Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I think Ill just leave this here...

we whooped yall already so ill allow this.
okay so Capts list is now







You should captain a spot. That's 6.Lanzer you can do it. Just pick a team of solid guys and run a lot of games together in multiple game modes.
So what, we bout to set tourneys or something or we just gon watch the 1v1 for the lulz
Either way I'm
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Donut is NOTORIOUS for throwing @!!#@% in the captain pool but never steps up himself

what in gods name i captain the last 2 seasons and the failed COD 4 tourny 
Is it just me or does this game make a point of respawning you right where you died or 2 feet in front of someone that just kills you?
good game earlier guys. i finally ran with a party of nt'ers and finally got my win streak at double digits

i don't play as much as i used to, but if im online and you guys need an extra man for your team, send me an invite, thanks.
My K/D is now 1.91 and rising. I know some of yall got 2.00+ laughing, but I was a 1.68 just a mere 3 weeks ago. That latest hotfix / FW update did wonders for my connection. Feels good. Game is feeling much better, I'm loving it, zero complaints when I run alone.

Now when I run with most of NT, I only have 2 - 3 bars, smh, and I start lagging all over the place. Only person I have a straight connection with is JMD, Vintage, Jason, xSupreme87 and the Freshest. Illo, Donut, Battousai yall my dudes, but your host connection $%%#! on mine
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

Ray should be a captain just so i can hear his voice when hes announcing his picks

ive been captain back in the co4 days and i still would now
but i dont play this game that much anymore and put too many hours, so im not familiar with the maps and spawn points. more importantly theres so many new players that i dont recognize, i wouldnt know who to pick for a team.

too busy doing other things
i can only pull 3 bars in this game which is still to laggy. they need to fix matchmaking and lag comp i was knifed around a corner before i got there

stupid you get nothing for pulling a M.O.A.B
The FAD + Specialist = 

Feels like what the AUG was in MW2 but faster.

Lag is still funky though. Sometimes it's really good, other times it's laughable.

Heartbeat sensor is still for @!@*$#$ too.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by MAKITA


If you was on xbox I'd beat you like your dad beat your mom little boy.

Listen you pee-on, take RKO and head back to that FAILED x box thread. I do not entertain conversation with fools who use was in sentence structure. First take a grammar class, second maybe you an RKO can go practice together on the Wii, start with some Mario cart, FPS is a little out of your league. Makita, trying to one up me with your third grade education is a losing battle...
Wait a minute son. I picked you up from the island of misfit COD players. Now you're pissing on my name? Where's the love?

I gave dudes a shot that wouldn't normally make a squad. I tried to see if we could work as a unit to beat the top dogs. For that I'm getting my name slandered left and right?



You know, when I first started playing with you all. I used to have so much fun. I used to enjoy playing with all of you. I used to smile when I saw you guys online.



But at some point during my captain run in the first Black Ops season, Boost McMahon hit me up on PSN and said "Hey RKO, you my mans. I know you better than maybe anybody in the NTCODF. You don't joke anymore. You don't laugh anymore. It's like you lost you smile".


Then it hit me. I wasn't having fun anymore. I'd had in fact, lost my smile.


I'm not sure where exactly I lost it, but I have to go back. I have to go back and find my smile. I. I can't... Sorry...



"I have spent the best years of my life giving people the lighter pleasures, helping them have a good time, and all I get is abuse, the existence of a hunted man."

Spoiler [+]
-Al Capone

Originally Posted by MJair

What's all this nonsense..

Bring GUTTA BOB back in the mix.

Someone please insult me some more.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Modern Warfare 3 Captain Sign-up 


a) This is for captains sign up only, DO NOT sign-up for the tournament or start a list, don't be that ignorant %*%$ face. 

b) To be a captain you need an overall 1.50 K/D or higher. This has been bumped up from the previous 1.00 K/D. 

c) You must be a COD vet. If this is your first COD or your first time taking part in this, sit down. This is for well established personnel. 

d) We need 8 captains, for 8 teams. This will be a tournament first.

e) If we get enough captains in time, the FFA will take place January 4th, 2012 @6PM PST (schedule subject to change). 

d) Tournament rules will be discussed later, don't ask or suggest anything right now. 

The Map is, 



1. Raadius | 1.85

2. justreason | 1.71

3. Ning726 | 2.18





We need 5 more yall. 
Originally Posted by deFOBking

just wonder how are the players for the team gonna be picked??

everybody signs their name up in a list 
captains hold a FFA to determine draft order 

then they pick from said list

You'd be smart to have a cut-off for sign-ups too. No random dudes throwing their names into free agency, and no trades after the first week.

Players holding out like it's NBA off season, controlling where they go = no bueno.

If you really wanna be fair, don't do a FFA for draft order either. Pick the order out of a hat and stick to that order throughout the rounds. It'll help prevent the strongest captain from constantly getting the strongest first pick out the gate.
hey guys, I haven't played recently but I would love to play in the tournament.

I'm pretty good and amazing when I play with NTers.
is there anyway to ensure I get a spot on a team?
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

You'd be smart to have a cut-off for sign-ups too. No random dudes throwing their names into free agency, and no trades after the first week.

Players holding out like it's NBA off season, controlling where they go = no bueno.

If you really wanna be fair, don't do a FFA for draft order either. Pick the order out of a hat and stick to that order throughout the rounds. It'll help prevent the strongest captain from constantly getting the strongest first pick out the gate.

Man, this is the 4th COD game.  A lot of ppls has grown up since COD4 in 07.. OGs don't play much, they all having babies, and new faces don't get much credit around here.

This is a good opportunity to start it off with the hat pick method like the very 1st season.  We'll all be forced to play with people we don't know.  Of course the risk involved is all these new dudes don't take the game srs.

@Boost, you planning to make a new thread or keep it all in here.  New thread might give the tourneyment more exposure.

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

hey guys, I haven't played recently but I would love to play in the tournament.

I'm pretty good and amazing when I play with NTers.
is there anyway to ensure I get a spot on a team?

Easy.... keep checking the thread.  Tourneyment starting soon so sign ups are coming in a week or 2.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

If you really wanna be fair, don't do a FFA for draft order either. Pick the order out of a hat and stick to that order throughout the rounds. It'll help prevent the strongest captain from constantly getting the strongest first pick out the gate.

Wasn't this the OG way Boost did it ? 
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