MLB Trade Deadline thread - Everybody to LAD; Contreras to COL; Kazmir to ANA; Wagner to BOS.

Just put it in the Mets thread:

Jon Heyman confirmed that the Mets DECLINED the OFFERED deal by the JP and the Blue Jays
Like I said in the Mets thread...right now that's not the right deal for the Mets...if they were in contention and healthy that's a steal for them ifit's just those 4 prospects.
It's still a steal for the Mets. Anytime you can get the best player in baseball for unproven minor leaguers who don't have Doc Halladay'spotential it's a steal. Niese, Parnell and Martinez will not have the impact on next year's team that Doc will. The Mets with Doc Halladay and a coupleof key acquisitions like Orlando Hudson, Freddy Sanchez and an everyday OF are World Series contenders.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Jon Heyman confirmed that the Mets DECLINED the OFFERED deal by the JP and the Blue Jays
Keith Law says Jon Heyman is full of !+%$.

I kinda hope that's true so I don't have to sit here and feel like a moron when Doc winds up with the Phillies because Omar wouldn'tpull the trigger.
the mets are done why are people even mentioning them in any sort of post? Phillies get him or noone they are the only team that have prospects that tor wantsand will part with. Drabak is a stud and i dont think the phillies will have to part with him in order to pull the deal off. If drabak is on the table then itsdone 100%. Drabak just would speed the process up.

I am a diehard Phillies fan, born and raised a Phillies fan, and Osh is straight hatin on the phillies for no reason. Happ isnt as good as his numbers arestating, but doesnt make him trash. I would deff part with him but he is 4th in era in NL. and to anyone that says thats a bs stat... haren, linecum, cain.thats 123 so i guess that ERA stat gets thrown out the window
Originally Posted by nnarum

Look at what we got for Johan... Carlos Gomez

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Jon Heyman confirmed that the Mets DECLINED the OFFERED deal by the JP and the Blue Jays
Keith Law says Jon Heyman is full of !+%$.

My %$!%%.


No way JP offered's not possible.

What the do you mean we are asking way too much, for one of the the best players in baseball? We have as much leverage as Texas did when they traded MarkTexeria look what they got, except Halladays value is HIGHER.
The Teixeira trade and the Johan trade need to be thrown out the window ENTIRELY as far as comparing what teams got in return go...

The Teixeira trade may well prove to be one of the best trades in the last 20 years for Jon Daniels and the Rangers... The Twins got flat out hosed in theJohan deal...

Two entirely different ends of the spectrum, and two pretty extreme examples of what you can expect to see as far as return for a superstar through trade...The Jays are NOT getting that kind of haul for Halladay. He may be more valuable than Teixeira, but he's not drawing that much in return, you can take thatto the bank...
Originally Posted by John2st

the mets are done why are people even mentioning them in any sort of post? Phillies get him or noone they are the only team that have prospects that tor wants and will part with. Drabak is a stud and i dont think the phillies will have to part with him in order to pull the deal off. If drabak is on the table then its done 100%. Drabak just would speed the process up.
Two problems.

1) all indications are that the Phillies don't want to give up Drabek.
2) if Roy Halladay was on your team, would you trade him for a return that features a pitcher who's already had TJ surgery?

Also, when every ESPN blowhard is making predictions that the Phillies are going to get him, you start to think that there's no chance they end up withhim.

Not saying it won't happen, but the idea that no other team has prospects, or that Philly is going to trade theirs are things we just don't know yet.
Tommy John is NOT a career threatening, major red-flag surgery like it used to be...

By all indications, Drabek's mechanics are better, his stuff is better, and he's a lot smoother, more efficient pitcher in terms of wastedmovement/motion in his delivery after the surgery...

If it were a labrum or other shoulder issue, I'd be concerned... But Tommy John is so damn routine any more it's really not a major concern, especiallywith Drabek where he's already SHOWN he's on the up-and-up... Command and control of pitches is always the last thing to come back after TJ surgery,and Drabek is issuing fewer BB/9 than any other point in his professional career...
[h4]Don't believe the hype[/h4]
The notion that the Jays cannot justify trading Halladay to the Phillies without acquiring Brown or the team's other top prospect, Class AA right-hander Kyle Drabek, is absurd.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

One scout who covers the Phillies says he likes Class A right-hander Jason Knapp, who is currently on the disabled list, even better than Drabek.

The same scout says he would be comfortable taking Class A outfielder Anthony Gose or Class AAA outfielder Michael Taylor if he could not acquire Brown.

Another scout says, "Michael Taylor is a beast. 6-foot-6, 250 pounds of athleticism and strength. Smart. Competitive. Throwback. Teammates call him 'The Renaissance Man.'"

Think back to the Rangers' haul for first baseman Mark Teixeira two years ago.

Yes, catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia, shortstop Elvis Andrus and left-hander Matt Harrison were the Braves' top three prospects according to Baseball America. But at the time, Andrus was in High A, right-hander Neftali Feliz was in Low A, Harrison was injured and Saltalamacchia was hardly considered a sure thing.

One GM says a team can look for three elements in its player package when completing such a blockbuster - quantity, quality and proximity to the majors. Rarely does a team get all three. The Rangers went for quantity and quality, and were willing to wait on prospects such as Andrus and Feliz to develop.

[h4]The Phillies are not just after Roy Halladay.[/h4]
Asked Monday if the team was still pursuing Indians left-hander Cliff Lee, one club official responded, "We have many balls in the air. And we are still looking for top-of-the-rotation help."
Halladay, 32, has a better track record than Lee, who turns 31 on Aug. 30. But Lee represents an excellent alternative, and it's in the Phillies' interests to create the perception that they have other options.

The question is whether they actually do.

Early talks between the Phillies and Indians over Lee went nowhere. The availability - and durability - of Mariners lefty Erik Bedard remains in question. And the Phillies do not seem interested in second-tier starters such as Diamondbacks lefty Doug Davis.

In theory, the price in talent for Lee should not be as high as the price for Halladay. But Lee is owed about $11.5 million in salary through 2010, including a club option. Halladay is owed about twice that much, making him - in one important sense - less attractive.

The Indians, knowing they cannot compete next season if they move Lee, would consider moving him only for a knockout proposal. Such a proposal would need to start with a major-league ready starting pitcher such as the Red Sox's Clay Buchholz or Braves' Tommy Hanson.

The Phillies have such a pitcher - left-hander J.A. Happ, who is 7-0 with a 2.68 ERA. Adding Class AAA right-hander Carlos Carrasco and Class A outfielder Dominic Brown to the package surely would get the Indians' attention. But if the Phillies were to trade Happ and Brown, they probably would prefer Halladay, right?

Halladay is 11-3 with a 2.73 ERA this season, while Lee is 5-9 with a 3.31 ERA - and the fifth-worst run support in the American League. Lee also leads the league with 136 innings pitched, though Halladay has thrown only four fewer innings in two fewer starts.

Teams use sliding scales when determining the values of potential trade acquisitions: What players are they giving up? How much salary are they taking on? Thus, Lee would be more appealing than Halladay, if the overall price was right.

In any case, the Phillies would be wise to explore every option. They are the front-runners for Halladay because they possess the right combination of desire, prospects and financial flexibility. Teams such as the Red Sox and Yankees seem to lack desire. Teams such as the Dodgers and Angels seem to lack the right players.
[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][/table]
The Phillies should not be fooled by their commanding lead in the NL East: They rank 13th in the NL in rotation ERA. Halladay would fit them perfectly. But so could Cliff Lee
The latest word from a source familiar with Philadelphia's thinking is that the front-running Phillies have decided they will not include top pitching prospect Kyle Drabek in a four-player package for superstar pitcher Roy Halladay, perhaps raising the chances that Halladay will be dealt elsewhere or maybe even stay with the Jays. The Phillies are believed to have told Toronto of their Drabek decision, but if they haven't yet they will inform the Jays very soon.

Philadelphia has a bevy of respectable prospects, but opinions around baseball vary as to how decent the deal might be for Toronto without the inclusion of Drabek. The two teams have been discussing prospects, including outfielder Michael Taylor, shortstop Jason Donald and pitcher Carlos Carrasco. One AL exec flatteringly referred to Taylor as "a beast," but another competing executive opined that Toronto would be unwise to deal with Philly and fail to come away without either Drabek or Jason Knapp, another pitching prospect. Yet another exec says they absolutely have to receive outfielder Dominic Brown if they can't get Drabek. In any case, the Phillies appear to be drawing a line below Drabek, and with them starting to run away in the NL East thanks to nine straight victories, it's almost understandable. Their need doesn't appear to be quite so urgent now.
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

The latest word from a source familiar with Philadelphia's thinking is that the front-running Phillies have decided they will not include top pitching prospect Kyle Drabek in a four-player package for superstar pitcher Roy Halladay, perhaps raising the chances that Halladay will be dealt elsewhere or maybe even stay with the Jays. The Phillies are believed to have told Toronto of their Drabek decision, but if they haven't yet they will inform the Jays very soon.

Philadelphia has a bevy of respectable prospects, but opinions around baseball vary as to how decent the deal might be for Toronto without the inclusion of Drabek. The two teams have been discussing prospects, including outfielder Michael Taylor, shortstop Jason Donald and pitcher Carlos Carrasco. One AL exec flatteringly referred to Taylor as "a beast," but another competing executive opined that Toronto would be unwise to deal with Philly and fail to come away without either Drabek or Jason Knapp, another pitching prospect. Yet another exec says they absolutely have to receive outfielder Dominic Brown if they can't get Drabek. In any case, the Phillies appear to be drawing a line below Drabek, and with them starting to run away in the NL East thanks to nine straight victories, it's almost understandable. Their need doesn't appear to be quite so urgent now.

+$** that noise.
I can honestly see Philly smacking anyone in the NL, they step up when it matters most (that goes for their pitching as well).
Okay, Metsblog reported again about Heyman and Law's takes on the situation with the Mets and Jays and the "deal" that was rejected by

The talks are that the Jays released this info to try and scare the Phillies into trading one more prospect to them (most likely Drabek as mentioned above)

The scouts that were talked to though feel that the Mets and Jays both rejected the deal because they want to make it bigger if both teams could.

There were no other players mentioned except the five guys from the other rumored deal (Martinez, Parnell, Tejada, Mejia for Halladay) and both Omar and JPgave no comments to the question about this trade and Omar went as far to say he has not rejected any deal from any ball club.

I think the Mets are trying to get Wells or Rios with Halladay and offer to pay one of those contracts besides Halladay.

I truly do not think any of this will happen but I think the Mets are trying to push this along and have guys that could play with our injured ball club.

Phillies though are the front runners in my opinion.
[h1]Blue Jays say July 28 is deadline for Halladay deal[/h1]July 21, 2009 wire reports
[font=Arial, Helvetica]TORONTO -- The Toronto Blue Jays say any trade for ace Roy Halladay needs to be completed by July 28.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]General manager J.P. Ricciardi said Tuesday the deadline is necessary to get all agreements in place for what would be a complicated deal. The GM also wants this matter resolved before Halladay makes a scheduled start July 29 in Seattle.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]To this point, the Blue Jays haven't seen any offers to their liking. That led Ricciardi to say a deal for his ace is now unlikely.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]The Blue Jays are seeking a high-end package of prospects for the 2003 Cy Young Award winner. Halladay is 11-3 this season with a 2.73 ERA.[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica]Copyright 2009 by STATS LLC and The Associated Press. Any commercial use or distribution without the express written consent of STATS LLC and The Associated Press is strictly prohibited.[/font]
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