Mitt Romney on hidden camera

Yea, you're right, some of those people on welfare worked hard and got screwed. However a lot of them didn't so I, myself wouldn't have any sympathy for them as well.
No matter how you slice it, many people below the poverty line and on welfare are looking for government handouts - some aren't.
I agree that the American Dream has definitely changed, you can't make as much money as you used to. Although I'm a believer in hard work and education. If you start off young and take school seriously and work hard you will be fine. You may not be a millionaire but for damn sure you won't be close to the poverty line.
You can't really speak on majority of people's status that are on welfare, because you haven't heard their personal stories to know what they went through to get to that point.  People that say all of these people in this same situation all have the same story don't understand that we are not the same.  We all take different routes to our situation even though we ended up in the same place.  

I think the one's of the new age welfare are the able bodied people that take advantage of the government, but does that mean we should punish those that did everything right and still came up short?  Does that seem right to you?  Instead they should start a berage of free government training, and place stricker regulations on welfare. But the Romney's of the country don't want to teach theset young people how to fish their way out of poverty.  Otherwise a welfare program like this for the younger able bodies would've been in affect in the 90's.  I really think they enjoy the idea of having the potiental power of saying who can and can't eat. 

Back in the day the message was you can also succeed with out a college education.  We were thriving then with plenty of entry level American opportunities before the brite idea of outsourcing created by the Romney's of the world. 
He's gone into free fall since the Conventions... And every time he opens up his mouth, he inserts his foot.

How dire is it for Romney?

Pennsylvania & Michigan are both not even considered toss ups for the first time in decades..

It's pretty much over with at this point
You can't really speak on majority of people's status that are on welfare, because you haven't heard their personal stories to know what they went through to get to that point.  People that say all of these people in this same situation all have the same story don't understand that we are not the same.  We all take different routes to our situation even though we ended up in the same place.  

I think the one's of the new age welfare are the able bodied people that take advantage of the government, but does that mean we should punish those that did everything right and still came up short?  Does that seem right to you?  Instead they should start a berage of free government training, and place stricker regulations on welfare. But the Romney's of the country don't want to teach theset young people how to fish their way out of poverty.  Otherwise a welfare program like this for the younger able bodies would've been in affect in the 90's.  I really think they enjoy the idea of having the potiental power of saying who can and can't eat. 

Back in the day the message was you can also succeed with out a college education.  We were thriving then with plenty of entry level American opportunities before the brite idea of outsourcing created by the Romney's of the world. 
Whoa there, Why can't I but why can you?

But the Romney's of the country don't want to teach theset young people how to fish their way out of poverty.  Otherwise a welfare program like this for the younger able bodies would've been in affect in the 90's.  I really think they enjoy the idea of having the potiental power of saying who can and can't eat. 

This is why I can't stand complete Left-wingers just as much as I can't stand complete Right-wingers.

1) Romney is not suppose to teach you anything. Thats up to your parental situations, education, and whomever you can learn from along your way.

2) Saying that that Romney and his counterparts actually enjoy watching people in poverty and can't eat is ridiculous.

3) Another welfare program would help? How so? And why? Give details. What kind of program? Don't try to shoot being vague.

The bias extremists have from both parties is astonishing.



[h1]Romney: “My job is not to worry about those people.”[/h1][h3]By Brad Plumer , Updated: [/h3]September 17, 2012
Over the past few years, Republicans have developed a habit of railing against the 47 percent of Americans who don’t pay any federal income taxes. It’s a fairly misleading talking point, but it keeps resurfacing. And now Mitt Romney has picked up on it:

Mother Jones’s David Corn recently got hold of a leaked recording  in which Romney, speaking behind closed doors at a fund-raiser, heaped a good dose of scorn on Obama’s supporters:
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what …"

"These are people who pay no income tax. 47 percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect… my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Let’s set aside the question of whether this is what Mitt Romney really believes deep down in his heart. Maybe this is what he thinks. Or maybe he just thought it was a good line to buck up jittery donors. What we can  say is that the last part is wrong. There is no fair accounting in which 47 percent of Americans take no “personal responsibility and care for their lives.” Take this simple breakdown  from the Tax Policy Center of what households paid in taxes in 2011:

Here’s what we have:

— 53.6 percent  of households pay the federal income tax. Presumably Romney is okay with these folks.

— 28.3 percent  of households pay no federal income tax, but they do  pay the payroll tax. That means they don’t need Mitt Romney to convince them to “take personal responsibility and care for their lives.” They already have jobs.

Most of the households in this group don’t pay any federal income tax because they qualify for enough deductions that their income tax liability has shrunk to zero.  See this Tax Policy Center report  for more, which gives an example of “a couple with two children earning less than $26,400. They get an $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700, and that takes their liability to zero.” Indeed, it’s worth noting that many of these deductions and credits were part of the 2001 Bush tax cuts, which Romney wants to extend.

— 10.3 percent  of households pay no federal income tax because they’re retired and elderly. Many retirees aren’t taxed on their Social Security benefits, which they earned by paying into the system over many years. If Mitt Romney secretly thinks that these households are all irresponsible freeloaders, he has a weird way of showing it, as he keeps insisting that he doesn’t want to cut Medicare or Social Security benefits for those over the age of 65.

— That leaves 6.9 percent  of households which are non-elderly and have incomes less than $20,000 per year and aren’t paying the payroll tax. These poorer households pay neither income taxes nor payroll taxes. Perhaps Romney thinks that they should all pay more in federal taxes. It’s hard to say. But this is also a much smaller fraction of Americans.

Meanwhile, just as a reminder, the vast majority of Americans still pay state and local taxes — in fact, these taxes tend to be more regressive. When you add up all  the different types of taxes, most income groups in the United States tend to pay an amount that’s roughly commensurate with their share of the national income. Here’s a relevant report  (pdf) from Citizens for Tax Justice:

The United States has a mildly progressive tax system, it’s true. In general, the rich pay more than the poor. But all groups contribute.

[emoji]169[/emoji] The Washington Post Company
He just called 47 percent of the country undeserving lazy moochers.

Biggest undeserving moochers in this country are politicians.

Romney only likes welfare when it's corporate welfare. banks and CEOs reaping the benefits

Corporations are people my friend. This is just another reason why the country shouldn't be run like a business
I don't see anything wrong with what he said. It is what it is
still trying to see where Romney said something that wasn't true in the first video, if you find it let me know?

Future care to provide us with the right numbers then?
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still trying to see where Romney said something that wasn't true in the first video, if you find it let me know?

Future care to provide us with the right numbers then?
I posted the article on the first page.

On top of that...Romney forever loses the right to complain about taxes when his own dad invented the "release your tax records" ploy in politics. 

He still hasn't released his forms. 
Thanks for the videos and the clear up FutureMD.

Whether the numbers are right or wrong tho doesn't matter. Mitt Romney just lost the campaign. I don't have a big problem with what he said but the news and Independents (which he needs) are not going to side with him at all for this.
Don't forget the military and veterans are a big part of that 47% he just called undeserving moochers
So basically he's calling single moms (head of household filing status) making about $37,500 with 2 kids (2 x Child tax credits) a bunch of free loading Americans because they don't pay any taxes. So if this single mother loses her job, she is not entitled to food stamps? Section 8 housing? Medicaid?
This Romney guy is something else!
No I think he is referring to the people in the Youtube video called Obamabucks check it out.
Thanks for the videos and the clear up FutureMD.

Whether the numbers are right or wrong tho doesn't matter. Mitt Romney just lost the campaign. I don't have a big problem with what he said but the news and Independents (which he needs) are not going to side with him at all for this.
Nothing he does will make him innately lose because the people that reported this are channels that his base doesn't utilize. 

The only way he'll lose is if Fox News or people his base listen to, report this stuff. 

Otherwise its just liberal-pornography. 
Obama has been very disappointing but Romney is Gordon Gecko incarnate. He's the last thing the US needs. He & his cronies would rape & pillage this country like Bush/Cheney/Haliburton did. This war has made Bush & his cronies piles of cash.

I'm curious to see how the voter ID acts passed in the 30+ republican controlled states will effect the voting landscape in the upcoming elections. Romney & the Koch brothers have raised tons of cash. I don't think this is a wrap like some of you think....

The american taliban (tea party) has been hard at work these last several years raising money & setting up...
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I wasn't speaking on anything other then what Romney said.  Which was him basically saying that people that depend on the government are on it cause they want to be, and you agree with that as well as have little to no compassion or understanding for or of there situation.  When you have no idea how they got to that point
Whoa there, Why can't I but why can you?
This is why I can't stand complete Left-wingers just as much as I can't stand complete Right-wingers.
1) Romney is not suppose to teach you anything. Thats up to your parental situations, education, and whomever you can learn from along your way.
2) Saying that that Romney and his counterparts actually enjoy watching people in poverty and can't eat is ridiculous.
3) Another welfare program would help? How so? And why? Give details. What kind of program? Don't try to shoot being vague.
The bias extremists have from both parties is astonishing.
You call it extremism I call it compassion for those who came up short and those don't know any better.  What do you say to the young pupil that has a mom strung out and on welfare.  All they've every seen and known is drugs, murder. prostitution, rats/roaches, etc.  If there is no one around at all to tell you that you can rise above this, and you've never even known anybody that went to college what kind of mentality do you think you would have?

Some people are born in this would without a chance of possibility, some are born with very few opportunities yet they have people/person around to encourage better days, and then you have people in this world born with all the opportunities known to man.

A welfare program that offers a wide verity of training to help better qualify welfare recipients for descent paying entry level jobs, and some courses on workplace conduct.  Because some people have no idea or concept on how to live a true adult life they need someone to show them how, because they've never had a example of what that is.  Would've end this whole welfare nonsense long ago.

If Romney doesn't have solutions on how to make it better then dude should stop talking about it.  All you hear out of these outspoken Republicans is welfare this depending on the government that.  Forget all that.  Where are the solutions?  The only one I'm hearing is cut em off and let them sink and drown.  Or come to us and beg for food so that you know who has the power. 

People think it's joke.  These people want Hunger Games status.  If you couldn't tell with that whole voters registration ID.  I didn't think it was a big deal till I paid more attention to it.  That had nothing to do with fraud.  It was about suppressing the vote of old(a lot of which are dependent on the gov.), the impoverished citizens, and the undocumented.  They even copped to it saying it was all about trying to get Romney in and Obama out.  I could go on about the true fact of the assault against the impoverished vote.

Voter fraud should have been the discussion when Bush stole Florida, but there wasn't a peep from that side then.  Why know?  The crazy petty stuff that these people have been coming up with against Obama since he ran for president just shows that they don't like the idea of a black president, and they are really just closet racist.
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Nothing he does will make him innately lose because the people that reported this are channels that his base doesn't utilize. 

The only way he'll lose is if Fox News or people his base listen to, report this stuff. 

Otherwise its just liberal-pornography. :lol:
People in his base would vote for Romney regardless when they see this. Like Romney said, it's the Independents that matter. Most Independents will hear about this and be extremely disappointed.
I consider myself Independent, lean towards the left, registered Democrat, and I will most likely vote for Obama (again).

However I see no problem with what Mitt Romney said. I'm sure the other 47% of voters are conservative so that leaves around 6% of Independent voters. That makes absolute sense. Whats the issue? I'm sure not all of the 47% of democratic voters are looking for government care but I sure bet most of them are.
poor lyndon johnson rollin over his grave
Ok from watching his video's he seems sincere and yeah I believe people should take care of themselves to a point. If your can barely pay to have to kids you should not have had two kids. People do feel entitled to a lot. He didnt seem like too much of a bad guy in those videos. Oh and the drop out rate is not 50%. Its 8%
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Thanks for the videos and the clear up FutureMD.

Whether the numbers are right or wrong tho doesn't matter. Mitt Romney just lost the campaign. I don't have a big problem with what he said but the news and Independents (which he needs) are not going to side with him at all for this.
Nothing he does will make him innately lose because the people that reported this are channels that his base doesn't utilize. 

The only way he'll lose is if Fox News or people his base listen to, report this stuff. 

Otherwise its just liberal-pornography. 
fox just covering da middle east warfare...aka their porn
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