Milwaukee Update Post

Originally Posted by FOOT FETISH CEO

WOW 'RANDON A SON TOO! YOU BEEN BUSY HUH !! congrads fam! and whenever you readt im diwn on fiid for the cue bro! hey have you heard anything about this years black history after 1? ive seen em, but dont know how the release will be, also does modal carry play cloths? i saw it listed on there website but they had no items lmk!
yea they have it there but they dont have many items from play cloth though
yea allot of people been coppin that brand... i haven't been there in a while might have to visit there soon i heard the new stussy stuff droppin thisspring
haha it be kinda weird for me to say that outta the blue lols but it be funny to see there reaction to it.. were known over there to be the group of asian guysor the painters crew lol

just a real random question for everyone... Did any of ya ever get there hands of a pair of og heat around town for cheap off from other people or originalretailers???

a couple of months ago i went somewhere and actually got me a og 1993 air trainer huaraches for 65 bucks... and i went back about 3 months later and got meanother pair of them huaraches im probably going to head over there again this weekend and grab a pair of og huaraches in the lakers colorway..
Originally Posted by sho3tym

^tell 'em Brandon sent you....let me know what they

lol Brandon funny you mention that lol i kinda did that when i went over to Moda3 a couple months ago lol just to see what they would say
but they were all good about though and congrats on your son and i will most DEF be coming through for the summit b.c i would not miss it.

Originally Posted by thetrackstar

hey if anybody can find me some jodan 8 aquas in milwaukee please hit me up with a message or replay to this thanks

Your best bet is Flight Club.
i say we try to get Chris "C2" Hui in the building for the summit b.c i would love to see some of his customs in person

yea i saw some of his customs real clean and well executed. i saw this other guy who customs in milwaukee called kuztom_kid on iss and i though his watermelonaf1 was just crazy
Chris would come, if he's home.

just gotta call him, havent talked to him in a while.

His work is the best you'll see. I've seen my fair share, and i'm rolling with him.
Play cloths just released this year, So most of their stuff was gone when it hit moda3. I only got two t's. And play cloths hasnt released there springappearal yet, So it might be a while till they get some new stuff in. But they should be getting in plenty of Alife, The hundreds, And kidrobot stuff withinthe next month I believe. Are there any other good shoe stores in milwaukee? Ive been to playmakers and Moda3, But havent really ventured out past there. Letme know!
Milwaukee Bruhs I actually got an extra pair of eggplants since im out here in Carolina (i of course bought them to flip) but I will give them to one of u guysfor retail(with tax)+shipping and paypal fees so holla at me if u need a pair.... I kinda figured the mil wouldnt get any so im trying to look out for my boysback home
since were thinking about possibly doing a summit. What about a sneaker show? similar to DXC maybe. Im not sure if there are a lot of collectors out here inmilwaukee, but if there are there could be a price per table. And a price for entry. Ive seen a couple of people do it in chicago that werent run byDunkxchange. Let me know, i was thinking that part of the fee's could go towards a charity of our choice. I would like to do this becuase it would lookgreat on a college resume and I enjoy sneakers and the community behind it. Not sure if this is a good idea or if it is even possible to have a good turn out.Let me know what you guys think.
^no offense, but that is way overdone.

I know many of the guys in chicago that have put that stuff on, and in long run not worth it.

I say keep it simple find an open space, have some food talk sneakers for awhile.

I have organized 2 Wi/Milwaukee summits, and both times i had several ppl say i'll help out etc etc, then when it comes time to show up, can't get ahold of them.

Look at this post, i got it rolling, and only over the last 6 months has it started up decent. Thus, me staying i would think about doing a summit.

I have talked to Moda/Playmakers/Sky High, all have some interest. I have the closest relationship with Moda, so I would like to work with them.

I will have something lined up for this summer though.
yea doing all that stuff would just take to long and everything...
and dont worry about it Brandon im not gonna disapear when it comes time to set it up.
im actually so pumped for this and its a good idea to get the local shops involved to get the support and everything.

I figured that it might not be worth it, the cost and everything might not surpass the money that is needed to pay for renting out an open space.

I will be able to help out if you do need any help, Ill be around all summer and i really need to do some stuff that will look good on a college app.
Nice! Let me know what they have there that catches your eye. I have family that lives on the southside of Chi, So ive been meaning to go over to HOH but justhavent had the chance yet.
Does anyone on here have the Black/Red Jordan XXIII Premier?

Question: Is the thumb print on the back of the tounge supposed to be black, or gold like the other XXIII's. I'm thinking about buying a pair.

Edit: Nevermind, they are fake.
Just a heads up that Moda3 has a ton of new The hundreds, Play cloths, and, Kidrobot apparel in. Everything is looking really clean.
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