MLB Trade Deadline thread - Everybody to LAD; Contreras to COL; Kazmir to ANA; Wagner to BOS.

Not unless they're ready to budge off that "We're not trading Buchholz, Bowden, Bard, or Masterson!" crap...

It'll take two of those guys (probably two not named Masterson) plus Lars Anderson probably...
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Heard a rumor on the radio about the Red Sox inquiring about Adrian Gonzalez.

That would be
Fixed. His power from the Left side of the plate in Fenway. Lets get it. And that would all but seal Mike Lowell's fate.
JohnnyRedStorm wrote:
Adam Laroche and Adrian Gonzalez? Theo is being greedy now.
Adam Laroche sucks and the Padres have no reason to trade Adrian since he makes no money and is signed for 2 more years after this one. Theyaren't getting him unless its an overwhelming offer.
Also assuming protection exists, nobody on the planet can protect Albert, pitchers are't going to throw him strikes no matter who is behind him.
Very solid move for both teams, but Beane got the better end of this that's for sure.
I suppose this guarantees Oakland will be swept in the four-game series they have with the Yankees.
So... The Cardinals added MORE than Wallace to get Holliday? Ugh...

I didn't think that Holliday deal would work out this well for Beane, but now he's basically turned Houston Street into Brett Wallace + Filler...
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

I wanna see how Machine does now.

He should stay on the tear he is on. Contrary to what Osh would like you to believe there is such thing as batter protection. But you cant protect arguably thebest hitter in baseball. He is protection for the other hitters before him. Thats like saying Manny can be protected. They are gonna get their no matter whatbecause you have to pitch them damn near perfect to get them out. But the protection aruguement is not something I want to get into again today so ill justleave it as that. Just wanted to say that this wont affect Albert at all. It just gives him someone t take some of the pressure off his shoulders since upuntil now its ben pretty much all him.

But STL did also traded for Lugo soooooooooooo kinda a wash. Nah j/p (Not really)
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

So... The Cardinals added MORE than Wallace to get Holliday? Ugh...

I didn't think that Holliday deal would work out this well for Beane, but now he's basically turned Houston Street into Brett Wallace + Filler...

When I said I wonder how Machine is gonna do, I was actually thinking his numbers would boost up.

And Batter protection does exist. Look at Ortiz. (And Tex before A-Rod got back)
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

When I said I wonder how Machine is gonna do, I was actually thinking his numbers would boost up.

And Batter protection does exist. Look at Ortiz. (And Tex before A-Rod got back)

I know, I said it DOES exist. But when you are as good as Albert and Manny I dont think it factors in. Because there is nobody (besides the other) that couldhit behind them and force a pitcher to pitch to them, rather than getting to the next batter in the lineup.

I didnt want to get into it with Osh because he seems to believe that there is no such thing as protection as well as a couple other well known truths inbaseball that he rufuses to believe because the AVG's dont add up to him.
With guys like Albert Pujols, Manny, Bonds, etc., there is no such thing as protection... Nobody is pitching to them in any spots, Matt Holliday and the likebe damned...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

With guys like Albert Pujols, Manny, Bonds, etc., there is no such thing as protection... Nobody is pitching to them in any spots, Matt Holliday and the like be damned...
Yeah the protection theory is overblown, however, look for Holliday to go on a tear. He is a great hitter on his own. He will be seeing betterpitches if he hits in front of Albert Pujols.

Solid move by the Cardinals, prospects are a crapshoot, with Holliday you know what you are getting.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

With guys like Albert Pujols, Manny, Bonds, etc., there is no such thing as protection... Nobody is pitching to them in any spots, Matt Holliday and the like be damned...
Yeah the protection theory is overblown, however, look for Holliday to go on a tear. He is a great hitter on his own. He will be seeing better pitches if he hits in front of Albert Pujols.

Solid move by the Cardinals, prospects are a crapshoot, with Holliday you know what you are getting.

exactly, ih he is put in the order right before Pujols... that will make for a lethal combo. Matt will see better pitches because Machine is starring thepitcher down from right behind him. Great move for the Cardinals (and I know some how this will work out great for Beane and the A's).
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

When I said I wonder how Machine is gonna do, I was actually thinking his numbers would boost up.

And Batter protection does exist. Look at Ortiz. (And Tex before A-Rod got back)

I know, I said it DOES exist. But when you are as good as Albert and Manny I dont think it factors in. Because there is nobody (besides the other) that could hit behind them and force a pitcher to pitch to them, rather than getting to the next batter in the lineup.

I didnt want to get into it with Osh because he seems to believe that there is no such thing as protection as well as a couple other well known truths in baseball that he rufuses to believe because the AVG's dont add up to him.

Na I know you said it does exist.

I was actually defending what you had said previously.
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