Mickey D’s Dinner Box ... Is This Real ???

That's a lot of good for just ten dollars. Haven't eaten McDonald's in a long time though

I can see that helping a lot of people who may not have options when it comes to food.

No deal to me. Big macs and cheeseburgers are $1 each at my mcdonalds. Fries too. Nuggets $1 per 4 piece.

I can go to grocery store spend $10 and eat for 3 days

:smh: You make to much sense brother!
:x Seriously? I don't go go there as it is but I will never take my little brother there again.
That's a lot of good for just ten dollars. Haven't eaten McDonald's in a long time though

I can see that helping a lot of people who may not have options when it comes to food.

No deal to me. Big macs and cheeseburgers are $1 each at my mcdonalds. Fries too. Nuggets $1 per 4 piece.

I can go to grocery store spend $10 and eat for 3 days
Probably even more days if you keep it simple, but we all know that is not how a lot of people's minds work.
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How does 10$ get u food for 3 days?
Not saying it impossible but I would like to know lol
Last couple times i had Wendy's my **** is always cold. From different places too, not just the same store. I like McDs though, don't eat it often but ive never gotten sick from it and its never been cold.
:lol: at not ever taking your little brother there again.

We've all had mcdonalds when we were little, it tastes good. Yall being over dramatic it wont kill you.
A mchicken with buffalo sauce or nuggets with buffalo sauce will always be appreciated.
Had this for lunch at work earlier. Was able to tackle a Mac, cheeseburger, mcnuggets and a small fry.... I haz regrets. Saved the rest for tomorrow's lunch. Must say tho. Amazing deal for the quantity

You're disgusting

You're going to reheat and eat McDonald's food a day later?


How they're still in business after "Supersize Me" is beyond me, the power of the all mighty dollar I guess.
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Probably because people aren't going to eat mcdonald's 3-4x a day like the guy in super size me did. They're the most recognized fastfood chain and have the most franchises all over the world. How are people surprised they still have locations open with customers?

In college I used to eat leftover burger king the morning after I went drinking. Cured my hangovers.
Probably because people aren't going to eat mcdonald's 3-4x a day like the guy in super size me did. They're the most recognized fastfood chain and have the most franchises all over the world. How are people surprised they still have locations open with customers?

In college I used to eat leftover burger king the morning after I went drinking. Cured my hangovers.

im not talkin about eating it everyday im just saying look at how those fries never even decomposed in the vid posted earlier in this thread
The McDonald's slander is insane in here. Their burgers are one thing and everyone has a love/love relationship with their breakfast....but NO ONE can resist their nuggets and fries. NO ONE.
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Something's wrong when they begin to offer more food for less and less money. They're saving money somewhere. I'm thinking the "meat" is made of less meat.
As a kid I didn't appreciate the greasy goodness that is McDonalds, I just wanted my toy.

But my mom wouldn't let me open my toy till I finished all my food. Thank you mom
Something's wrong when they begin to offer more food for less and less money. They're saving money somewhere. I'm thinking the "meat" is made of less meat.

For real.

Not too long ago McDonalds was talking about raising the prices on their dollar menu. To have them put this kind of deal out is a little weird and scary.
Mcdonalds tastes like america.
maybe for the poor..  

whats so different between mcdonalds fries and a bag of potato chips??  i bet the same dudes bashing fries not decomposing will tear down a bag of lays.  
:lol: what

i know what you mean though, they are are on point

I got a friend that works as taco bell and he'll tell me stories about how people butcher the words n stuff. :rofl:

maybe for the poor..  

whats so different between mcdonalds fries and a bag of potato chips??  i bet the same dudes bashing fries not decomposing will tear down a bag of lays.  

Original lays taste like crap, the salt is ridiculous since that's pretty much all I taste. Kinda like how when the frycooks put an OD amount of salt on the fries after they just got freshly made. :x
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