Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

i hated how she said charlamagne doesn't respect black women just cause she got donkey of the day
sounds like a classic example of NT extremes

and then she said charlamagne lost his morals because she met him one day in an elevator and he held it open for her
**** outtta here

Yeah, such an illogical reaction. DOTD is a segment of the Breakfast Club and for sure she's not the only public figure that have been called that.

She built her defense on that and it snowballed into convoluted ridiculousness, especially when she brought up Charlemagne's upbringing. Charlemagne ain't perfect, either, he could be a d*** sometimes. She had TIME to go on Breakfast Club to air out her frustrations, talk about being on the "same level" as Chapelle, Rock, etc. as far profitability while disregarding the circumstances of her current status as a comedian.

IMO, Chris Rock's latest special wasn't all too good but how much he made out of it is another topic (probably ALOT since he mentioned his kids going to private schools in his special and it could pay for it :lol:). I won't watch Mo'nique since I could never relate to her style of comedy, but I don't disregard her abilities as a comedian. Sure, Netflix could have anted-up on her but her actions don't warrant these negative publicities that involve her personal life and career with other people.

She made numbers for sure, but that doesn't mean she's worth top dollar. Same goes with contract year players in sports who did work, got paid, and became terrible the following year.

500K for a special is solid money. I dont care how many awards she has had. Nobody is checking for Monique.

If anything the Netflix special could have opened up other opportunities for her.
500k ie generous enough. Nobody is signing up to watch a Monique special. Y'all gotta understand how they model works . They don't get paid on ads.
People keep saying this
But I don’t know what anyone will do
Just cause u won’t sign up to watch
Doesn’t mean someone else won’t
Y’all going to hard on her
Look past the other ****
And at least focus on the message
i hated how she said charlamagne doesn't respect black women just cause she got donkey of the day
sounds like a classic example of NT extremes

and then she said charlamagne lost his morals because she met him one day in an elevator and he held it open for her
**** outtta here
Well honestly
Ctg has gotten flak previously
For comments
And about him not respecting black women
Makes jokes about it in his podcast regularly as well
About it. So this ain’t nothing new
And may have some legitimacy
People keep saying this
But I don’t know what anyone will do
Just cause u won’t sign up to watch
Doesn’t mean someone else won’t
Y’all going to hard on her
Look past the other ****
And at least focus on the message

i halfway agree

im not a Monique fan
but i know they exist

that said being lowballed is not unique to our race

her being lowballed isnt racism

it business
it happens
if you think you’re worth more, prove it elsewhere
that would be a thousand times more effective than demanding a boycott from the same people who find standing together in solidarity difficult
i halfway agree

im not a Monique fan
but i know they exist

that said being lowballed is not unique to our race

her being lowballed isnt racism

it business
it happens
if you think you’re worth more, prove it elsewhere
that would be a thousand times more effective than demanding a boycott from the same people who find standing together in solidarity difficult
Totally agree with u
I just don’t get why
We find it so damn difficult to stand together
I’m sure most of us going back and forth
in this thread are black
And we can’t even get behind the cause
Even if we don’t agree on her drawing power
Shouldn’t we at least have came together on the message
Bet u if it was some homosexual person who felt a way
They probably woulda stood in solidarity
Even if just cause of principle
Why can’t we stand together :smh:
The white man did a number on us man :smh:
People keep saying this
But I don’t know what anyone will do
Just cause u won’t sign up to watch
Doesn’t mean someone else won’t
Y’all going to hard on her
Look past the other ****
And at least focus on the message

**** her message. She's not hot. Therefore she's not getting the money she think she deserves. Period. Oscar or not. She's washed.

I'm not being fooled like Monique is doing this for the betterment of our ppl. She felt slighted and is now using actual causes to get back at those she felt slighted by.

The entire gimmick reminds me of Trump when he's on some bull **** about certain issues.
A grown women is upset about Hollywood not taking her serious, when she’s out here calling her husband/manager “daddy” while discussing business on the air waves...

No real sensible business person will ever take them serious.

My personal assumption,

Sounds like she has “daddy” issues, b.
so dudes will get called babe or baby
by their girl
but dont like being called daddy
Babe or baby is universal and genderless.

We were all babies at one point. Not everybody were daddys

I remember this freaky white chick would call me daddy like like it was nothing. I ain't even smash yet. Then one time I walked in to her room and she said hey daddy to me while she was skyping with her parents.

Had me like


I refused to come within view of the webcam. She definitely had issues.
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