Millennials Are Running Out of Time to Build Wealth #brokebois

I'm sorry you guys feel more uncomfortable about the idea of living around people that don't look like me than I do actually living here. It's really like you want to go out of your way to segregate yourselves, then complain about being segregated. It's just wild to me.

Very wild to me and I disagree 100%. I would be very comfortable living next to you. My door is always open.
Never bought into the BS they've been peddling for years about black people being at a disadvantage when it comes to health compared to white people. We are genetically strong people. Hell slavery started because the native Americans were dieing from white diseases. They brought Africans in because we could withstand it. We are blessed genetically but it has also been a curse, to an extent.

Sure white people have access to better healthcare than black people.

its all lies. Neither are we the minority. People only look it from an American pov. Globally, white people are the minority. We live equally as long. They have access to all this healthcare, Medicine and wealth... yet we are still equally if not more physically productive. Globally.

combine Africa and American black populations, along with brazil, we are not a minority. We’re the 2 or 3rd largest race behind asians and india.

let’s see the statistics regarding cancer too...

Every race is susceptible to health issues
To bring up those statistics without addressing the socioeconomic factors created by systemic racism that cause the health disparities in Black communities is disingenuous at best and racist at worst.
I 100% agree with your comment that socioeconomic factors as a byproduct of systemic racism have created health disparities. My original comment earlier today focused on the transfer of wealth as it pertains to high cost long term healthcare.

What I don’t agree with is the insinuation that posting infographics from the CDC and as being disingenuous or possibly racist, but I can respect your vewpoint and try to understand where you’re coming from.

US Population: 331,449,281

331,449,281 / 100,000 = 3,314


Ages 18-34 Deaths = 3,314 x 142 = 470,588

Ages 35-49 Deaths = 3,314 x 312 = 1,033,968

Ages 50-64 Deaths = 3.314 x 1,106 = 3.665,284



Ages 18-34 Deaths = 3,314 x 100 = 331,400

Ages 35-49 Deaths = 3,314 x 220 = 729,080

Ages 50-64 Deaths = 3.314 x 722 = 2,392,708


Ages 18-34 Deaths = 139,188

Ages 35-49 Deaths = 304,888

Ages 50-64 Deaths = 1.272,576

1,716,652 additional deaths per year

More than double the 2021 population of Washington DC.
Whites make up 60% of that 331 million.... blacks are 13% of it.....

So that’s like 198 million vs. 43 million. Divide those by 100,000
Very wild to me and I disagree 100%. I would be very comfortable living next to you. My door is always open.

I only feel comfortable living next to minorities especially immigrants. They mind their own business.

My worst nightmare is moving next to that overly friendly white family. I lived next to this one stay at home wife growing up that just had to have a conversation with you after a long day of school and work. It got so bad that several times my family and I have had to sneak into our own house to avoid her. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I only feel comfortable living next to minorities especially immigrants. They mind their own business.

My worst nightmare is moving next to that overly friendly white family. I lived next to this one stay at home wife growing up that just had to have a conversation with you after a long day of school and work. It got so bad that several times my family and I have had to sneak into our own house to avoid her. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

like Wilson from “home improvement”. I’ve circled the block many a times to avoid neighbors.

neighbor dodging truly is a sport
what I’m showing is that we have far less deaths :lol: :lol:
Your math was a bit off. It’s all good my guy

No ego at all - not taking anything personal and appreciate any correction.

I think we all would benefit from the truth.

Please correct / provide the numbers accurately as I'm not the best at math...obviously.

Subject hits close to home.
:lol: at saying a 700 dollar phone will make u broke.

I said $700 shoes. And 1 pair of shoes isnt gonna make you “broke.” But when people constantly buying all the new **** just to keep up with the Jones’, buying a new $1000+ phone every single year, all that **** eventually adds up.

Buying shoes alone isn’t gonna not let you afford a house, I’m just saying spending unnecessarily will definitely hold you back.

But y’all can take whatever you want and just blame the government. The government needs to pay my student loans blah blah blah. Somebody makes it out and people on here just say no no no just because you found a way that doesn’t apply to me blah blah **puts on flame suit**

Man, yall think most people have $700 laying around for a pair of SHOES or PHONE!?!?!

Haven't gotten through the whole thread but please tell me this was addressed!
I don’t even feel comfortable around all white people and that’s my people. Too much Kyle energy. Something is gonna get burnt down, shot or a car is getting sent through the air or someone’s lawn or someone is getting shot with a bottle rocket or Roman candle.
I just drive into my garage and close it before I get out if I don’t feel like seeing my neighbors (who are seemingly ALWAYS outside). :lol:

Most of them have gotten the memo though—if perchance we run into each other when taking the trash to the curb, say hello and keep it movin. My wife handles the small talk lol.
Man, yall think most people have $700 laying around for a pair of SHOES or PHONE!?!?!

Haven't gotten through the whole thread but please tell me this was addressed!
Go check out the stimulus thread and see how many people were bragging about what shoes they were gonna buy when the stimmy hit their account :lol:

And people don’t have it laying around, they put it in their credit card and worry about it later :lol: , that’s the issue
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