Milwaukee Update Post

^i ll line something up for this summer...

should have more heads this time around...
yea a summit would sound good, ill be around for that. Just an update that Playmakers still have 8/15 CDP Split in a few sizes and the 1/22 pack in a fewsizes. Will they be getting the Max Orange 1's in during February?
^i would think so.

the problem with planning a summit would be that i get all these guys saying yeah i'm down, but then when the time comes they can't be found.
im goona start planning one here in the Chi for the spring/summer! make it like a bbq! unless Dave can pull off another bloch party, but i dont see thathappening, but ill let you all know! ill make sure its atleast a month from the milwuakee summit so you cheese heads can come down!

if i have bought the house by then, i'll hold it there....

and if you're lucky, i ll open up the "Shoe Room" for those that would like to take a peek...ahahahaha
DAMN Brandon im really liking the sound of all of this lol
and i would be there and i wouldnt just drop off the face of the earth when time came around for it...

Yea it would be nice to get all of the sneakerheads in milwaukee together. I have a couple of people in madison that have some heat to that would more thanlikely come.
hey if anybody can find me some jodan 8 aquas in milwaukee please hit me up with a message or replay to this thanks
hey if anybody can find me some jodan 8 aquas in milwaukee please hit me up with a message or replay to this thanks
You wont be able to find them at any retailers. But someone should have a pair around milwaukee. Ill let you know if i can find a pair. what size andcondition?
what size do you need?

im working on a house at 86th and Good Hope Area....

has a decent size yard...we'll make it work...
Congrats on the house Brandon. There are some killer deals out there. I just went through that crap 2 months ago.

If there is a summit this year, i should be able to make it (pending work).
Yea if we have it during the spring/summer we wouldnt have to worry about our kicks that much, I hate winter. Maybe a BBQ? Did anyone go down to DXC in chicagolast september? I didnt get to make it but i was wondering how DXC's are. And sho3tym congrats on the house.
congrads on the house brandon! i got too many kids to have my own shoe room lol but when i got my house i did make it part of my man cave! i have a closet inthe basement with a built in shelves in the wall kinda like an extension! and i got all my jordans in a seperate cabinet fixture! ill probably do someentertaining my self once i get the cave all the way right
^not givin the address

anyways, I would do it in the summer,

my son is due June 3rd, so I would plan on doing it sometime in July, I'm thinking the last saturday. I typically have that day off.

We will have a bbq (I'm planning on building and old school bbq

Reese, nice to hear,

I plan on overtaking my basement with shoes, have to move them from my parents house to Milwaukee.

Will need help throwing in for food/"beverages"...
^there is a slated release date for next thursday,

if anybody gets them it'll be playmakers...
WOW 'RANDON A SON TOO! YOU BEEN BUSY HUH !! congrads fam! and whenever you readt im diwn on fiid for the cue bro! hey have you heard anything about thisyears black history after 1? ive seen em, but dont know how the release will be, also does modal carry play cloths? i saw it listed on there website but theyhad no items lmk!
^yeah they have play in the shop, ( I beleive)

going to have a son...and she wants to name him Jordan.

stay posted about the summit though...
lols yea it be kinda weird haha

but damn cant wait for the eggplants then ill grab a pair if i dont grab a pair of midnight 6s.. unless i have money for both
^i'm starting to doubt foams are gonna show up in Milwaukee....

probably gonna pass at the moment, have some other stuff I would like to grab
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