get to live their lives in peace. Im sure many of them are struggling with their own interpersonal relationships because of thwa this grown adult did to them when they were kids.

That's your opinion. I'm not gonna argue with anyone in this thread because at this point, it's irrelevant. RIP Michael.
you dont sleep with children. End of story.

Doesnt matter how amazing you are at what you do whether in this case its making great music, you just don't.
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