Originally Posted by LWC825

I didn't see anyone mention it, but there is a special episode named "Erazer" up on Hulu.

Just started watching this show this week, finished season 1 yesterday. its

Disappointed in myself for not watching this show sooner, but I watched all three series in about a week and I absolutely love the show.

I missed Nathan in the 3rd series, but Rudy was a good addition. Bummed Simon and Alisha are gone, but it seemed like Simon's story was done and his transformation was complete. Kind of tragic how they're just going to be in an infinite loop, but kind of cool and romantic at the same time
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Damn, I was hoping that Erazer episode was more than just a filler.
they could have at least given us some post Simon/Alisha filler

I read that there could be a US remake this year if it gets picked up
Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Damn, I was hoping that Erazer episode was more than just a filler.
they could have at least given us some post Simon/Alisha filler

I read that there could be a US remake this year if it gets picked up
I hope the US remake does not get picked up.
look what happened with Skins US, that show sucked. I fear it would be the same with this one.

Also, no one can replace Iwon's Simon. 
Now what?
First Nathan, then we get Rudy who is awesome by the way.

and now Simon and Alisha?

I mean dropping Simon is kind of a bummer but his story is done, and Alisha isn't that interesting of a character story wise but eye candy wise 

I just wanna see what they're gonna do with series 4.
They need to throw money at the guy who portrays Nathan to bring him back. Rudys funny but hes no Nathan.

I actually liked US Skins a little bit.

A US Misfits would definitely suck though, without question
I don't think that Simon will be in an infinite loop. if you remember in Dragonball Z Trunks came from his future where people died and hope was lost he goes to the past to change it for the better.
Simon will go back knowing that his timeline has a future Simon that existes/dies, he can correct it but not dying or whatever he plans on doing to alter the future and causing a change in that timeline. Therefore OUR misfits timeline is no loop and everything meant to happen, so all the time travel is a straight line. the DBZ's timeline we saw was meant to have future trunks and go its course the way it did.

can probably get pretty weird/cool if there was 2 Simons the way there was 2 trunks (baby and future) in DBZ and it got normal.

plus that picture of Simon and Alisha in Vegas hasn't been taken yet in "our" timeline so maybe they take that when they save Nathan from Nevada jail. and that plothole probably is open for when Nathan comes back if he ever does
Originally Posted by M4rioL

I don't think that Simon will be in an infinite loop. if you remember in Dragonball Z Trunks came from his future where people died and hope was lost he goes to the past to change it for the better.
Simon will go back knowing that his timeline has a future Simon that existes/dies, he can correct it but not dying or whatever he plans on doing to alter the future and causing a change in that timeline. Therefore OUR misfits timeline is no loop and everything meant to happen, so all the time travel is a straight line. the DBZ's timeline we saw was meant to have future trunks and go its course the way it did.
Shows and cartoons will find a way around the infinite time loop problem if they need to.
I don't remember how they solved that issue in the Back to the Future movies.

It does suck if only 2 of the og's are left.  They need to get new badass powers.  The ones they had this season kind of sucked and they didn't even use them that much.
Originally Posted by Antidope

They need to throw money at the guy who portrays Nathan to bring him back. Rudys funny but hes no Nathan.

I actually liked US Skins a little bit.

A US Misfits would definitely suck though, without question

misfits would work on showtime, starz etc..
Well, part of the charm of these vulgar Brit shows are that they are British and have different slang and culture.  Part of why I like it is because it's a nice change from watching American shows all the time.

But Showtime has Shameless which was originally an English show and it's great.  There would be a bigger budget for the special effects and American writers are better at developing more complex storylines.
Originally Posted by M4rioL

plus that picture of Simon and Alisha in Vegas hasn't been taken yet in "our" timeline so maybe they take that when they save Nathan from Nevada jail. and that plothole probably is open for when Nathan comes back if he ever does


Never thought of that
Originally Posted by Shox23

Originally Posted by Antidope

They need to throw money at the guy who portrays Nathan to bring him back. Rudys funny but hes no Nathan.

I actually liked US Skins a little bit.

A US Misfits would definitely suck though, without question

misfits would work on showtime, starz etc..
It wouldnt hit the target demographic on those channels though. I'm not sure what network it shows on overseas but I'm betting its basic. Of course we would watch it, but it would be hard to bring in new people when its on one of those networks, so they'd prob go to MTV and ruin it.
Originally Posted by M4rioL

I don't think that Simon will be in an infinite loop. if you remember in Dragonball Z Trunks came from his future where people died and hope was lost he goes to the past to change it for the better.
Simon will go back knowing that his timeline has a future Simon that existes/dies, he can correct it but not dying or whatever he plans on doing to alter the future and causing a change in that timeline. Therefore OUR misfits timeline is no loop and everything meant to happen, so all the time travel is a straight line. the DBZ's timeline we saw was meant to have future trunks and go its course the way it did.

can probably get pretty weird/cool if there was 2 Simons the way there was 2 trunks (baby and future) in DBZ and it got normal.

plus that picture of Simon and Alisha in Vegas hasn't been taken yet in "our" timeline so maybe they take that when they save Nathan from Nevada jail. and that plothole probably is open for when Nathan comes back if he ever does

Please, let's keep DBZ type plot developments out of this...

You bring up a really really great point in your last two sentences though (reddened); I actually brought up the plot hole that is created by the vegas pic of Alisha and Simon some few pages back, and frankly, this is best answer/most sensible resolution to that quagmire. I seriously think everything you stated will probably happen...

Moving on, new coldplay vid ft. the lovely Alisha and a b-grade Simon...

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by M4rioL

plus that picture of Simon and Alisha in Vegas hasn't been taken yet in "our" timeline so maybe they take that when they save Nathan from Nevada jail. and that plothole probably is open for when Nathan comes back if he ever does


Never thought of that

sorry but....
They took it when Nathan went to Vegas. Simon and Alisha went with them. Its only mentioned on the characters twitter tho 
finally finished season 3... what a downer.


i dont know how season 4 is going to shape up... it will be interesting.

i dont really understand the time paradox that Simon/Alisha are trapped in. i understand the theory... but if he goes back to make sure 'everything happens the same' so he and Alisha will fall in love... couldn't he have just added another clock to the Batcave wall that shows Christian Girl going crazy with the box cutter? then everything would be the same, except Alisha getting sliced.

or even better... why couldnt he just go back in time a few hours and sacrifice his future self to the Christian girl. thats kind of what SuperHoodie did when he took that bullet for her in season 2.

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

finally finished season 3... what a downer.


i dont know how season 4 is going to shape up... it will be interesting.

i dont really understand the time paradox that Simon/Alisha are trapped in. i understand the theory... but if he goes back to make sure 'everything happens the same' so he and Alisha will fall in love... couldn't he have just added another clock to the Batcave wall that shows Christian Girl going crazy with the box cutter? then everything would be the same, except Alisha getting sliced.

or even better... why couldnt he just go back in time a few hours and sacrifice his future self to the Christian girl. thats kind of what SuperHoodie did when he took that bullet for her in season 2.


Same thing I was wondering.
I admit I'm usually slower when it comes to time travelling plots in movies/tv shows, but what I took from her death is it was unavoidable. Simon went back and sacrificed himself so she wouldn't die, but it happened anyway. So maybe even if could prevent her death by the Christian girl, it would just happen later on.
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