Mitt Romney on hidden camera

I also don't buy into people criticizing Romney for having these "wealthy donor" dinners. Like Jay-Z and Beyonce, or any of these Hollywood types aren't rolling in coin. Drives me crazy that people are upset about CEOs making millions of dollars (which in some cases they should be) but aren't mad at professional athletes "gettin' theirs" for playing a damn game. The hypocrisy is disgusting with some folks around the country (I see it all over the place).
This. The guy is a great business man and he gets ripped for it.

And most of what he said is true. People getting handouts and not paying taxes are loving things now, so why would they even consider Romney? He needs that middle group to win, and its too bad he probably won't get enough of it.
As much as i know there are people that could use government help, i personally see so many people that stomp and abuse on aid just for a little extra buck and its not used for anything important. Theres people i know that have others peoples kid on their income tax and have no need for that extra money and spend it on jewelery, clothes and other material things and dont even break off the parents of the kid. Couple close family members that have several working contributors in the house hold and someone will be getting food stamps and there is clearly no need at all for it. Young girls i see around my way with sometimes 2 to 3 kids some with the baby daddys and some just getting knocked up by different dudes. Family members of mine and other family friends that have the stick it to the government mentality for no sure reason at all just for the hell of it. Friends of mine that at are beyond stupid with their finances. Spending financial aid money on cars or other useless stuff and not finishing or attempting to finish school, leasing cars that are way beyond their budgets just to stunt. I understand and believe that there are people that do need the help, but i've come across so many people and seen so many examples and people close to me that just make really bad decisions and never once stop to reflect and just continue on never really trying to better them selves. I do realize that their is a biased based on my surroundings and would like to see if there were some numbers of people on government help that are within means of supporting themselves.

You are kinda all over the place. You're confusing people mismanaging their finances and living foolishly with governmental aid. If somebody is out of work and they are getting food stamps or unemployment for example, they would be doing that regardless if they had money in the bank or not. It would be foolish to refuse the services that are there for youLeasing a car and then going to Save a Lot and using your access card to buy groceries doesnt really have anything to do with each other. Trust, people who are living off the government are not living a comfortable life. It isnt gravy.
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This. The guy is a great business man and he gets ripped for it.

And most of what he said is true. People getting handouts and not paying taxes are loving things now, so why would they even consider Romney? He needs that middle group to win, and its too bad he probably won't get enough of it.

Not too bad at all... We're all better off that he won't.

People getting "handouts" are voting for Romney as well..

And how are they loving things now? :rofl: All of a sudden they went from broke to upper middle class on handouts?

And also anyone who is employed pays some type of taxes.....

Those who don't pay the federal income tax, make so little that taxing them would be catastrophic to them...

It's funny that the party of god is so against social justice and collectivism.. Truly funny to me.
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dont be so naive...when this dropped it was a huge blowback for obama. one of his weaknesses are working class white folks, and this

comment came across as if he was elitist.

CNN were even comparing da romney tapes to this very obama dialogue.

SMH. I dunno why I'm even wasting my breath with you

We're not talking about how the media reacted to either candidates comments. We're talking about the content of each video

What Obama said didn't come lose to what Ronmey said, wasn't even in the same ballpark.

-And Mitt response to the leaked video :lol:. Claims the comments could have been made more elegantly, and says he will do that at a later date. :smh: :lol:
I also don't buy into people criticizing Romney for having these "wealthy donor" dinners. Like Jay-Z and Beyonce, or any of these Hollywood types aren't rolling in coin. Drives me crazy that people are upset about CEOs making millions of dollars (which in some cases they should be) but aren't mad at professional athletes "gettin' theirs" for playing a damn game. The hypocrisy is disgusting with some folks around the country (I see it all over the place).

This. The guy is a great business man and he gets ripped for it.

And most of what he said is true. People getting handouts and not paying taxes are loving things now, so why would they even consider Romney? He needs that middle group to win, and its too bad he probably won't get enough of it.
Actually people are upset because he only paid ~13% taxes and regulars like you are I pay closer to 30, and it's part of his platform to lower taxes for the 1% (actually 4% based off his latest comment). He continues to come off as out of touch with normal folks when he says things like calling 250k middle class, or when he told dude "just borrow it from your parents" when asked about the rising cost of higher education. So yes, he comes off an elitist, albeit extremely successful, money making robot and has done nothing to change that perception.
I also don't buy into people criticizing Romney for having these "wealthy donor" dinners. Like Jay-Z and Beyonce, or any of these Hollywood types aren't rolling in coin. Drives me crazy that people are upset about CEOs making millions of dollars (which in some cases they should be) but aren't mad at professional athletes "gettin' theirs" for playing a damn game. The hypocrisy is disgusting with some folks around the country (I see it all over the place).
This. The guy is a great business man and he gets ripped for it.

And most of what he said is true. People getting handouts and not paying taxes are loving things now, so why would they even consider Romney? He needs that middle group to win, and its too bad he probably won't get enough of it.
What percentage of welfare recipients are abusing the system?

Please tell me. Ya'll make it sound like dudes are out here making it rain on while fine dining on WIC sandwiches. 

The problem isn't that you're rich, its that youre an out of touch dude who doesn't consider the implications of essentially asking people who have NONE of the basic means to survive to just be tossed to the wind. 

And don't get it twisted. Mitt was talking about minorities.

Dog-Whistle Politics are nothing new here. None of these dudes are thinking of white people when they say it. Lets just be completely honest here. Mitt even had the balls to go to the NAACP and say "hey if you want free stuff go vote for the other guy"...did you all forget that? 

I have no problem with him making money. I have a problem with him not acknowledging that the rest of the world does NOT live like him nor had his upbringing. 
romney would've had a better chance had he picked someone like doug christie, who's WAY more of a guy people in da middle can stomach.

pickin ryan just to sure up da fringe right that push comes to shove were gonna vote for you anyways was bad business...
"...And so my job is not to worry about those people..." .........and this is the guy that wants to lead this country!? :smh:
dont be so naive...when this dropped it was a huge blowback for obama. one of his weaknesses are working class white folks, and this

comment came across as if he was elitist.

CNN were even comparing da romney tapes to this very obama dialogue.
SMH. I dunno why I'm even wasting my breath with you

We're not talking about how the media reacted to either candidates comments. We're talking about the content of each video

What Obama said didn't come lose to what Ronmey said, wasn't even in the same ballpark.

-And Mitt response to the leaked video
. Claims the comments could have been made more elegantly, and says he will do that at a later date.
umm no we're not, at least im not.

my whole point was how politically damaging each of these gaffes were doing a presidential race, of course i know where obama is coming from.

same way i know romney is coming from, sometimes being candid and knowing da facts isn't what gets you elected though, romney couldn't of said it any


hence why a article IN THIS THREAD directly compared da romney tape to obama's "disparaging gods and guns" remark.
romney would've had a better chance had he picked someone like doug christie, who's WAY more of a guy people in da middle can stomach.

pickin ryan just to sure up da fringe right that push comes to shove were gonna vote for you anyways was bad business...
doug christie?

You mean Chris Christie? The corrupt NJ governor? 

And this guy is pretty damn absurd if you ask me. He's even more repulsive than Paul Ryan...
dont be so naive...when this dropped it was a huge blowback for obama. one of his weaknesses are working class white folks, and this

comment came across as if he was elitist.

CNN were even comparing da romney tapes to this very obama dialogue.
SMH. I dunno why I'm even wasting my breath with you

We're not talking about how the media reacted to either candidates comments. We're talking about the content of each video

What Obama said didn't come lose to what Ronmey said, wasn't even in the same ballpark.

-And Mitt response to the leaked video
. Claims the comments could have been made more elegantly, and says he will do that at a later date.
umm no we're not, at least im not.

my whole point was how politically damaging each of these gaffes were doing a presidential race, of course i know where obama is coming from.

same way i know romney is coming from, sometimes being candid and knowing da facts isn't what gets you elected though, romney couldn't of said it any


hence why a article IN THIS THREAD directly compared da romney tape to obama's "disparaging gods and guns" remark.
disparaging gods and guns remark?

I don't see whats so disparaging about that. SOME people in non-rural america live by that mantra. On top of that, Barack didn't say ALL of his opponents were like that. He said that some where. Major distinction there. 

Its no different from sarah palin embracing "joe six packs"

The difference is that Obama didn't use that to distance himself from those people. He still wanted to embrace them even though he knew they wouldn't like him.

Romney just says since you won't vote for me, then screw you. All I need are the independents...
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Romney is very well-spoken.

Sure, it's a lot of misinformation and half-truths, but it sounds good.

Also, this won't change many opinions on him.
Hes well spoken because that was RAW Romney. No filter. That was him doing what he did for the past 40 years professionally. 

Hes an opportunist and a business man. In any other context, he'd be admirable.

As the president? Hes awful. 

You can't alienate effectively 50% of the population and use the pretense that all of them are just incapable and moronic. 

Obama isn't the president for black people, hes the president for all people.

Romney has effectively said hes the president for only people who care about him. 

Not even members of 3rd parties would dare say something that stupid. 
umm no we're not, at least im not.

my whole point was how politically damaging each of these gaffes were doing a presidential race, of course i know where obama is coming from.

same way i know romney is coming from, sometimes being candid and knowing da facts isn't what gets you elected though, romney couldn't of said it any


hence why a article IN THIS THREAD directly compared da romney tape to obama's "disparaging gods and guns" remark.

:smh:. The facts! what Romney said wasn't factual.

And he basically said he doesn't care about the people who don't support him and his views. That's all well and good if you're a King, or a dictator, or maybe even a CEO, but not the president of a democratic nation.
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romney would've had a better chance had he picked someone like doug christie, who's WAY more of a guy people in da middle can stomach.

pickin ryan just to sure up da fringe right that push comes to shove were gonna vote for you anyways was bad business...
doug christie?

You mean Chris Christie? The corrupt NJ governor? 

And this guy is pretty damn absurd if you ask me. He's even more repulsive than Paul Ryan...
naw b...paul ryan is all bad b.

CHRIS christie as corrupt as he is, he is known to work with democrats and come to some kind of a lil tight homie killed da 7 train line to jersey though.
I watched the news for the first time since I last seen the vid in this thread and they're tearing dude apart. It was already bad that he has no details for his alleged "solutions" and his overall platform just isn't compelling enough but I guess after all of the gaffs this moment of being a persuasive salesmen is gonna be the nail in his coffin. Liberal news stations can't stop going in on this.

Never thought he was gonna win but figured it might be close given the focus on nothing changing under Obama but at this point Barack could mail it in come the debates and win this easy.

Can't wait for the lulz on the daily show.
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For whatever reason, the Obama folks planned this move perfectly. This event was back in May. 

They've been sitting on this footage just waiting to throw it in our faces.

Well played.
I won't say I agree with everything Mitt said...
I also don't buy into people criticizing Romney for having these "wealthy donor" dinners. Like Jay-Z and Beyonce, or any of these Hollywood types aren't rolling in coin. Drives me crazy that people are upset about CEOs making millions of dollars (which in some cases they should be) but aren't mad at professional athletes "gettin' theirs" for playing a damn game. The hypocrisy is disgusting with some folks around the country (I see it all over the place).

If you don't understand the difference between ownership (Team Owner/Jerry Jones/ CEO/executive level) and worker (athlete/worker), you should only be disgusted with yourself.

Your statement "in which some cases they should be" further reinforces the difference. When it comes to the athlete/worker, there is no "some cases" they should be making millions. The athlete/worker has to be performing to the worth of his salary or he will be out of a job.
Romney is very well-spoken.

Sure, it's a lot of misinformation and half-truths, but it sounds good.

Also, this won't change many opinions on him.
Hes well spoken because that was RAW Romney. No filter. That was him doing what he did for the past 40 years professionally. 

Hes an opportunist and a business man. In any other context, he'd be admirable.

As the president? Hes awful. 

You can't alienate effectively 50% of the population and use the pretense that all of them are just incapable and moronic. 

Obama isn't the president for black people, hes the president for all people.

Romney has effectively said hes the president for only people who care about him. 

Not even members of 3rd parties would dare say something that stupid. 

This!!! Romney has his masters in business from Harvard. He isn't dumb but he has made a living capitalizing on the weak and naive. That works well in business to be cut throat and demonstrative. But as a president......not gonna need to have empathy for all people...i think this video shows he does not.
You guys are blowing that whole "I'm not not worried about those people" line out of proportion. He's in campaign mode, his job at this point is to get elected. It would make no sense to waste time and campaign resources to court voters that will never vote for him. This also works on the flip side, campaigns don't spend much time/money on voting blocs that they already have sewn up. We discussed this in the Obama ignoring black people thread. Now what Mitt said is damaging but truthfully, he just got caught saying what we already know about American voting process
You guys are blowing that whole "I'm not not worried about those people" line out of proportion. He's in campaign mode, his job at this point is to get elected. It would make no sense to waste time and campaign resources to court voters that will never vote for him. This also works on the flip side, campaigns don't spend much time/money on voting blocs that they already have sewn up. We discussed this in the Obama ignoring black people thread. Now what Mitt said is damaging but truthfully, he just got caught saying what we already know about American voting process

You can't say 47% of the people are dependent on the government. And effectively call them lazy bums, who don't want to work.. Then say you don't care about those people and want to be president of those people..

Just look at how dismissive he is of the 47-49% of the people he says would vote for Obama.. That's military, single mothers, struggling parents, doctors, lawyers, students, etc.

You can't just say You won't vote for me... **** you. I don't care about you at all..

He's not running for class president. He's running for President of the United States.
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There is absolutely no defending his blanketing of 47% of the population. He's just so out of touch with half of the country. To deny that EVERYONE is ENTITLED to food and housing is absolutely outrageous, but then again he's a Mormon Republican who's lived pretty damn comfortably, so I have to lower my standards for his sense of reality for the rest of us moochers.
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