Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

Monique is really in her feelings about those DotD comments. She shifted the goalpost. It was gender bias, color bias and now she's added ageism (even though Rock is over 50 as well). She got really specific toward the end: "How many older, black female comedians got million dollar deals from Netflix, Charlemagne?"

I like that Charlemagne never backtracked and he kept asking questions she couldn't answer. Were there other offers? What makes her think she's worth anything near Amy Schumer money?

LOL @ comparing anything she's been through to slavery or what sexual assault victims have been through.

Her husband/manager sounds like a cult leader. She calls him 'daddy?'
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Monique is really in her feelings about those DotD comments. She shifted the goalpost. It was gender bias, color bias and now she's added ageism (even though Rock is over 50 as well). She got really specific toward the end: "How many older, black female comedians got million dollar deals from Netflix, Charlemagne?"

I like that Charlemagne never backtracked and he kept asking questions she couldn't answer. Were there other offers? What makes her think she's worth anything near Amy Schumer money?

LOL @ comparing anything she's been through to slavery or what sexual assault victims have been through.

Her husband/manager sounds like a cult leader. She calls him 'daddy?'

My gfs called me "daddy". *Shrug*

Can't believe dudes even think that weird. Step ya game up.
:lol: @ a top 10 female comedian list with Monique being on it.

Dudes obviously don't listen to female comedians like that to even make a list and that's okay. No need to make wild statements.

Think most ppl would confuse being well known/popular for being funny for being a comedian. That list would end up having a lot of women on it that have never done stand up :lol:
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:lol: @ a top 10 female comedian list with Monique being on it.

Dudes obviously don't listen to female comedians like that yo even make a list and that's okay. No need to make wild statements.

Think most ppl would confuse being well known/popular for being funny for being a comedian. That list would end up having a lot of women on it that have never done stand up :lol:

Facts! She tried to twist the narrative on Lenard lol , wasn’t working though

I feel 500,000 was low after the details came out of no jokes for 2 years
I feel she is worthy of more, BUTTT I also feel she handled this whole thing wrong and let her impulsive petty side takeover and it just went left

Hope black women start getting higher pay
Really don’t like Monique trying to mislead people by making it seem like it’s a movie industry/gender/race thing when this is about COMEDY.

Anyway if she’s smart she will drop content or get some dates for shows for a short tour because all the media/press she is doing is incredible. Could’ve been the Netflix marketing plan if she took the lowball tbh but if she doesn’t do anything with this attention she is a fool
It's really no big deal. My girl calls me papi all the time.
There's a huge difference :lol:

I feel like all the chicks that have called me daddy, boo, baby on a consistent basis to the point I think they don't know my name have all been hood, ghetto, gangsta chicks or hood adjacent and if they weren't that they were all perverted freaks. Especially the white ones.

Papi is mad cultural. An exception imo.
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Yeah, it’s funny because you go to a restaurant or store and a female hispanic employee calls all the dudes “papi”. If she’s fine then I pretend she only says it to me.

Usually I see women call guys their daddy when they’re in a freaky relationship or they do some s&m stuff.
Ronald Reagan used to call Nancy "mommy"

Sounded like some real weirdo stuff coming from him :lol:
I can’t front, the ‘daddy’ thing threw me off.

It’s not weird for a woman to call her man daddy, but this was in public and in a very submissive fashion.

To each his own, though. Some women Are submissive in that way. Especially powerful women who tend to tell others what to do all day. Everyone needs a bit of balance.:lol::pimp:
I have to agree with Lenard da Gawd, if 500K is too low...why not go and start your own headliner and sell out arenas...not clubs...and then go back to Netflix w/ stats.

Nobody is checking for her....

Unless she has a supporting cast opening up for her, it would be a flop.
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still dont see how people
can try and diss a black woman
who knows her worth
the same folks who dressed up as comic book characters a week ago :smh:

Monique may know her worth but when she's ASKING an outside entity (that being Netflix) to place their value or estimate her worth to them she can't be mad at the amount......or less their of that they give.

After listening to TBC interview, her horrible sexual assault comparisons, and knowing that she owes the IRS $560K I hope Netflix offers another deal to Monique but this time for only $100K.....and tells her that she has to promote it herself. Monique DSERVES the negativity she is receiving as well as her being blackballed. In life your REPUTATION precedes you. Which is a lesson that Monique is having to learn the hard way.....which is good.

Also Monique is a VETERAN....not a LEGEND. There's a difference between the two.
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She's setting herself up.

She has said she is the "most decorated comedian alive" and she said she is a "legend"

If ...IF someone does offer her a special for the kind of money she's asking that **** better be got damb hilarious

But at this point I expect it to be more preachy than comedy.
Na I think she got it she's not the only one with a chip on her shoulder that isn't given the same opportunities now that they used to get that's doing **** out there that's worked on how funny they are.

I saw kat Williams awhile back and son was hilarious. He was funnier than ppl out now and that' probably due to him going through what he went through and now trying to prove a point
Monique kinda looks like Gabrielle union
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