I'll try to get mine from Eastbay. Limited releases in big sizes is always a bad experience.
hope i can cop from my foot locker, i really don't want to hit the mom and pop cuz they're gonna be high taxing
Also can anyone chime in from the east/southeast about if these are coming to DTLR??? They got the OLNL, are an urban account store (LS shoes/apparel), and Ithink they got the DMP when it came out too but i'm not exactly sure about that...
Originally Posted by RKO2004

and i dont understand ppl....if JB had stocked more of the packages ppl would be complaining how they made too many...its way better that the packages are limited that way when someone sees me wearing the can eyeball me and my shoes like "he got some heat"

I pray your joking on that last line playboy.

I'd rather them make too many than too few.Screw brand image, your just asking for it when you release to few of something thats in high demand.

Word to Elmo.

I think there are various factors that go into something like this. It's not always on the manufacturer. It could be possibly that FTL wants to start off slow to get a gage for how the packs will sell, since this is really only the third package deal they've had so far. It may be that they deliberately keep #'s low on packages they're not sure will be hot sellers, then order huge amounts for others like the XI/XII or XIV/VII that they anticipate will do far better. And of course, it could be simply JB trying to limit production to create hype and continue to build brand image. It seems odd to many to limit something in high demand, but that's exactly how you build & maintain such demand - by not actually meeting it on the supply end, as to keep consumers wanting.
I do agree though that a fair # of packages should be available to purchase via flightclub however, so that even peeps in Scranton, PA
can cop if they like.

Excellent points.Lets hope your right.

I don't think that thats footlockers strategy... I mean they bought a ton of the olnl packs right? Also, I work at a shop taht carries JB and I'mallocated 12 for the first 3 packs...but then my numbers go down to 9 for the next three.... Its a dire situation folks.... I think that JB's doin this togenerate the crazy hype that the grapes brought last year. Perhaps they feel that they lost a bit of that "I gotta get it" feel by goin GR on theolnl, the aquas and soon to be the playoff VIII's. Every release this year was allowed to be bought on discount according to my guys atfootaction/champs/footlocker. Honestly speaking it wasn't JB's strongest year in terms of the control of their supply vs. demand which contributes tothe longevity of the brand. I mean 23 years of this kinda brand recognition is almost unheard of. Have faith in JB... I do.... well atleast most of the timehahaha. ahem...retro 11 lows LS..... hahahaha. peace ya'll
^Limited GR. I wonder if my DM is gonna try and be funny and not even take care of his employees if these are that limited.
dont wanna make anyone mad but i got 6 packs on hold....2 for me 2 for cousin and 2 for the highest bidder.. hahaha.. sorry have to do it
If I can't get a pack from either a hook-up or online, I'm not buying. Waiting in a line is not my steez. The young ones can have all that glory.

Real talk.

While I do want a couple of these packs, I aint jumping through any rings of fire to obtain them. They should just make these GR.
POO.... but me down for a size 12..... how much is the shipping for these on your site
Originally Posted by A9omys

dont wanna make anyone mad but i got 6 packs on hold....2 for me 2 for cousin and 2 for the highest bidder.. hahaha.. sorry have to do it

Originally Posted by d e beatup

Originally Posted by A9omys

dont wanna make anyone mad but i got 6 packs on hold....2 for me 2 for cousin and 2 for the highest bidder.. hahaha.. sorry have to do it

Thanx d e, You saved me time. I was can look for cookie to post.
that sounds like its just for footlocker brand, not champs and footaction, and kids footlocker will get them to since there coming in gs im guessing but thatnumber seems kinda low. but i wonder how many finishline getting.
I remember when shoes were worth waiting out for...I mean a butchered 10 and a 13 that most people wear fakes of, and its overpriced...The DMP wouldn'thave been worth waiting for if it wasn't the 6 & 11...
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