Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by MAKITA

Originally Posted by Dusted718

I got my $$ on Hyper, I would be honored to narrate 
 Makita get off RKO D*%$ Robin, quit being a side kick...


If you was on xbox I'd beat you like your dad beat your mom little boy.

Listen you pee-on, take RKO and head back to that FAILED x box thread. I do not entertain conversation with fools who use was in sentence structure. First take a grammer class, second maybe you an RKO can go practice together on the Wii, start with some Mario cart, FPS is a little out of your league. Makita, trying to one up me with your third grade education is a loosing battle...
JMD, u a good dude... but... the irony
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by MAKITA


If you was on xbox I'd beat you like your dad beat your mom little boy.

Listen you pee-on, take RKO and head back to that FAILED x box thread. I do not entertain conversation with fools who use was in sentence structure. First take a grammer class, second maybe you an RKO can go practice together on the Wii, start with some Mario cart, FPS is a little out of your league. Makita, trying to one up me with your third grade education is a loosing battle...
JMD, u a good dude... but... the irony

Ha, touche! I am a scholar, never said I could spell..
Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by Dusted718

Listen you pee-on, take RKO and head back to that FAILED x box thread. I do not entertain conversation with fools who use was in sentence structure. First take a grammer class, second maybe you an RKO can go practice together on the Wii, start with some Mario cart, FPS is a little out of your league. Makita, trying to one up me with your third grade education is a loosing battle...
JMD, u a good dude... but... the irony

Ha, touche! I am a scholar, never said I could spell..

Originally Posted by MAKITA

Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by MAKITA

And I'm the one with the third grade education huh?
I guess the public school system in NY isn't that much better than in Vegas I see? 


NVM you edited 2 times and you still didn't correct YOUR spelling mistake. You must have been homeschooled by your mom, who has a third grade education.


Who are you anyway? Be gone, your wasting space in a worthy thread...

Trying to back down on something you started?


Oh yeah....



Back down, hardly, again you using words like isn't, far surpasses me not spell checking. What rebuttal do you have now? My intellect is far to much for your pathetic self...
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Originally Posted by MAKITA

Originally Posted by Dusted718

Ha, touche! I am a scholar, never said I could spell..


  I havnt seen you in like 4 months and you pop up talking!@#$ in a COD thread?
ay you going to Jr's thing next week? 

Whattup rob.
Just checkin up on my homies here in the ps3 MW3 thread.

and you know me!

99% chance of me going to j's party. You gonna be there right?

  I havnt seen you in like 4 months and you pop up talking!@#$ in a COD thread?
ay you going to Jr's thing next week? 

Whattup rob.
Just checkin up on my homies here in the ps3 MW3 thread.

and you know me!

99% chance of me going to j's party. You gonna be there right?

yea ill bring a bottle or 2 
Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by MAKITA

Originally Posted by Dusted718

I got my $$ on Hyper, I would be honored to narrate 
 Makita get off RKO D*%$ Robin, quit being a side kick...


If you was on xbox I'd beat you like your dad beat your mom little boy.

Listen you pee-on, take RKO and head back to that FAILED x box thread. I do not entertain conversation with fools who use was in sentence structure. First take a grammar class, second maybe you an RKO can go practice together on the Wii, start with some Mario cart, FPS is a little out of your league. Makita, trying to one up me with your third grade education is a losing battle...
Wait a minute son. I picked you up from the island of misfit COD players. Now you're pissing on my name? Where's the love?

I gave dudes a shot that wouldn't normally make a squad. I tried to see if we could work as a unit to beat the top dogs. For that I'm getting my name slandered left and right?



You know, when I first started playing with you all. I used to have so much fun. I used to enjoy playing with all of you. I used to smile when I saw you guys online.



But at some point during my captain run in the first Black Ops season, Boost McMahon hit me up on PSN and said "Hey RKO, you my mans. I know you better than maybe anybody in the NTCODF. You don't joke anymore. You don't laugh anymore. It's like you lost you smile".


Then it hit me. I wasn't having fun anymore. I'd had in fact, lost my smile.


I'm not sure where exactly I lost it, but I have to go back. I have to go back and find my smile. I. I can't... Sorry...



RKO how old are you son..........

oh also how are the Bengals above .500 with all the idiotic mistakes that team makes that team is really football ******ed
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by MAKITA


If you was on xbox I'd beat you like your dad beat your mom little boy.

Listen you pee-on, take RKO and head back to that FAILED x box thread. I do not entertain conversation with fools who use was in sentence structure. First take a grammar class, second maybe you an RKO can go practice together on the Wii, start with some Mario cart, FPS is a little out of your league. Makita, trying to one up me with your third grade education is a losing battle...
Wait a minute son. I picked you up from the island of misfit COD players. Now you're pissing on my name? Where's the love?

I gave dudes a shot that wouldn't normally make a squad. I tried to see if we could work as a unit to beat the top dogs. For that I'm getting my name slandered left and right?



You know, when I first started playing with you all. I used to have so much fun. I used to enjoy playing with all of you. I used to smile when I saw you guys online.



But at some point during my captain run in the first Black Ops season, Boost McMahon hit me up on PSN and said "Hey RKO, you my mans. I know you better than maybe anybody in the NTCODF. You don't joke anymore. You don't laugh anymore. It's like you lost you smile".


Then it hit me. I wasn't having fun anymore. I'd had in fact, lost my smile.


I'm not sure where exactly I lost it, but I have to go back. I have to go back and find my smile. I. I can't... Sorry...



Point duly noted, yeah I jumped on the opportunity because you left yourself wide open. When you put it like that I can sit here an say yes it was wrong and I am sorry.
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

RKO how old are you son..........

oh also how are the Bengals above .500 with all the idiotic mistakes that team makes that team is really football ******ed

The Bengals are a second half team. It'll go down to the wire if they get something going soon.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

RKO how old are you son..........

oh also how are the Bengals above .500 with all the idiotic mistakes that team makes that team is really football ******ed

The Bengals are a second half team. It'll go down to the wire if they get something going soon.
23? ohh ohkay wrestling analogies truly noted
but they wont get anything going
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

RKO how old are you son..........

oh also how are the Bengals above .500 with all the idiotic mistakes that team makes that team is really football ******ed

The Bengals are a second half team. It'll go down to the wire if they get something going soon.
23? ohh ohkay wrestling analogies truly noted
but they wont get anything going

Are we going to act like people aren't familiar with 90's pro wrestling. NT's primary COD Clan is named after a group of wrestlers. The Kliq! I've gotten flake before for using wrestling analogies here.


You're one of them

Don't front. You know what time it is.

Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

so whos on the list so far for Captainas?


??? is that right we need 2 more and if we cant find an eighth ill step up

who is Shoes and Lanzer?

I'm in for giving people a chance to show they good captains.. but yall aint learn from the Tomsbrady or RKO incidents?

Yall remember RKO got the boot from JMD and wasbo HAHA.  That %%#+$ was straight dookie.. going 5-20 his last game lol.
  u were in that lobby?  when keith said 'damn, u know these &*(&*( ain't ready he just startin windows" and everyone in the lobby waitin

brady the goat deal w/ it nt/usa

if u doyt agree i will ether u verbally. i am the greatest creative writer of our generation

EDIT: i will outwirte meth and rex ANY day. BRING IT. COME AT ME BROS.  U WILL BE DEFEATED.....and i love these dudes but they will get destroyed....LITERALLLY
Wait how did I become a captain?! Lol. I haven't done a nt tournament before, so I wouldn't know how me being captain would work out.
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