Mo’Nique wants you to boycott Netflix

her day job not being an actress right? like how a real actress' day job is acting? ok
You seem so proud to be ignorant here. Just ignorance all up in that post. Just denying facts. Don't get you playing the victim to say it was an insult :lol
Why continue to lie? I know you're lying :lol:

Which roles were stolen? :rofl:

It's a sad way to react when facts don't support you.

every role that oprah ever had is stolen

she takes roles from real actresses that act full time, not part time, and actually went to school/theater
Lee Daniels Told Oprah Winfrey Her First 'Butler' Take 'Sucked'

"I get real anxiety when I know I'm gonna cry," explains Winfrey. "I've carried that since The Color Purple [the 1985 film that earned Winfrey an Oscar nomination], when Steven Spielberg asked me to cry on cue and I couldn't. And I cried all night long because I didn't have the technical skill to do it."

like i said she cant act and she knows it because shes a part timer

But Daniels' daredevil spirit was infectious and his suggestion that she hire ace acting coach Susan Batson (who has worked with Nicole Kidman and Juliette Binoche, among others) was persuasive. "I said yes to The Butler because Lee Daniels was relentless. I did it to stretch myself," says Winfrey. "I did it to say, 'All right, can you do this again?' "

she sucked so bad he had to tell her get a coach, not all this "she studied acting" stuff

they didnt have this coach just on set to "work with" not teach, "work with" any actor that needed "help"

she had to pay her out her own pocket proving what an ego she has just cant let a real actress do the part instead

Daniels fretted about casting as well as financing. "I was nervous about Oprah," says Daniels, who cast her very early in the process. He didn't know whether she'd have chemistry with Terrence Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr. or Whitaker, who all were in contention for the lead. (He reportedly approached Denzel Washington earlier.) So he had them all audition with Winfrey.

see the real actors had to audition but since oprah is "gifted" parts she doesnt

Despite having two Oscar winners and the most popular woman on the planet, Daniels continued to have trouble getting financing. "Oprah and Forest [weren't enough to] greenlight the film," says Daniels. "That made me angry."

which would be the reason she was "gifted" this part, for her fame not her talent
every role that oprah ever had is stolen.
Just repeating lies different ways don't make them true.

You can't make up your own definitions for words and think anyone else will agree.

First dedication and now steal. You literally don't know what they mean. Your reasoning remains flawed and you seem to revel in your ignorance.
Just repeating lies different ways don't make them true.

You can't make up your own definitions for words and think anyone else will agree.

First dedication and now steal. You literally don't know what they mean. Your reasoning remains flawed and you seem to revel in your ignorance.

you dont know when you think dedication means a part time commitment

and steal yes is the correct word when oprah gets roles for everything else she has but her talent over real actresses
Her first take sucked. So? How many takes does a scene usually take?

She couldn't cry on cue in 1985. The Butler was made in 2013. Maybe she eventually learned? I don't think not being able to cry on cue makes you a bad actor.

Nothing wrong with hiring outside help. Kobe, Dwight, LeBron, Amare all took lessons from Hakeem.

Daniels worked with her previously on Precious. Maybe he liked working with her and did not hesitate to ask her to participate in an acting role this time?
Lee Daniels Told Oprah Winfrey Her First 'Butler' Take 'Sucked'

like i said she cant act and she knows it because shes a part timer

she sucked so bad he had to tell her get a coach, not all this "she studied acting" stuff

they didnt have this coach just on set to "work with" not teach, "work with" any actor that needed "help"

she had to pay her out her own pocket proving what an ego she has just cant let a real actress do the part instead

see the real actors had to audition but since oprah is "gifted" parts she doesnt

which would be the reason she was "gifted" this part, for her fame not her talent

Just gonna ignore this part of the same article?
Daniels, for his part, gets off on risk. "He loves an element of chaos and unpredictability," says Butler producer Pam Williams. Winfrey quickly got into Daniels' startlingly emotional, spontaneous directing style, and her performance wound up real enough to trigger Oscar buzz. "She became fragile, raw and vulnerable -- her eyes are so seductive and hypnotic," says Daniels.
It's interesting to me that you said her ego prevents letting "real actors" do the role and at the same time call her a part timer implying she isn't dedicated to acting.....
How is working with a coach after someone says your stink, so that you do better not determination?

Just so that I'm clear. What exactly is your criteria for a real actor or dedicated actor?
I'd be willing to bet the people involved mostly see Oprah in a role before they even start casting or even reach out to her about it. Doubt she's out here auditioning like "Oprah's here now, gimme that ****". By this goofy logic ya'll going around with h2h about, if a blessing is thrown your way and you're already in a good place in life, you need to turn it down.
I'd be willing to bet the people involved mostly see Oprah in a role before they even start casting or even reach out to her about it. Doubt she's out here auditioning like "Oprah's here now, gimme that ****". By this goofy logic ya'll going around with h2h about, if a blessing is thrown your way and you're already in a good place in life, you need to turn it down.

Exactly. Spielberg was specifically looking for a chubby chick with jheri curl or a similar doo and Quincy Jones suggested her because he was in Chicago for a Michael Jackson lawsuit.
“Steal”? How do when they were made for her or do NOT belong to anyone else in the first place? Not only that Oprah in a role brings in an audience believe it or not. There really is nothing to argue here
Her first take sucked. So? How many takes does a scene usually take?

She couldn't cry on cue in 1985. The Butler was made in 2013. Maybe she eventually learned? I don't think not being able to cry on cue makes you a bad actor.

Nothing wrong with hiring outside help. Kobe, Dwight, LeBron, Amare all took lessons from Hakeem.

Daniels worked with her previously on Precious. Maybe he liked working with her and did not hesitate to ask her to participate in an acting role this time?

you just said it

in 1985 she couldnt perform what the director wanted 30 years later the director tells her she sucks

being able to cry on cue is what real actors, not a part timer does for a living, not just as a pursuit of their own ego

and if not being able to cry on command, emote, perform to the directors direction doesnt make her a bad actor what does?

nba players getting help for their day job is not the same as someone needing help for a daliance

if daniels liked her and decided to put her in front of the camera thats still favoritism/her not earning it but getting roles more for other things than talent

real actors have to get roles on talent

Just gonna ignore this part of the same article?

It's interesting to me that you said her ego prevents letting "real actors" do the role and at the same time call her a part timer implying she isn't dedicated to acting.....
How is working with a coach after someone says your stink, so that you do better not determination?

Just so that I'm clear. What exactly is your criteria for a real actor or dedicated actor?

oscar buzz? did she even get the nomination?

not to to mention how political awards are where nominations are given more for the movie than performances

and its already recognized oprah doesnt appear in movies that arent "oscar buzz worthy" caliber movies

you know what determination is? actually going to a school/theater to learn acting

determination is actually earning roles and not being "gifted" them

if she loved acting like yall say she does she would been in law and order or some show/project that doesnt gain her critical acclaim but displays her love of acting

the criteria for a real actor is someone who ACTUALLY studied acting intensively (school/theater, not a one off acting coach in a role gifted to you)

someone who cant afford to work as intermittently as she does unless their talent dictates they can (DDL, dreyfus)

someone who has to audition for roles and not have them "gifted" to her

Quincy Jones approached her for her role in The Color Purple. I'd hardly call that stealing.

I'd be willing to bet the people involved mostly see Oprah in a role before they even start casting or even reach out to her about it. Doubt she's out here auditioning like "Oprah's here now, gimme that ****". By this goofy logic ya'll going around with h2h about, if a blessing is thrown your way and you're already in a good place in life, you need to turn it down.

again, if they do or if they dont the actress of oprahs talent level still has to audition

oprah is not some absolutely amazing actress that by virtue of her talent she is "gifted" roles

real actors have to audition all youre saying is that oprah isnt a regular actor, shes a part timer

its not "a blessing being thrown your way" when there are actors "grinding" to get what she is "gifted" for being rich and famous

its almost nepotism-esque

Exactly. Spielberg was specifically looking for a chubby chick with jheri curl or a similar doo and Quincy Jones suggested her because he was in Chicago for a Michael Jackson lawsuit.

and there arent "chubby chicks with a jheri curl" that actually act??

quincy jones talking to spielberg to give her a role is a relationship and ask based not on oprahs talent but her clout

her relationship with quincy jones and quincys relationship with spielberg are all exactly what im talking about when i say oprah has things working for her above her talent level to get her these roles

no actress has to get quincy to get them a role because they audition and get them the fair way

“Steal”? How do when they were made for her or do NOT belong to anyone else in the first place? Not only that Oprah in a role brings in an audience believe it or not. There really is nothing to argue here

oprahs talent isnt that that roles get "made for her" because she is so great

like the article pointed out, oprah gets roles because of her clout and her acting only serves her ego

she could have financed the movie and not been in it but the director knows the only way hes getting oprahs help/clout is because he HAS to give her a part in front the camera

the fact that other actors have to audition for what oprah is "given" just shows how much preferential treatment she receives due to her clout. not talent
and its already recognized oprah doesnt appear in movies that arent "oscar buzz worthy" caliber movies

She been in several crappy movies. That doesn't include movies for which she's done voice work. A Wrinkle in Time was a pile of sh*t.
She been in several crappy movies. That doesn't include movies for which she's done voice work. A Wrinkle in Time was a pile of sh*t.

they may have been crappy but they werent adam sandler movies were they?

she aint never come in jackass did she?

a wrinkle in time may have been a pile of **** but was it not highly anticipated/big budget block buster type movie?

like i said you wont see oprah in law and order cuz she loves acting so much

but she will steal roles that serve to bolster her image (ie Lacks)
they may have been crappy but they werent adam sandler movies were they?

she aint never come in jackass did she?

a wrinkle in time may have been a pile of **** but was it not highly anticipated/big budget block buster type movie?

like i said you wont see oprah in law and order cuz she loves acting so much

but she will steal roles that serve to bolster her image (ie Lacks)

Most of what she's been in has NOT been Oscar buzz worthy, which is what I was responding too.
Ok but how are they “stolen” roles? They didn’t belong to anyone. And what makes an”actor” accounts for nothing. Rihanna was in several movies. Megan Fox is Megan fox. Wise up man
Ok but how are they “stolen” roles? They didn’t belong to anyone. And what makes an”actor” accounts for nothing. Rihanna was in several movies. Megan Fox is Megan fox. Wise up man

they are stolen by virtue of the practice of acting includes auditioning

when you never have to audition its stealing

if you were standing in line at mcds (waiting for a role) and someone cuts the line in front of you because "they dont have to stand in line" (gets parts "gifted" to them) did that person not steal your spot in line (take a role you could have auditioned and gotten)?
they are stolen by virtue of the practice of acting includes auditioning

when you never have to audition its stealing

if you were standing in line at mcds (waiting for a role) and someone cuts the line in front of you because "they dont have to stand in line" (gets parts "gifted" to them) did that person not steal your spot in line (take a role you could have auditioned and gotten)?
That’s NOT how the industry works. This isn’t a broadway musical we’re talking about here. Same with commercials, modeling, etc. dude, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Leave it at that
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